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Excuse Me, Miss


“No, I specifically said I wanted the new lens delivered straight to the set!” Claire barked into the phone. “What part of that did you misunderstand?”

“None of it,” Philip snapped, “and I don't appreciate your tone of voice!”

“If Kyle hears about this, he'll make you dream about my tone of voice!” Claire retorted. Philip sighed. “Anything else?” he asked, still sounding miffed.

Claire felt a twinge of guilt. “I'm sorry, Phil,” she said, walking down the path to the parking lot. “It's not your fault.”

“You're right, it's not. But I accept your apology.”

Claire ducked under a branch. “Any other fires I need to put out?” she asked. “I'm about to head back to the studio.”

“You should be going home,” Philip said pointedly. “I know you spent the last three nights in your office, and I have a sneaking suspicion why.”

Claire rolled her eyes. “Stop worrying, Philip. You're worse than my mom.”

“How many extra hours per week are you putting into the other departments?” Philip demanded. “Twenty? Thirty?”

“It's my show and I'll put in as many hours as I want,” Claire said stubbornly, digging around for her keys.

“Oh yeah? And where's Kyle in all of this?”

Claire glimpsed the parking lot at the bottom of the hill. “He's down the hall, working just as long as I am,” she said. “I think we're entitled to some overtime on this.”

“You've done enough,” Philip insisted. “Before we came here, he promised that you wouldn't be giving more than your due. And I know he's gone home every night this week while you work into the small hours.”

“I cannot keep having this argument with you,” Claire said tiredly. “Kyle and I-”

“Are family, I know,” Philip interrupted. “That doesn't mean he's above taking advantage of you, as you well know.”

“I'll see you tomorrow, Philip,” she said, hanging up the phone. She slid it into her satchel and looked up at the darkening sky. It's getting late. I should pick up food on my way back.

Someone honked at her and she stopped abruptly. “Hello?” she called, hesitating on the edge of the parking lot. A red convertible zipped around the corner and she sighed. “Very funny, Kibum,” she said, shaking her head. “I thought you left hours ago.”

Kibum pulled up beside her smoothly. “You're not the only one who puts in overtime,” he said, sliding his sunglasses down his nose. “Get in, I'll give you a lift.”

“Thanks, but I do actually have my own car,” Claire said, dangling her keys in front of him. Kibum raised his eyebrows. “That? It'll be fine until morning. Then I can give you two rides.” He smiled charmingly and Claire felt a tiny part of her defenses crumble. Watch out, Claire, a warning voice told her. Don't be a fool.

“I can't have any rumors about me on set,” she said suddenly. “Kyle won't stand for it.”

Disappointment grew on Kibum's face. “I understand,” he said, putting the car in gear.

“But,” Claire continued quickly, “it would be nice to have some company for a change.”

Kibum grinned and put the car back in park. “I agree,” he said, getting out and opening the passenger door for her. Claire got in and put her satchel in her lap, and Kibum closed the door smartly and got back in the driver's seat.

“Boo!” Minho yelled, springing up from the backseat. Claire shrieked and leapt back, pressing herself against the dashboard. Kibum and Minho laughed hysterically as Claire tried to make her heart stop pounding. “You're both horrible,” she said, smacking Minho on the head. “But especially you.”

“Sorry,” Minho said, not looking at all sorry, “but we saw you come down alone and we couldn't resist.”

Claire knew she should leap out of the car in indignation, but she secretly thought it was funny too. “Just take me to the studio,” she grumbled, leaning back against the seat.

“Not yet,” Minho pronounced. “First we're stopping by this great restaurant I discovered.”


“Come on, one meal,” he insisted. “Then you can go back to living in your office.”

Claire's stomach rumbled and she sighed. “I am hungry,” she admitted. Minho grinned triumphantly and Kibum peeled out of the parking lot, making the wind tear through their hair. He turned the radio on and an upbeat pop song flooded through the speakers, only to be snatched away by the wind as they got onto the highway. Claire leaned her head on her hand and closed her eyes, letting the cool air stream over her face and twist through her hair. She felt a strange sense of peace, as if the wind was eroding the many levels of stress and worry she'd built up inside. New York feels like it happened a million years ago, she thought bemusedly. Her breathing slowed and she drifted off…

“I'm so happy here, with you.”

