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Chapter 2

Awake the moment my alarm goes off, I quickly turn it off to keep from waking up the girls. I ignore the pounding in my head long enough to rummage through my trunk and down a potion I’d made sure to pack. The pain disappears and I change into a pair of sweatpants, a tee shirt and a hoodie before shoving my feet into my shoes and sticking my wand in my pocket. Closing the door quietly, I enjoy the quiet of the castle and grounds as I go down to the quidditch pitch. Getting my broom from the broom closet, I eye the barely rising sun in the distance and mount my broom. It would get insanely hot by the time it rose, so I’d better make the best out of the time I had before that.
Taking to the air, I’m grinning as the wind rips at my hair, whipping it across my face. Doing a few laps around the pitch, I then practice a few of the moves from practice at Mahoutokoro. But it just didn’t feel right. It felt too easy. In Japan we practiced over the sea and were constantly knocked around. Practicing in this calm air was too easy. Giving up on the moves, I just fly around the grounds. Every once in a while, when I knew I was going towards only open air, I closed my eyes and let my arms spread in the air.
The sun had finally risen above the horizon after an hour and a half, so I go back to the pitch and lock up my broom. Going back to the dorms, I wash up in the Hufflepuff bathing chamber and pull on my uniform, going down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Eyes searching the hall, they’re drawn towards where Seungkwan and Seokmin are waving their hands in the air. It looked like all the boys were sitting together. Starting towards where they’re sitting, I’m stopped by Nina. “You forgot your class schedule on your trunk this morning. Here.” She smiles and hands me the folded up parchment, letting me continue walking. Getting to the boys, I toss the parchment onto the table and dig right into the French toast.
Professor Longbottom had told me that since it was my first year, my schedule was already predetermined and that he’d talk to me about any classes I wanted to change while he gave me a tour around the school. I didn’t really need the parchment because I already knew my classes.
Vernon snatches it up and reads the classes out loud to the boys. I half listen to them talk about the classes but am mostly focused on the food I’m shoveling down my throat. “Right Yuki?” Jaehyun’s words knock me out of my trance and I turn, focusing on them again. “What? Sorry, I zoned out for a second.” “Mingyu said our classes are going to start teaching nonverbal spells this year and said it was going to be hard. But I don’t think it’d be hard. We do wandless magic before we even know how to speak, how hard can nonverbal spells be?” “You wanna go, kid?” Mingyu argues, annoyance in his voice.
“Nonverbal spells are only hard if you think they’re going to be hard. It’s as simple as that.” I mumble through a mouthful of toast. “They already taught you nonverbal spells at your old school?” Hao asks curiously and the boys fall silent. “Yeah. I learned it a couple of years ago. It’s not that hard.” Soonyoung speaks first. “Enough about classes. For some reason I woke up early today and you guys would never guess what I saw outside my dorm room window! Mind you, it’s hella high.”
“An owl?” “A bat?” “Something that can fly?” “You?” The last one is Vernon and I giggle. “No, it was a person. You want to know what person?” My giggling stops as I realize where he’s going with this. “This person right here. This new girl knows how to ride a broom like it’s her job.” He points at me and I gulp, choosing to ignore the snicker from Jun. “She was on a broom I’ve never seen before, and she was riding it without holding on and she had her eyes closed. Please, please tell me you’re going to join the Hufflepuff quidditch team.” He directs the last sentence at me. All eyes are on me and I nod, slowly smiling. “I was going to try out next week after classes. I was in my old school’s team and Headmaster McGonagall wanted me to join my house team too. Are some of you in the other teams?” They’re immediately talking again and a wry smile spreads across my lips as they bicker. I could get used to this. Being surrounded by such lively boys and laughter.


