New self
Chapter 13
We worked until late in the night. As I came back I searched for my keys in my bag...
thinking : Where are they ? Where... Let's remember...
*cling cling cling*
I look straight and see my keys. A hand was holding it. That hand was Bobby's.
Bobby- Why did BI have those keys ?
Me- He came to my dorm yesterday and was sick so he stayed for the night.
Bobby- I knew IT !!!
I took the keys and oppened the door. Bobby ran to the couch while I was still standing outside.
Me- Why are boys feeling home at my place like that ?!
Bobby- Boys ? You mean hanbin and I
Me- Yes AND GD.
I took my shoes off and ran to the couch too.
Me- Oppa, GD is reeeeally awsome. You know he even found some grils for my team. Oh right they are coming tomorrow and let their things here since...
Bobby- You say too many things at the time. Yes GD hyung is awsome. Does that mean we can't come to see you ?
( I didn't get to finish...)
Me- Sure you can, oh and you see there's a girl Sofie. I am sure chanwoo would like her. And there's that unnie , Cate. You will like her she's awsome..
Bobby- Sorry but I already like someone.
Me- Whaaaaaat ? Really ? Who ? who ??? Tell me !!
I am surprised with myself. I am like that only with Bobby. You know like using aegyo the whole time.
He looks at me fixely.
Bobby- You
Me- You mean you like me ?? you really mean me ? But we're best friends...
Bobby- Think about it. I have to do bye.
He stands up in a shy way, puts his shoes on and leaves quietly...
I didn't get to tell him that I won't be home until my debut...
Time passes and I stil didn't get to go home. I sleep in the practice room while the girls practice their solo dance. I am really tired.
I've got no energy anymore. Dance practice go until late at night and when I finish my solo dance, we have to train together. When we finish dancng there's some singing practice and mine is longer since I am the main vocal. I am really tired and days are passing by.
Me- No sofie !! You always do the same mistake. Turn right not left and your left hand not the right hand!! Why can't you get it right ?! REALLY !!!
Cate- Calm down girl... The cameras are on.
Sofie was about to cry and I realize I was too harsh
Me- Hey I 'am sorry... I didn't mean it. I am just death tired and I know you too. Really sorry. i will take some fresh air.
I went on the rooftop. Then I heard someone behind me.
I turned around and saw Lola.
Lola- I know it's hard for you, so COLA !!
And she smiles.
Me- Wow it changes seeing you smile. And thank you
Lola- Yesterday I went to the dorm and there was Bobby from ikon in front od the dorm. He asked about you so I told him to call you.
Me- Once you start talking you don't stop, do you ?!
I was fascinated of how it changes her to talk.... But I need to talk to Bobby. I don't see him as a man.
Me- Thank you for telling me.
She left and I was againa lone on the rooftop. The air made my haire wave. I washed them in the companys shower this morning. It smelled nice with the smell of soda.
I feel someone grabbing me from behind and back hugging me.
As I wanted to see who it was I got blocked.
???- Don't look at me, and just let me hug you. I missed you
I recognized his voice, it was ...
Here my new chapter :) hope you like it :) almost 1000 views that's awsome :o thank yoooooouuuuu :) ( comment please :D )
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