Claire felt her cheeks warm. “Me too,” she whispered, nestling herself against his chest. “I wish we could always be like this.”

She felt him tense slightly. “You know we can't. Not until the divorce goes through.”

Claire pulled back to look at him. “But it's been almost a year!” she whined. “Surely she's not going to keep fighting it!”

He sighed tiredly. “She's got the resources, and mine are dwindling.”

“But once the show takes off-”

“That'll be too late!” he insisted, pushing away from her. Claire felt empty without him, her hands clutching at the air helplessly. “I'll talk to Kyle, get him to cut you a deal.”

“We both know he won't do that,” he said shortly, “especially if he knew about us.”

Claire felt panic streak through her and she thought quickly. “I know how to get the money.”


Claire snapped awake instantly. “What?” she asked, looking around groggily.

“You fell asleep,” Kibum said, putting the car in park. Claire rubbed her eyes. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

“I'm just relieved to know that you do actually sleep sometimes,” Minho chimed in, getting out of the car. Claire made to follow but he waved her back. “This is where I leave you,” he said, giving a courtly bow.

“But you said-”

“That we were stopping at a restaurant. I never said you were eating here.”

He's setting us up, Claire realized. She gave him a slight shake of her head, silently begging him to get back in the car.

“Bye!” he called, ignoring her and heading into the restaurant. Claire ground her teeth and folded her arms as Kibum rejoined traffic. This is a really bad idea, she thought, watching the restaurant disappear around the corner.

“Are you okay?” Kibum asked.

“I'm fine,” Claire snapped. “Let's just get this- I mean, let's just eat.”

Kibum pushed his sunglasses up onto his head. “Look, this wasn't meant to be an ambush. I just wanted to give you a break for a few hours. If you want to go straight back to the studio, I'll take you.”

Claire opened her mouth to accept, but the words stuck in her throat. She realized with a shock that some part of her actually wanted to see this through, despite the jangling alarm bells going off in her mind. It's just one dinner, she reasoned.

“I could use a break,” she said finally. “Thanks.”

Kibum smiled and his body seemed to relax a little. “No problem,” he said easily. “Where do you want to go?”


Minho paced in front of his trailer impatiently, checking his watch for the hundredth time. Where is he? he wondered.

There were footsteps and Kibum came around the corner, twirling his keys in his hand. “Well?” Minho asked excitedly. “How did it go?”

Kibum hung his head and Minho’s hopes fell. “That bad?” he asked concernedly. “Tell me what happened.”

Kibum shook his head. “It was…” he looked up and grinned. “It was great.”

Minho punched him in the arm and Kibum started laughing. “Your face!” he chuckled, leaning against the trailer. “You looked so disappointed!”

“Shut up and tell me what happened,” Minho insisted. “Did she like it?”

“Yeah, she did. At least…” Kibum trailed off. “I don't know.”

“You don't know what?” Minho prodded. “Did something happen?”

“Not exactly, she just… well, she kept glancing around like someone was spying on us. I couldn't get her to relax.”

“Did she say anything about it?”

“Just that her brother wouldn't like us being out together,” Kibum replied. He leaned in closely. “Look, I don't know what happened in New York,” he said in a low voice, “but Kyle seems to have a lot of power over Claire and I don't like it.”

Minho tended to agree, but he kept his face neutral. “Whatever happened, I don't think Kyle was the cause of it. If anything Claire acts like she owes him for something big.” He put a hand on Kibum's shoulder. “Be careful. You don't want to ruin your chances by pushing her too hard.”

“Maybe,” Kibum conceded, “but I'm gonna find out what's going on. There's too many secrets around here.”

“Just be careful,” Minho repeated.


The next day Claire came into the studio and Philip met her at the door. “Why are you here?” she asked, confused. “I thought you were going to the set.”

“I was, until- ”


Both of them cringed as Kyle stormed into view. “My office, now!” he barked, stalking past them. Claire handed Philip her satchel and followed her brother down the hallway. “Will you stop stomping like a child?” she whispered loudly. “You're causing a scene!”

