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Just A Number

Chapter 60

*JK’s POV *

I quickly got out of the car and ran into the school building, I just hope she’s still here. How could this be, all this time she’s been talking about Agust D, it was all starting to make sense now. I’m such an idiot for saying those things to her, I just need to see her.

I followed the sign that led me to the music room where Minyong said they would be in, “please be there,” I said to myself, I walked into the dim room and Yuna was nowhere there…except for…him. “Hyung?” I whispered. He turned around lightly smiling at me, his eyes were red as if he was crying, “Long time no see kid.”

*Flashback *

One of the girls Agust-hyung was seeing called me from his phone frantic, “He’s at it again!!” she screamed I can hear hyung in the background yelling and throwing stuff around, “Please Jungkook hurry!” Fuck.

I arrived at hyung’s apartment and quickly ran up to his floor, there was so much noises coming from inside his door. The door flung open and the girl quickly ran out screaming, “He’s crazy!” I ran in and saw his apartment thrashed, fuck, this is the 2nd time this happened this month.

Hyung was throwing things around, glass bottles, papers, vases, he was drunk again. I walked in and grabbed him by the arm, he pushed me away hard almost knocking me down to the floor. “Hyung stop it right now!” I tried to stop him by running to him but he grabbed me by the shirt and threw me to the ground.

I didn’t think he had that much strength in him since he’s smaller than me, I quickly got back up and charged after him, failing, as he forcibly pushed me into the wall. I don’t…I don’t want to hurt him but he’s leaving me no choice.

“You fucking think you can stop me?! Eh?!” He yelled, the look of madness in his dark eyes, this isn’t hyung, this isn’t the guy who taught me so much about music and this business, this is not him, I don’t know who this is. I got up and with all my might punched hyung in the face making him slightly fall to the floor.

I hurt my hand. He slowly looks up at me with blood dripping from the side of his mouth, he got up and went straight for me grabbing me by the shirt, “Hyung, stop it!” I cried, he was weak staggering gripping my shirt, he tried to hit me but fell into me causing us to both fall to the floor, “stop,” I whispered crying holding onto him as he passed out on my chest, “stop.”

I woke up to the smell of a cigarette burning, I shifted my eyes to see hyung smoking on his balcony. My hand was throbbing from punching him in the face last night, I slowly got up to walk to the balcony. He didn’t acknowledge my presence, just kept smoking, “hyu—,”

“Go home,” he quickly said still looking out the view. “Look, I can understand you’re upset about--,” “You can’t understand anything about me,” he coldly said finally looking at me, dried up blood was still on the side of his lip, “get out of here kid, go.” He said looking back out inhaling his cigarette.

I deeply sigh before leaving his side, after knowing him for so long I realize that I don’t exactly know him at all. What is troubling you hyung, what?

It’s been a week since hyung’s incident, I haven’t seen nor heard from him since, I just hope he’s okay. It was our summer holiday and Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok who I just met not too long ago decided to take a road trip.

“Where exactly are we going?” Jimin asked putting his bag in the car. “Anywhere but Seoul,” Namjoon smiled, “We have everything?” I asked getting in, “No, Agust isn’t here yet,” “Agust?...he’s coming??” I raised my brows, “Yeah, and there he is,” I turned my head to see Agust hyung walking in our direction, he looks back to normal.

“Man you’re almost late, we were going to leave you!” Hoseok teased, Agust lightly chuckled and got into the car. I was hesitant speaking to him but he greeted me by tapping my shoulder and lightly smiling, I guess…we’re okay.

We drove about 3 hours south of Incheon, it was getting late but still light out, we decided to stay the night at a cheap hotel that was across the ocean. “Ugh yes! Finally I can move by legs!” Hoseok yelled stretching,

“I’m going to get our room keys,” Namjoon said heading to the hotel office, I decided to stay out and to take in the scenic view as it reminded me of home back in Busan.

I really do miss home, I sigh thinking about what I would be doing if I weren’t doing all of this idol stuff. “Mind if I joined ya?” I looked up and saw Agust plopping down sitting beside to me,


He smiled at me and looked out into the ocean, I didn’t know what to say to him so I just kept quiet. “Hey kid,” he broke the silence, he was still looking out into the ocean, “About last time…” he took out a cigarette and began lighting it, “I was wrong and apologize.” He said nothing else, and I nodded my head.

I just…really want to know what’s been going on with him lately, “hyung, you’re…okay, right?” I asked, he side-eyed me exhaling smoke, “Yeah kid, I’m fine, just…couldn’t really handle my liquor,” he chuckled.

I didn’t believe him but I’ll let him leave it at that, “You promise you’re okay?” gave me a big smile which made his gums visible, he hardly ever smiled like that, “You know, you remind me of someone.” He said flicking the cigarette into the water, “Who?” “My little brother.”

He has a brother? Before I could ask Jimin and Hoseok called out to us to give us our room key. “C’mon kid,” Agust stood up holding out his hand for me, I grabbed it as he helped me up,

“Let’s have some fun on our vacation.”

During the whole week, we traveled to many places, enjoying ourselves. This was my first time and having fun in a very long time.

but I felt like it was going to be our last time

because the very next week, hyung left Seoul for good.



♥ ❤ ♥

Cilajaeyoung Cilajaeyoung

Aiishhh this getting dramtic !! Yoongi why???

CasanovaDreams CasanovaDreams


yes it's Suga sorry I forgot to write it in the notes xD
but thank you stay tuned! xD

charx2 charx2

What the fuck? Is that Suga? Or is it someone else I'm freaking out can't wait for the update!!!