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The Fallen Princes ft. BTS


Optional background music: BTS - STIGMA (instrumental)

The Vatican Palace was more of a historical monument instead of an ordinary home. Within the walls of the massive structure held the history of the Seven Deadly Sins and their secrets. God had mercy for his once well-behaved creations and thus isolated them from the rebelling society. The outside world hunted them, several making it their entire purpose in life to remove the seven queens' existences. To hide them away, God constructed a remote castle-like house. Once safe from the public eye, these Seven Deadly Sins moved into the Vatican Palace and then, each in their own motherly form, produced an offspring, a prince.

Michael had already disappeared when I turned my head around to face him. Every step I took became more of tedious task as I dragged my long gown along the carpet floor. Perhaps I should have worn a shorter dress. Hung on both sides of the corridor were pictures in unique frames. Most were photos of youth and one's childhood. They gave an aura of warmth against the cold, blue wallpaper. However, once I reached the end of the first part of the long hallway, a large picture of a flying black bird was placed alone, emitting a dark and struggling character of some sort. To the left of the picture was a solid, dark oak door. I heard short sentences being spoken before I knocked. The words became whispers as I grasped the door handle.

"She's finally arrived." said the one sitting at the head of the table. The others stood up and nodded their heads toward my direction in acknowledgement. I slightly bowed and made my way to an empty seat at the tail of the table. The room was dark; the only light came from the dripping candles on the chandeliers above. I took a seat and looked at the sight. Seven handsome princes. Seven deadly sins.

"What should we be doing now?"
"Should we, then, introduce ourselves?"
"I suppose so."
"Who'll go first?"

"Just get this over with!" The one with bright ginger hair threw his fork on his plate before taking a deep sigh. "My name is Hoseok. I'm the son of Wrath." He glared into the eyes of the others. "What are you waiting for?"

Another boy who had distinctive black hair raised his hand, his waist seemed tied to his seat as his back slouched over. "Yoongi. Sloth."

"I'm Jimin! The son of Gluttony!" It was obvious to know who his mother was. After all, he was practically swallowing the food whole. "They cook better here than in the Netherworld."

"I'm Jungkook. The son of Lust." Prince Jungkook, who sat beside me, took my hand and kissed it. "I hope we get to know each other much better." My hand quickly recoiled back onto my lap, making him smirk. "How interesting. You know, later on, we could-"

"Ahem! My name is Namjoon. The son of Greed." He turned to Jungkook and said. "We only get to have one caretaker. Don't hog her all to yourself."

"Namjoon isn't wrong. But he's not fully right either. I'm the son of Jealousy, Taehyung." He playfully clapped his hands together and faced the last prince at the end of the table. "Your turn!"

"My name is Jin. My mother is Pride." He stared right into my eyes, not breaking eye contact. I felt a chill run down my spine. His face was solemn and sober. Prince Jin had something stronger than the rest of the princes. Was it desperation?

After the cold silence, everyone went back to their small talk and dinner. I helped myself to the lamb prepared, unsure about whether or not I should partake in the several conversations. Jin stood up and raised his wine glass.

"A toast."
"But why?"
"It this really necessary?"
"We've already started to eat."
"A toast," Jin repeated, his eyes glazed over us, "to celebrate the fact that we still live." We clinked glasses and sipped.

Jimin grinned and pointed back to Jungkook. "He's right. This will be interesting."


Who needs to behave?
Read the last two words of this sentence jeon jungkook.

Who is your BTS bias?


@just_another_A.R.M.Y @Niatfq
I'm writing a chapter right now ~ Please expect a chapter soon.

dean is bae dean is bae

Can't wait for an update *-*
my readers are loving ur fanfic......32 subscribers, <600 views in 4 days. they're asking for an update.

Niatfq Niatfq


Thank you for the AJU NICE encouragement! Fighting~ I wish you the best as well~

dean is bae dean is bae

I really like this concept, hope you can update soon~ fighting! Xx

ellipses ellipses