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Finding You & Me


Couple of minutes of standing there waiting for her driver, Kris finally saw a young man’s shadow across the street waving at her. Kris smiled and saw Andres standing there waving at her. Then he came towards her to pick her up.

Kris : what are you doing here ?
Andres : i came to pick you up.
Kris : what about Charlie ?
Andres : he got sick yesterday so i told him that i would pick you up.
Kris : you care that much about me huh ?
Andres : i couldn't leave you hanging nor let you take a taxi back home.
Kris (*smiles & asks) : what about work ?
Andres (*smiles & says) : todays Sunday.
Kris : right. (*smiles)
Andres : lets go home before you lose your mind. (*smiles)
Kris (*laughs)

Andres grabbed Kris’ luggage and drove her home. While on the way back, Andres told Kris to open the compartment of the front to get the envelope. Kris got it and opened it up to read it. She was surprised to read that it said “Marriage of document”.

Kris : this is a legal marriage document. why do you have it ?
Andres : i want you to think about it.
Kris : you want to marry me Andres ?
Andres : since the very first day we worked together at the firm.
Kris : i just came back from vacation and i haven't even started work yet.
Kris : and you're asking me this ?
Andres : thats why i want you to think about it.
Kris : can you give me a little time ?
Andres : of course.

At this same time, Addy and Caroline were in the car together talking about the future of HBA.

Caroline : about what you said earlier, i think you're right.
Addy : what do you mean ?
Caroline : i'm going to tell my parents to make a choice.
Caroline : i want to design for HBA and its future events.
Addy : aren't you afraid what they’ll think about you ?
Caroline : i've put this life on hold since i was in high school.
Caroline : i wanted to design ever since.
Addy : what changed your mind ?
Caroline : i'm just tired of living under my parents shadows.
Caroline : i want to do something that i really love and enjoy doing.
Caroline : if people can do it, why can't i ?
Addy : whatever your decision is, i'm there for you 100%.
Addy : we more than happy to have you work with us at HBA.
Caroline : thanks Addy.

When Kris got back to her apartment, she unpack her things in her room while Andres was cooking dinner for her. Kris smelled the food from her room and she came out to see Andres cooking something for her. Then Kris came towards Andres and gave him a back hug while he was cooking something on the stove. He was surprised by her action and just smiled at her. They had dinner together that night at her apartment. Afterwards, Kris fell asleep on her couch because she was so jet lag after cleaning up around the kitchen. Andres came over to Kris and picked her up to bring her to her room. He laid her on her bed and covered her with the blankets. He stood there looking over her while she was sleeping and he saw the beauty in her. The morning came and Kris found herself sleeping next to Andres. She smiled as she looked at him in bed. Then she got out of bed and washed up. She went into the kitchen and made some breakfast before Andres woke up. After a while, he came out of the room and saw Kris in the kitchen cooking. She was setting the table and he came towards Kris to sit at the table to eat. Kris noticed him coming out and they ate breakfast together. It was quiet when they were eating together but then Kris got up and went into her room to get the envelope document. She slid it to Andres making him question what she was doing.

Kris (*slides the envelope document to Andres)
Andres (*looks at Kris confusingly)
Kris : i thought about it this morning when i woke up.
Andres : and ?
Kris : i'm still confused Andres. half of me tells me to and the other half tells me not to.
Kris : i don't know what to do.
Kris : all i could think of was to give this back to you so that i can rethink about everything.
Kris : there are so much things on my mind right now.
Andres : i understand.
Kris : i'm so sorry.

Andres was calm about everything that Kris has thought about and what her decision was. After breakfast, they both went to work their separate ways. That same morning, Aria took Lia to school while her mother was still in Korea. Caroline woke up that morning wide awake coming out of her room into the kitchen to have breakfast with her mom and dad.

Mom : we missed you last night honey.
Caroline : i got back early yesterday and i went to bed early. i was jet lagged.
Mom : are you feeling better ?
Caroline : you can say that.
Dad : so how was your trip pumpkin ?
Caroline : thats what i wanted to talk to you both about.
Dad : is something wrong ?
Caroline : i want you both to make a decision.
Caroline : as much as i love nursing and all, i just cant do it anymore.
Caroline : i thought about this during the vacation and i put a lot of thought into it.
Caroline : i don't want to please you both by doing something i don't enjoy doing.
Caroline : these past couple of years, nursing has made my life more difficult than other years.
Caroline : i can't do it anymore and i can't live under your shadows any longer if its like this.
Mom : what are you saying Caroline ?
Caroline : i'm quitting nursing and putting it aside.
Caroline : im going to do what i love and thats designing clothes.
Caroline : i'm going to be working at HBA at the new department with Addy.
Caroline : so i want you both to make a decision.
Caroline : either you stay and support me in this or leave to live somewhere else.
Caroline : all i want is for both of you to be happy for me.
Caroline : that is of whatever path i choose to take in the future.
Caroline : its really what i want.
Dad : we understand perfectly.
Caroline : you do ?
Dad : we wanted to see how far you can get, how long you were able to tell us the truth.
Mom : you know, i wanted big things for you. i thought design was just a hobby.
Mom : turns out that you really have a passion for it.
Caroline : i really do. i want this more than anything in the world.
Dad : then let your mind lead you to it.
Caroline (*smiles & says) : thanks.



True that #LOL

YoungJi_Suga88 YoungJi_Suga88

I'm happy Caroline's parent's support her now! ^^

macoco10 macoco10

That Michelle is crazy! The holidays are meant to relax and spend time with one's family! D:

macoco10 macoco10

Aw. It's almost ending? D:
I just know Addy wouldn't fire Tammy! ^_^

macoco10 macoco10

Ahhhhhhh! Ok! ^^

macoco10 macoco10