Mended Heart
Every Single Word
I have disappeared for at least 2 months, I'm sorry! I will explain below. But first, enjoy this short update.
Song: GOT7(JB)- Forever Love
~Jackson’s POV~
I was nervous about what (Y/N) wrote. I took a deep breath and started reading it.
The lock said:
“I love him, and he loves me. I care about him, and he cares about me. I could never ask something better. He was the one that help me open my eyes once again I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with him. And one day, we will have children that will remind us of our youths. Youth is something beautiful. Therefore, we should treasure it. Love you, Jackson
Whoa, It’s like I have been slapped, IN A GOOD WAY!
I was heart-warmed. I was touched. I looked at (Y/N). She seems to be on the verge of crying. That made me worried.
Jackson: Jagiya W-What's wrong? Did I write something wr-wrong?
(Y/N): *sniffles, chuckles, wipes eyes* Ani, There’s dust in my eyes .
Jackson: Aww~ Is my Jagiya touched? *chuckles*
I held out my arms
Jackson: Come here
(Y/N) walked into my embrace.
(Y/N): Did you mean it? What you wrote?
Jackson: Of course! Every single word.
(Y/N): I meant every single word too.
Jackson: *smiles* Good.
I kissed her forehead.
Jackson: Jagiya? Remember the promise I made you?
(Y/N): The one you made when you confessed to me? Yes.
Jackson:I’m doing well on it, right?
(Y/N): *smiles* You proven that for sure.
I smiled.
I wiped her tears away.
Jackson: Stop crying. Now, let’s lock these.
We walked toward the railings and searched for a spot where we could lock ours, together...
Okay, okay. Before you guys yell at me for being on SUPER long hiatus without telling you guys. I'm sorry for being so inactive. I have recently been engrossed in school and algebra (ugh...). But let me tell you lovelies now, I will update whenever I can. I'm sorry that this is so short. I will post for my new story if I can soon. Thank you for the wait! -TuanTuan
Special thanks to my readers who commented on my story! Here is just a little something I made for you guys. Don't take it personally if you feel offended, it's just how I felt.
I thank you, @MarksonMandu, for being the very first to comment on my very first story. It made me glad that someone noticed me and was enjoying my story. Thank you!
I thank you, @Yerdy1999, for guessing the plot of one of my chapters right. I was so happy that you were actually reading it ad you actually tried to answer my question. Thank you!
I thank you, @gotiexo, for being there and reading my story (even though I took forever). I am happy that how we are still in contact and I feel happy that you send requests to me. I will happily write your scenario. Thank you!
I thank you, @Coconut_Mango, for being so friendly and nice to me. Your kindness made me happy. It helps me think positively and happy when I'm writing my chapters. Thank you!
I thank you, @Minghoon9397, for the encouragement you have given me. I still remember when I panicked because of the sudden drop in my ratings. I was glad that you were there to tell me everything was okay. Thank you!
I thank you, @I_Enjoy_Food, for the supportive comment you wrote. Believe me, I look at it sometimes when I doubt in my writing. It really ensures me that I am doing what I want to do and I am going to keep doing it. Thank you!
I thank you, @catdog21, for your ethusiastic personality in your comments. It made me very excited to advance in this hobby I have for writing fanfictions. Please keep continue making my day with your great words! Thank you!
In summary, I thank all of you. Please don't take the number of lines I type for you as who I favored more or less. Trust me, my gratitude can't be expressed through words on this little comment box. I hope we can continue advancing together! 사랑해❤~! - TuanTuan