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The Fallen Princes ft. BTS


Optional background music: LADIES' CODE - Galaxy (instrumental)

"We need someone to help these princes." Michael was talking to a few of the head archangels. "They need us. We should help them. We need to help them."

"Ha! Princes? These children will end up as troublemakers no matter how they're raised." Uriel said, staring
at a flickering candle. The trees outside made the moonlight look peppered on the carpeted floor. "The only reason why they're alive is so they can help with the Balance. If we let them live, they will only destroy it."

"That is only if they aren't raised right." Michael argued back, "We just need time to help them, that's all, and teach them that there is still love in this world. T
omorrow, let's find someone who's willing to take the task. It won't be easy to replace their deceased mothers."

"I volunteer to help them." someone said.
A young girl stepped out from behind the bookshelves of the deserted place. In her hands was the Book of Ruth and a brown paper envelope that contained her sheets of music. The archangels turned around from where they were standing in the dark library, shocked yet relieved.

"Goodness! Hope, dear, what are you doing at this hour? Shouldn't you be in bed?" Hope pointed at her book. Pure passion reflected off her eyes as she radiated innocence. They had already found the perfect candidate.

Stacked carefully on the ground were three small trunks, my violin case, and one large suitcase I had packed the night before. Dinner ended abruptly when we heard the clock strike seven. When we walked outside, the seven princes following behind me, an unidentified man set down the last of the three trunks, bowed his head in acknowledgement, and quickly walked out the open doors. With a loud thud, the doors were sealed tight from the outside.

"Do you like playing the violin?" Jungkook asked, ignoring the fact that a stranger entered the place. He picked up my violin case with ease.

"You could put it that way." I tried to pick up the largest of the bags. "It calms me down so you could say it's a hobby. Do you all have any hobbies?"

"Sword-fighting. No, fencing. Stabbing those dumb mannequins calms me down."
"I like cooking. Food is my happiness!" Jimin giggled.
"Does music count?" Jungkook questioned.
"I don't have time for hobbies." said Jin.

"There is literally nothing to do around here, actually." Namjoon explained flatly. I faced Taehyung, who was at the locked entrance of the place, staring at the door knob. He probably doesn't have any hobbies either. He peered into door keyhole and softly chuckled to himself. Curious, Jimin headed over and looked into it as well.

"Ooh! There's a lot of soldiers outside." he said. After they all peeped through, we made our way to the bedrooms. I carried the smallest of the cases up the grand stairs, Jimin and Namjoon the other two, Hoseok the largest, and Jungkook my violin case. After making our way through several vast rooms, we came across a larger one with nine doors, three doors on three sides.

"There's only eight of us. Why are there nine rooms?" I asked, confused.

"That room has random things covered in white blankets, one being a piano." Jimin replied. He took my hand and brought me to one of the doors. Everything in my new bedroom was a covered in dust; the unused fireplace, the queen-sized bed, and even the windowsills. I noticed the moon was high in the sky, gleaming with bright joy.

"This place is nice." I said. They all looked at me with scrunched up eyebrows. "What? In Heaven, we slept together in cubicles. I've never had a huge room. It feels a bit weird having my own room."

"If you get lonely," Jungkook pulled me close to his body, his hand on my bare shoulder, "I'm right here to make the night more comfortable."

"Wow, Jungkook."
"Jungkook, don't make her so uncomfortable!"
"Well, that escalated quickly."
"If you guys are doing it tonight, don't be too loud."

I cleared my throat and lifted his hand off me. Without words, I begin to dust the place with a feather duster I found on the ground. They stared at me awkwardly; the only person doing anything was me.

"Just wondering," Taehyung asked, arms crossed on his chest, "did they send you here to monitor us? There isn't anyone here anyway; there aren't any maids, cooks, nobody."

"I'm here to make you all feel better, happier." I clarified.

"I know how you can make me feel happier." Jungkook pointed to the bed.

"Ha! Better." Jin scoffed before heading back out. "I'm going to shower. Nobody enters my room till morning." The rest of the princes followed him back out after saying their farewells.

"Don't worry. I'm in the room to your left." Jungkook, the last to leave, gave me a wink.

After cleaning the place up, I unpacked my things into the capri beige wardrobe, washed up in the antique bathroom, and went to sleep. Although the Vatican Palace had more of a color variety, compared to my old home in Heaven, it lacked life. I closed the soft pink curtains and fell into a deep sleep, silently praying that nothing bad would happen for the rest of my stay here. Despite the strong faith in myself, little did I know what was to come.


Nothing much will happen for now. For the following few chapters, it will mainly be introductions and getting to know more about princes and their background information.

I actually have a majority of the plot planned out. Right now, I am putting the story into words. If I do my job as a writer well, the plot will be thicker than blood.

Thanks for reading~ I hope you appreciated it~

Uriel, an archangel who looks down on the seven princes, can be imagined as f(x)'s Krystal or SNSD's Sunny ... basically anyone with red hair. ;D


@just_another_A.R.M.Y @Niatfq
I'm writing a chapter right now ~ Please expect a chapter soon.

dean is bae dean is bae

Can't wait for an update *-*
my readers are loving ur fanfic......32 subscribers, <600 views in 4 days. they're asking for an update.

Niatfq Niatfq


Thank you for the AJU NICE encouragement! Fighting~ I wish you the best as well~

dean is bae dean is bae

I really like this concept, hope you can update soon~ fighting! Xx

ellipses ellipses