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Please Don't Get Too Friendly

Blinding Trust Shattered Again

The next morning, I woke up groggily and ran my hand through my hair, glancing around at my surroundings. Suddenly, everything from last night flashed back in my memory and I began to blush violently. He told me he loves me. And I love him too. Does that mean we're a couple? But wait. Is it okay with the company? Can we? My thoughts were interrupted when the door flung open and Baekhyun, Sehun, Chen and Chanyeol barged in and ran towards the bed like crazy.

"Oh my God Amy!The MV is out!" Baekhyun shouted as he jumped on the bed and sat next to me.

"We wanted to wait for you so we could all watch it together but you were taking so long!" squealed Chen, following Baekhyun along with Sehun.

"Sorry, I told them you were tired from yesterday, but they didn't want to listen," a deep voice said, with a hint of tenderness in it that only I heard.

I looked up back at Chanyeol and smiled softly.

"It's okay, I was about to get up anyway."

Our gazes locked for a moment, messages being delivered by our eyes silently as the three other excited guys beside me opened up a laptop and went on YouTube. They finally made me break the eye contact, urging me to look at the screen to watch the MV with them. They hurried Chanyeol to sit down next to us and clicked on play.

"But wait! Where are the others?" I spoke up suddenly.

"They already watched it, because they had schedules to go to quickly. But this morning, we're free, so we wanted to wait for you."

We watched the MV silently, concentrated on spotting unnoticeable mistakes that only we could know. We were able to see that while we were throwing snowballs at each other, in the background, Lay had thrown one at Xiumin so hard he had fallen over. Luckily, the focus had been on Kai and I, so it was hard to see. Another one was when Suho and I had been talking on the phone in our 'rooms', he had begun laughing when he should have actually pouted at something I said, but he had found the moment so funny he couldn't stop and the Producer kept the scene like that. At the end, we were all smiling proudly and went down for breakfast after complimenting one another. After I finished eating, it was already 11:30 and the guys had to go to their schedules.

"What are you going to do, if you're alone?" asked worriedly Chen.

"Well, I thought of going to see my members, to see what's going on over there."

They all looked at me, surprised.

"Do you want to wait for one of us before going? I'm pretty sure D.O.'s schedule will be finished around 1 PM if you want-“

“No, but thanks. This is something I need to do alone. I don’t think my members will be happy if I turn up after what happened with one of you at the dorm. I don't know how they will react and I don't want any of you to get stuck in whatever's coming."

"Why are you talking like something bad is going to happen?" questioned Sehun, curious and worried.

"Well... We could call that a woman's intuition? There is no way Jung Ah unnie would have told them the truth, and I don't think the CEO phoned them to tell them about my parents and her's past. I don't know what to brace myself for, but I am bracing myself for something."

They all hesitated and glanced at each other.

"Are you sure-"

"Yes, I am a 100 percent sure I'm going alone. Heck, it's my own dorm. It's not like I'm going to get killed over there! I'll go talk with my members, clear things out, and everything will be just fine. Trust me."

After having convinced them, they insisted on taking me there when their manager came in. I had no choice but to accept, since I didn't have a manager anymore or a car for me to drive and go back to the dorm. During the ride, the guys tried hard not to talk about it, but I could feel that they were worried and I felt immensely thankful for that, because that meant that I meant something to them more than being a simple acquaintance. Before we turned on my street, I felt Chanyeol reach for my hand and squeeze it. I replied by squeezing his as well and looked him in the eyes. At that moment, I must have showed him how tensed and afraid I was, because he looked at me right in the eyes and right then, I just knew he was tellingme how much he supported and loved me. It hit me like a train, and when we arrived to the big dorm, I was still staring at him, eyes wide with shock. He let go of my hand and I walked out like a robot, after thanking the generous and understanding manager. I waved at them until I couldn't see the car anymore and then I turned towards the building in front of me. Okay, you can do this. They are your members after all, right? They're going to understand. Don't think, just say it how it is. You can't expect them to welcome you warmly, because she hates you so much that it's obvious she'll try to wreck you everytime she gets the chance. She'll have told them something weird and false for sure. Okay, breathe. One foot in front of the other. Breathe. You still have the recording to prove your points. Breathe. I walked up to the front door and, after debating wether I should knock or not, just opened the door and went in.

"Hello?" I called out timidly. "Girls, are you here? It's me!"

At first, nothing moved and I hestitated. No, the door is unlocked. They're here for sure. Maybe they're in their rooms.
"Are you here?" I tried again, louder this time. "I think we need to talk."