“I'm not the one causing a scene,” Kyle hissed, entering his office. Claire closed the door behind them. “If this is about last night, don't-”

“Don't what, stop you from ruining everything we've worked for?!” Kyle spat. “You're either the most stupid or the most selfish person in the world to pull something like that, and I can't decide which is worse.”

“It was one dinner between friends!” Claire said hotly, taking a step forward. “Kibum wanted-”

“I don't care about what Kibum wants!” Kyle yelled. “Kibum didn't go through eighteen months of hell while his career circled the drain! You have no right to-”

“To what, have friends? I don't need your permission for anything, Kyle! And last I checked, it was my script that got us this job and my overtime that's keeping it afloat!” Claire blazed. “I've done nothing but babysit you since we got here, and I did it because I felt guilty about what happened. But when do we get to move on with our lives?”

“Babysitting?! I'll tell you who's been-”

The door was flung open and Minho and Philip spilled into the room. “What's going on in here?” Minho demanded. “Claire?”

Claire looked at Philip, who just shrugged helplessly. “Nothing,” she muttered. “We're done here.”

She left the office, Minho and Philip on her heels. “That didn't look like nothing,” Philip said, glancing over his shoulder. “We could hear the yelling from the loading bay.”

“It doesn't have anything to do with you two, so just drop it,” Claire retorted.

“You're crying,” Minho said gently. Claire stopped and touched her cheeks. He's right, she realized, and she dried them with her sleeve before continuing on. “I didn't get much sleep,” she mumbled. “Don't worry about it.”

They entered the loading bay and the crew tried to pretend they hadn't heard anything. Claire saw Kibum waiting by his car and she tried to veer away, but he had already spotted her. “Claire!” he called, jogging over to her. “Is everything okay?” he asked, glancing between the three of them. “Have you been crying?”

Claire felt a surge of anger. “No, everything's not okay,” she spat. “Why couldn't you just take no for an answer? Did you ever stop to think that I was pushing you away for a reason?”

“Claire, don't do this here,” Philip whispered warningly.

“I guess being a celebrity makes you think you're entitled to ignore personal boundaries, but news flash, not every girl is dying to be your groupie!”

“I never thought-”

“No, you didn't,” Claire cut him off. “Just leave me alone.”

She stormed out of the loading bay into the clear morning air and ducked around a corner, where she finally let her angry tears fall.


Philip watched Claire dart away and he turned back to the others. “Well, I hope you're pleased with yourselves,” he sniffed.

“What did we do?!” Kibum demanded. “What is-”

Philip grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the open bay door, surprising them so much they followed him outside without complaint. Once they were out of the crew's sight Philip let go of him. “Can we not provide the crew with any more gossip than they already have?” he whispered. “And you,” he said, directing his attention to Minho, “I told you not to get involved with Claire. Why can't you listen?”

“I'm not involved with her!” Minho shot back. “She's just my friend.”

“Yeah, but you didn't mind involving her with your buddy here,” he retorted, jerking his head at Kibum.

“Why is everything my fault?” Kibum hissed. “Can't a guy take a girl he likes out to dinner anymore?”

“Not in this case!” Philip countered. “She doesn't need this right now.”

“I disagree,” Minho said firmly. “As far as I can tell, there's no reason for all of this drama.”

“At least, none that anyone will tell us,” Kibum added.

Philip sighed. “There's every reason,” he muttered. “This isn't just about Claire or Kyle or even the show. It's bigger than that.”

“How?” Minho asked. “What is going on around here?”

Philip looked down at Claire's satchel, still in his hands after her outburst. It was a tangible symbol of her hard work, her perseverance, and the staunch loyalty between the two of them. Forgive me, Claire.

He looked up again. “Come with me and I'll tell you everything.”



Minho's and Claire's friendship is going smoothly, I just don't want Kibum to 'mess it up', I hope it works out for all 3 of them as friends. :)

Thank you!! It's gonna be fun to write. I've got some other stories planned, so keep your eyes peeled lol

I love this so much already! I'm looking forward to where the story goes, and what happens to Minho and Clare :) Keep writing - I love your work <3

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