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Chapter 19

The following morning, I got up and had breakfast delivered to our room. As me and Jewel was eating breakfast, I was busy ordering our plane tickets to Japan. As Jewel was eating,she glanced out at me and wondered if I should meet my father. When she said that it made me realize that something-that it would be a good idea. We both hurried and put on our best outfits. Then, the rest we packed away in our suitcase to take with us to Japan.

Image result for korean fashion*Jewel's outfit*Image result for korean fashion*Jessica's outfit*

We both left our room and headed down into the lobby to the car. We headed to Fenty Rose only to talk with him for a while. We entered the company, the employee's was so stunned to see us both as we walked by. As I walked by them, I chuckled at them as they were the very one's who used to hate me. Who clearly ruined my life at this company and now I finally got to leave this place.

I could tell that Diana had this place refurnished and run the way she wants it to be. I entered my father office,but I didn't expect Diana to be standing along side my father. We both sat down in the chairs right in front of both of them with our legs crossed with a serious face.

''What are the both of you doing here?'' Diana said displeased with our visit

''Well, we came because my father call to see me and so I decided to bring my mother along.'' I replied

''Jessica, you don't belong here in my company.'' she said with a smirk

''Right, I don't. However, I applaud you for taking away everything that was suppose to me mine in the end. My company, my house, my family and my husband.'' I replied softly

''Father, you aloud all this to happen by having an affair with some Thai bitch and bringing her daughter into this family. She has never worked a day in her life to get where she is, unlike me whom has actually did what you told me to do without any complains. Furthermore, she has taken everything away from me and you aloud it.'' I replied irritated

''All you were was a spoiled little brat whom would rather spend your day shopping like your mother. You didn't do anything,but cause problems. Furthermore, you weren't the daughter I wanted you to be as I didn't hand you Fenty Rose. Moreover, you were as useless as your mother was.'' My father stated seriously

''Father, that is lovely to know how you always felt about me. Thank you, for now telling me how useless I'm and still are. Besides, I hope both of you're happy now because I no longer have anything. So, what do I have to lose now that you have everything.'' I responded unbothered

''I don't know why I ever married you in the first place. You really are a handful, I should've listened to my parents about you.'' Jewel said walking out of his office

''Oh, before I go. I hope you all enjoy your lives with this bullshit of a company,called Fenty Rose. By the way, your make-up choices are terrible.'' I said as I left his office

''How dare you!'' Diana yelled out

''Let them go, Diana.'' Father said

After the long conversation, we headed out and headed back to the hotel to pay for our stay. Then, we headed to the airport only to head to Japan. However, before going to the airport I needed to make one more special trip. I went over to Kimberly's house only to give my last farewell to her. As I arrived at her house, their was her and Jimin making out in her living room area.

I laughed at the both of them as I hugged them both. When I made my surprise visit, their faces was totally stunned. I sat down before them and told them both that I would miss them. However, when I said that they looked at me funny and confused. It was hard for me to tell them,but it needed to be said. As I told them my plans of leaving, tears started running from my face. I didn't want to leave them,but it had to happen.

''Jessica, their is something I wanted to tell you and I properly should've told you long time ago.'' he said hesitantly

''What is it Jimin?'' I asked wiping my tears

''About Suga, he and Diana used to go to school together. They went to the same business school in Thailand as Shaun and Henry. He has always been in love with her,but his mother didn't know as she already had the arranged marriage in mind.'' he replied

''It doesn't matter, their is no need to talk about it. Everything has already happened and I broke up with him. So,their is no need to further talk about it.'' I said softly

''You're not wearing your ring!'' Kimberly said shocked

''Oh,yeah! Well, I had returned it to him,while he was sleeping. I didn't want the stupid ring anymore,so it made sense to return it.'' I told her

''Okay!'' she said

''I'm leaving Korea and living in Japan. So, this is my last day being here with you guys,but maybe we can visit one another again.'' I replied

After I dropped the news, they both were a little stunned about my choice of leaving. They couldn't believe it at first, but they accepted it and hugged me once again. Then, I left and made my way to the airport heading to Japan.



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