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K-pop One shots (xReader)

(Seventeen) Joshua - Chose me instead

I was laying on my bed, phone in my hand, tears running down my cheeks and regret in my soul.

How could I even hurt the person who is so special to me.

Everything we had together, every memory we have, everything we built together, friendship, trust and love. I ruined it all.

My eyes was glued to the screen.
"Can you give me a chance to fix it? Joshua?"

My ears was filled with a annoying sound. I opened my eyes and found the alarm on my phone.
I quickly turned it off and went to start my morning routine.
"you look horrible my friend" I said when my eyes landed on my reflection in the mirror.
After getting dressed, eating breakfast and just being lazy, you finally started your day.
Today, you were going to help out your brother at work. He was the manager for the group Seventeen, which was the group where your boyfriend belonged to.

"I really regret helping BigBro out now..." I said sad.

I managed to drag my feet to the elevator. It was quiet with only me and the elevator music.
"How should I even act when I meet Joshua? Yesterday was just chaos."

Suddenly, the elevator doors opened and I walked out, meeting a familiar face.

"Hi (Y/N)!"
"Hello Jeonghan... Nice to see you again"
"How are you?" he asked with worried eyes.

"Don't ask... Have you seen my brother?"
"Yeah, he is right in our wardrobe"
"Okay, thanks" I said, walking towards Seventeens wardrobe.

It didn't take me long before I was standing outside the wardrobe of Seventeen.

My hand was on the door knob and I slowly opened the door.
"Big Bro, are you here?" I said softly.

Then I saw it..

My brother, holding Joshua by the collar, ready to hit him with his fist.

"STOP!" I screamed and separated them.

"(Y/N)?!" My brother said shocked.

"Don't hit Joshua!"

"But! He hurt your feelings!"
"No Brother!! It was my fault, Joshua didn't do anything wrong!"

I went behind my brother and started to push his back out of the wardrobe.
"Sorry" I said quietly to Joshua before following my brother out the door.
"(Y/N)! What was that all about?" my brother asked me irritated.

"Brother, this is my problem and everything is my fault."
"But! He kissed another girl! With you in the same room!"

"It was my fault for not trusting Joshua in the first place...He didn't deserve the support I gave him."

"Support?" My brother asked confused.
At first, I hesitated to tell him, but eventually I went with my feelings.

"J-Joshua has a really hard time to get support from his family. After years being with Seventeen and a trainee, his family never showed any form of support. One of the promises I gave him was to support him all the way. I know he kissed that model in front of me, but it was work. He couldn't help it. I should have trusted Joshua more, but I let my feelings get over."

I saw that my brother was stunned after my explanation.

"I-I really didn't know..." he said softly.

"It's okay, The most I regret about is telling Joshua to chose the model instead of me. I mean look at me. I am a plain student who almost failed her grade."

My brother was about to protest when I interrupted him.

"But I wont lose, my feelings for Joshua is stronger than anyone's feelings."
Brother patted me on the shoulder and walked away.

I soon followed him, ready to clean up this mess.

Seventeen had a really tight schedule.

First they had a photoshoot, following by an interview. Then it was recording for their new song and dance practice.

It was about 7pm and the boys were exhausted from the training.
"Good job guys! You are done for today!" my brother said.

I started to give out water bottles to everyone, except Joshua...

Before I could give it to him, he walked away.

I sighed.

"Bro, I'll be back" I said before running out the room, looking for my boyfriend Joshua.

"Hey Joshua!" I said, running after him.
"Oh (Y/N), Hey" he said ,stopping on the spot.

"I think we need to talk.." I said, walking slowly towards him.

"Yeah..." he said, with his head down.
I stopped in front of him, trying to meet his gaze.
"Look Joshua.. I am so sorry for how I was acting. I shouldn't have freaked out, and screamed those awful things."
"Yeah.. -Stay where you belong, with the garbage doll?- It was pretty hurtful." Joshua said, meeting my gaze.

Guilt shot though me like I have been shot.

"Yeah... sorry" I said, avoiding his gaze.

He suddenly turned his back to me.

"I guess I did something unforgivable..."

"But it was job related right?"
Joshua was just silent, so I repeated myself.

"The model confessed to me, she said that dating her official would open many doors for me as an idol."

"So... you are going to chose between me and her?"
Joshua's head nodded.

I wanted to ask, but hesitated at first. But if he chose the model, I want to know what he really thinks.

"D-do you know who you are going to chose?" I said nervous.
"Yeah" he said, confident.

Fear washed over me. If he would get more opportunities to get famous as an idol by dating that model, that would be the best right?
Even so, I am not going to let go!
I ran towards him, closing the distance between us, and hugged his broad back.
My arms were too short to go all round him.
"Please don't leave me Joshua! I really love you, and I am going to support you the way you deserve! Just give me one chance to prove it."

"So what do you want (Y/N)?" Joshua asked.

He turned around and looked down on me. (Just because he is taller, not because he looks down on you.)
"Choose me instead" I said with the confidence I don't have.

We started at each other eyes for a while before Joshua started to laugh.

"W-what are you laughing for?" I asked him.

Joshua suddenly wrapped his hands around me, and put his chin up on my head.

"Of course I am going to chose you, and nothing is your fault. It was my fault"

"Okay, Joshua, let's just forget this and move on shall we?"

"Sounds like a plan" Joshua said with a smile on his face.

"By the way, you are way prettier than the model." Joshua said.

The comment made you warm by heart.

"Naw, thank you. You are so sweet!"
"Hey! That is rude! That model is my cousin!!" Jeonghan yelled from the other end of the hall.
"Ew! Was your cousin hitting on our Joshua??" Dino said.
"Yeah dude, thats not cool" Seungkwan commented.
"But she can't help to fall in love right?" S.coups defended Jeonghan, and the discussion went on and on.
"As long I chose you, I am happy" Joshua said, leaning in for a kiss.

"You are a better kisser than her too"

I gently slapped Joshua on his shoulder.
"Don't make me regret my decision" I threaten him.

"Don't worry, you won't, my princess"

-The End-



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