Landing on the quidditch pitch, I look to the stands where Nina, Hanna, Alice and even Eve are sitting. They wave and Eve tears her eyes from the Slytherin boy sitting next to her long enough to flash me a grin and a thumbs up. Moving to the side of the pitch, I wait for the try outs to end. It’s half an hour later that everyone is on the ground and the Hufflepuff captain, James, is addressing us. “I’m happy we had so many people try out for the team this year but like always, we can only pick one person for each position. If I don’t announce your name, it means you didn’t make the team but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen next year. Don’t give up!” He starts with his list and lastly he calls “Yuki Park, seeker! Good work everyone. Those that I’ve called, stay after so I can talk to you about the team and uniform robes.” We stay after and it’s the usual congratulations for getting on the team and what is expected of us. After an hour of being caught up on what’s going on with the team, we’re allowed to lock up our broomsticks and leave. Casting my eyes to the stands again, I see that the girls had left and shrug, leaving the pitch with my robes draped over my arm.
Taking a detour instead of going straight to the baths, I walk down to the Great Lake and pause for a moment, spotting Hao, Jun, Chan and Soonyoung dancing at the shore, the rest of the boys sitting on the lawn to the side. They kept messing up and I could see them blaming it on Chan from the way he was whining. “Jun hyung missed the step though!” I hear as I get closer. “No, you weren’t in your spot.” Jun replies, causing the younger to huff in annoyance. I eye the group of girls sitting on the hill above, shamelessly watching them and drooling. Even though I didn’t like hanging out with people when I was still sweaty and tired from quidditch practice, I go down to where they are, drawing Hao’s attention. “Yuki! Did you come to see us dance?” He asks, wiping at his forehead with his wristband. “I didn’t mean to. I was just walking and saw you guys.” “Just walking? You sweat that much from walking?” Jun asks, raising an eyebrow.
I shake my head, fanning myself as I sat down on the grass next to the others. “I just came from try outs, I should probably go inside and wash up.” “Did you get in?” Mingyu asks. “Yep. With flying colors.” I flash a piece sign and the boys grin. “Well before you go in and wash up, watch one of our dance routines! Please?” Chan asks and I chuckle, agreeing. They bicker about which dance routine they wanted to do and I pop the top buttons of my uniform shirt, loosening my tie as the end of summer heat beats down on me. “Okay, so we’re going to dance to a song that Woozi hyung wrote for us. Vernon figured out a way to keep our iPods from being messed with by the spells around Hogwarts, so we’ll play it from that.” Chan says and Soonyoung pulls out a black iPod, searching for the correct song. “Why that song?” Jihoon asks from his spot in the shade of the oak tree a few feet away. Soonyoung shrugs and finds the song, putting the electronic in my hand. “We’ll get into our positions and then you can press play.” I nod and they face me, moving to their correct places before Soonyoung nods.
I press the play button and cup the speaker as they start. I watch them with my mouth open, their dance moves precise. It was nothing like the mess I’d witnessed when I came upon them earlier. This dance wasn’t just a dance to watch for fun. My mouth goes dry as they go from moving their hips sinfully, to full on humping the ground. I hear squeals from the girls above but I don’t register them, staring at the boys. There was confidence in all of them as they danced, they were sexy even. I knew I’d never get that image out of my head either.
My breath gets stuck in my chest when they do their last ground hump, Jun’s eyes rising from the ground to lock with mine. Sweat plastering his hair to his forehead and a confident smirk on his lips. I feel like I’d swallowed fire, heat burning through me and pooling between my legs. Damnit, I officially hated my body. I was trying my hardest to keep away from Jun because I knew that he wanted me. I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. I’d heard about him from the girls and knew what kind of Slytherin he was. Knew how many girls he’d fucked. I didn’t want to be one of them. The song ends and they stare at me expectantly.
“Y-you guys are so good!” I exclaim, forcing myself out of my thoughts. “I can’t dance that good even if I try! It’s amazing!” “You probably haven’t tried then.” Jun says and I snap “Bite me.” Trying to take the edge of the arousal running through me. “Only if you ask nicely.” He grins back and I swallow, getting up. I leave the iPod next to Wonwoo and start back towards the castle. “Dinner’s soon, so I’m going to go wash up. See you guys later!” I leave before they can call after me, needing to make the humming in my veins go away.



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