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The Perfect One

Chapter 7 - So Jimin carried me back?


"Wakeup." I patted Evelyn's face. "Wakeup."
No response. I was really getting impatient because it was already seven, and Luna must have been waiting for me.
"If you don't wakeup Im going to reduce you salary." I threatened her.
No response again. Fine. I dialled a number on my phone. A few seconds later, Ida picked up.
"Ida, search up for me what Evelyn Lee's address is." I said.
"Yes. Sir." She seemed a bit surprise of me calling her after what happened today.
"It's _____." Ida replied after a while.
I didn't reply, I just hung up. Then I walked outside to hail a taxi. The taxi stopped, I was just about to send her off when I noticed that the driver had a weird smile on his face. Oh, no way I'm letting a drunk woman go off with a creepy driver, so I climbed in as well.
Her flat was actually quite near and we were there in minutes. I carried Evelyn bridal styled and knocked on her flat, praying to god that there was someone inside. Not to disappoint me, a young woman came out.
"What the..." She said as she glanced at Evelyn then me.
"Can i come in?" I asked. Then I added. "To put her down."
She nodded and I walked in before lying her down on the sofa. The girl that opened the door seemed a bit surprised and she stayed in the corner of the room, looking at my every move.
"excuse me?" She called just before I left.
"Yes?" I turned.
"May i ask who are you and what happened to Evelyn?" She asked.
"I'm her boss. And what happened to her, you can ask her yourself." I smiled before marching out of the door.
"Oh my gosh." Su said before collapsing on the floor. "That man really had nice eyes, and nice lips as well. I nearly got hooked."
I drove back to my parent's house, prepared for Luna's whining about how I'm late. But, as I approached the house, I sensed that something was wrong. REALLY WRONG.I parked my car in the garage before going to the front door.
The front door wasn't locked, which I was surprised so I immediately went inside. The house was scarily still.
"Luna?" I called. No response.
I checked the first floor. No one. It was when I reached the second floor when I heard water running. I immediately checked all the rooms before reaching the bathroom. There was water coming out of the bathroom, mixed with some sort of red substance. I gasped, is it blood. Immediately tried to open the door, but it was locked. Luckily I had my spare keys with me, so I quickly unlocked the door.
"Luna!" I pushed open the door, and there was her, sitting in the bath tub with her coat on with bottles of red wine. I calmed down a bit, it wasn't blood, it was wine.
"Jimin!" She started crying immediately she saw me. "Why did you leave me. WHY?"
I had no idea what happened so my first instinct was to get her out of the bath tub. I scooped her out of the bath tub, she was wearing tshirt and jeans, which meant she must have went out, what she did between then and now, I have no idea.
"How much bottles of wine have you had?" I asked as laid her on the bed.
"Three." She said quietly.
"Three whole BOTTLES?" I asked, astonished. "Are you serious, you are only sixteen."
She started crying again. "Why is everyone treating me like this? Why?"
"Luna, I need you to calm down." I said, stroking her head, to make her relax. She quietened down a little, I am really mad at Suga now, if he didn't pull me to the bar, I would have been home and Luna wouldn't have been drinking, nor drinking three bottles.
"Luna, please try to tell me what happened." I said, still stroking her head.
"Jungkook, he..." She broke off crying again. "I hate it...I hate him forever."
"Jungkook is it?" I asked as she nodded then put her hands in her head. I lifted her face and wiped off her tears before noticing that h.er hands were really cold
"You've got a low fever." I frowned as I put my hand on her forehead. "Hang on there a little bit, I'll get the family doctor."
I could still hear Luna sobbing in the room. She did say something about Jungkook, maybe they had a row? Aish, that kid, why are they always fighting. Because it was Jungkook, I decided not to worry that much, these two are literally frenemies, they make up in the shortest time possible.
The doctor arrived in fifteen minutes. I've already managed to get Luna asleep by then. The doctor measured her temperature and took down some notes.
"Mr. Park." The doctor said. "Unfortunately, Miss Park is suffering from alcohol poisoning because of her overdose on alcohol. We suggest her stay at home for at least two days and if things gets any worse, please contact us."
I thanked him before returning back to the bedroom.
Luna is sleeping quietly. She was kicking her duvet off very often instead I fetched a thinner blanket for her. I kissed her on top of the head before returning to my bedroom. I dialled my parent's number.
"What is it?" Mum's voice sounded on the other side. Immediately she realised. "Wait, Jimin you never call me, is this about Luna?"
"yes." I said, waiting for a series of shouting after explaining what happened.
"WHAT? I left you to take care of Luna for three days and on the first day you are already calling me saying that she got alcohol poisoning, from three BOTTLES OF WINE?" Mum literally screamed through the phone. "Is it serious, is she in the hospital?"
"No." I sighed. "I got the doctors to check on her, she is just unconscious she will be better tomorrow but she will have to stay home for at least two days. She can't go to school either, because they said not to let her work hard."
"Yes. Tell her to rest, she can miss the whole year if she wants, she HAS to be OK." Dad suddenly butted in.
I sighed before ending the call. My parents love Luna to bits because she is the only girl in the family for five generations.