Because of the lack of noise, I decided to take off my boots and my coat. I walked out of the hallway but then, I heard footsteps down the stairs and I froze in place. My heart sped up quickly as I saw my 3 members walk down silently, and I couldn't help but think that something really, really bad was going to happen. I braced myself and smiled.

"Hi! It's been a long time, right? Well, maybe not that long, but it did feel like-"

"What the hell are you doing here?" asked Seung Hye, colder than ever.

I gulped and bit my lip.

"I... I came back because of what happened with Jung Ah unnie-"

"How could you do that to her? She protected you and treated you like her own daughter? How could you do that to her?" interrupted Seo Hyun quietly.

"What exactly did she tell you?" I tried to ask, as gently as possible.

"Everything. She told us what you told the CEO, and why you would have done that. Honestly, you're so petty. That was in the past, why did you bring it back up? Why did you lie? I thought you were better than that!" she yelled back. "And now, because of you, our debut is postponed! How dare you do that to us, to unnie?"

I stared at her,, confusion all over my face. Our debut was postponed? Because we don't have a manager? But then again, I was right. She did lie to them.

"Look. Whatever she told you is completely false. She threatened me. I have a recording of the night I heard her. Please listen to it. You can decide what you want to do after, but please just listen to this. I'm so sorry, the CEO never told he would postpone the debut. I just went and showed him the same recording I'll show to you. Can you just listen to this?" I practically begged, hoping they would at least listen.

Their eyes narrowed and they consulted each other's gazes. Finally, Seung Hye accepted and I quickly got my phone out of my pocket and clicked on the recording. As it went on, I could see their faces gradually get filled with confusion and incomprehension.

"But... She told us-"

"Yes, and she obviously lied. I trusted her too, you. But that night, she didn't even come to pick me up. I thought she was too tired and forgot, but it turns out she wanted me to die. But now, we end up with no manager and a postponed debut. I'm really so sorry. I know how much you were all waiting for this," I said, feeling hot tears prick my eyes.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too. I was so harsh earlier, because I didn't listen to you. I regret ever trusting that woman," said quietly Seo Hyun while patting my back.

We hugged and I looked over at Ji Yoon and Seung Hye.

"Do you forgive me?" I asked them.

Ji Yoon nodded before timidly coming over and hugging me. I hugged back and patted her hair as I looked at Seung Hye.

"There's no way I'm going to go and hug you, but I guess I accept your apology."

"And...?" urged on Seo Hyun.

"I... I'm sorry for earlier," she added, rolling her eyes.

I giggled and thanked her.

That night, I slept peacefully with my members and hoped that a better day would welcome us the next morning. Fortunately, everything was going to get for the better... Most parts, at least.


Hullo everybody! I'm so sorry for not updating for more than 2 weeks! It's just that a lot of things happened at the same time and I didn't have time to just sit down and write for.. well, 2 weeks. ^^ Just to give you an idea, 2 days before school started I got really sick and had a big fever, and then I went back to school and BAM a lot of homeworks and exams and orals. My teachers are so disorganized on that part, I can't even. I have big exams of maths and sciences coming and I just started my revision of them because of everything O.O Plus I have big arrangements in music, including a song of BTS (I Need U) and God it's long. Sorry, needed to rant. ;)
Anyways, thank you so much for reading! Please don't hesitate to comment or vote your thoughts on this story, feedback is appreciated! Oh and please tell me who you think is a better Peter Pan between Chen and Sehun, I got a new idea for another fanfic and I want to know what you guys think :)
Thanks again so much for your support, and as always...
Saranghae :) <3<3<3<3


Hahaha thank you so much! I'm sorry for ending it though, but don't be too sad, I'm currently thinking up the other fanfic I was planning and I'm considering posting it starting next week or in two weeks :)

AmyEXO21 AmyEXO21

Thank you for the chapter I REALLY LOVE IT XD XD!!!!!
but I'm sad...like why does it have to end ㅠㅡㅠ

Lounara9 Lounara9

Why is it going to end !?!!?!
....anyways, this is my favorite chapter so far !!!! I really like it !! And I'm looking forward to the last one :D !!

Lounara9 Lounara9

A REALLY exiting chapter!!!!
hope you'll update soon ! ;)

Lounara9 Lounara9

Haha thank you! I'm going to try and post the next chapter soon! :)

AmyEXO21 AmyEXO21