I woke up to the sun shining brightly on my face. My head feels dizzy. I looked up to find myself on the sofa. I tried to remember what happened.
"Oh my." I heard Su say. "Evelyn you are finally awake. Do you remember what happened?"
"No.." I croaked, my mouth is very dry.
"Here, have some fruit juice." Su said as she passed me a cup. "Apparently it helps."
"Mmmm, I feel much better." I said after a while as I sat up. "Thanks."
"Your welcome." Su sat next to me. "Do you know who brought you back yesterday?"
Images flashed in my mind. I remember Jin asking me to the bar. I drank a lot and I collapsed?
"Well I remember that I collapsed?" I said. "But I don't remember what happened next."
"Well..." Su started. "Your boss brought you back."
Hold on. What did she just say. My boss. My boss..who's that. WAIT. JIMIN. PARK JIMIN.
"My what?" I jumped up. "My boss? He took me back? Park Jimin took me back? What the hell?"
"He didn't look too happy though." Su sighed before turning to look at me. "Eve, don't tell me you are going to lose your job after the first day."
"Was I really drunk?" I asked.
Su nodded, I face-palmed. Argh....
"He carried you bridal as well." Su added. Shit. I fumbled for my phone before dialling for a number.
"Hello?" The voice picked up.
"Boss, it's Evelyn. I am really sorry for what happened last night." I quickly apologised. "I promise, that's not going to happen again, I am really sorry."
"Evelyn Lee." He said. "You should know that getting drunk on your first day is not a good sign."
"Yes, I know." I added. "I am so sorry, it won't happen again."
"Use your weekend to write me at least seven thousand word apology, and I'll think about not firing you." He said before he hung up.
"Did you hear that?" I asked Su. She slowly nodded. "At least seven thousand? What's wrong with him?
"I dunno." Su and I hugged together, before bursting into laughter. "Right, let's do this!"


I smirked before hanging up. Well that's a good reason to get rid of the bitch that nearly killed my sister. I heard some movements in Luna's room, so I headed over.
She had already sat up and was clutching her head. She saw me and looked up.
"Jimin, my head really hurts." She said clutching her head again.
"have some water." I said softly before handing her her water bottle. She drank from it and sighed.
"Park Jin-ah (note from author: That's Luna's real name, just in case you are confused.) Do you know how stupid you were." I accused her softly. "You had three bottles of wine yesterday and poured another four down the sink."
Luna didn't speak. She just put her head into her hands.
"Relax ok?" I patted her head. "You are not going to go to school on Monday or Tuesday, just in case you still feel unwell. Would you like me to call Jungkook for you?"
She seemed surprised by his name. "No!" Luna said immediately. "Don't. I'm fine." She then got up from her bed and tried to walk, she then collapsed, I immediately caught her.
"Get back to bed." I said. "What do you want?"
"Don't talk to me." Luna warned. "I'm going to sleep." Then she turned and went back to sleep. I can tell she was still angry, her eyes were puffy from crying last night.
I turned and was about to leave when I caught sight of Luna's bag from last night. I opened it up, found her phone and some money.
I entered her password. I knew her password all along, but she doesn't need to know that. Her phone unlocked.
I want to know what really happened last night between Jungkook and her. Because if Jungkook hurt her, I would do the same, but twice back.


Isn't Jimin sibling goals?? Oh my gosh I am so jealous, if only my sister was like that.

It's my birthday next weekend, soooo excited. Updates might be slow that weekend. Someone please comment, please please please, I need support.

listening right now: B-day by IKON. REALLY RECOMMEND THIS. It is literally stuck in my head. Weah--weah--weah---

Thanks. Love you guys


Oh ok good luck and stay strong

catdog21 catdog21

Aww thanks. I'm just dealing with my exams coming back, but I will update soon. :-)

GalaxyGirl GalaxyGirl

Happy birthday. And happy Hanukah to you to. Jk, I really like the story plz do more :)

catdog21 catdog21

This is good I like it

catdog21 catdog21

Do you guys like the story so far? Comment so I know!

GalaxyGirl GalaxyGirl