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K (Kohana)

Jimin's Friends

You walk down the street and enter what looks like a new bar.

-Jimin! What took you so long!- Someone jumps on his back.
-I was waiting for K-
-Oh, sorry didn’t see you, hi, I’m J, J-Hope-
-She knows who you are already-
-Yeah, Jimin always shows me pics of you guys-

You walk to a table and you’re already having a headache from all the noise.

-You’ll look like a bunch of kids- Jimin says while sitting down.
-Aren’t we though?-
-Then what are you doing in a bar? Aren’t some of you under ag..- Jimin puts his hand on your mouth not letting you finish.
-Ya! Jimin! Your girlfriend is going to ruin the night!-
-I’m not his girlfriend!- You push Jimin away and stomp on his foot.
-Oh you’re not? Score!- He puts his arm around you.
-If you don’t take your hands off of me Jin I’m going to punch you-
-You know me!?-
-She knows us all- J-Hope says

The four guys look at you and then at Jimin.

-She works at the same place, and I might have shown her some of the pictures we took together and told her who you were-
-This is why we shouldn’t be friends with him- Jin says.
-You should be thankful you have a friend like him, I know most of the shit you guys do- You point at Jin, J-Hope and the other two guys.
-Okay okay, so you know who we are? Then who am I?-
-Let me guess, blue hair, piercings, Min Yoongi-
-And me and me?-
-You look like someone who’s mom still dresses him up, Rap Mon-
-Wait, why do you know him as Rap Mon but you call me Min Yoongi?-
-What should I call you then?-
-SUGA! Obviously, I thought Jimin told you everything-
-I did, she just doesn’t remember-
-Why would I remember stuff about people I don’t know?- You scoff.
-OPPA!- you hear a loud pitch behind you and then see arms around Suga.

You feel Jimin pull you closer to him as another 2 girls sit next to Jin and RapMon while J-Hope sits next to you.

-Oppa! Do you know how much I missed you!? Why didn’t you answer your phone? Where have you been? You couldn’t even answer on kakao?-

If there’s anything you hate more than the smell of Alcohol its loud teenage girls with high pitch voices. You turn to Jimin and pull him down.

-I don’t think you guys should be here-
-Its okay, as long as ...wait where is Jungkook and Tae Hyung?-
-They couldn’t make it, not sure way- J-Hope answers.
-And those?- You point at the girls.
-Those are not my business so I don’t really care what they do-
-You could get wrapped up in their business you know-
-Oh, look at you being all touchy touchy with Jimin- One of the girls say. You turn around and look at her.
-Fuck off- Jimin responds
-Oppa! How could you let him treat my friend like that!- The girl in Suga’s lap says while looking at him.
-Your friend shouldn’t butt into it, its non of her business- Suga answers.
-Ugh, I’m too old for this dumb shit- You get up but Jimin pulls you back down.
-Too old? Then what are you doing here?- The girl on Suga’s lap asks while looking at you.
-Non of your business- RapMon looks at her and then at Suga -Why are you here, we didn’t invite you and your little group last time we checked-
-Why should I wait to be invited? I came for Suga anyways, butt off-

You rub your head, take your jacket off and cross your legs.

-You have tattoos!? A woman shouldn’t have tattoos, disgusting- The girl sitting next to Jin opens her mouth.
-Excuse me!?- You start tapping for your foot on the floor.
-You heard her, why would you do that to your skin, poor soul- The one next to RapMon answers
-Why are you butting into someone else life?- Your foot starts to tap the floor faster.
-Suga, did you invite them?- Jimin asks. Suga rolls his eyes and pushes the girl on his lap off.
-I never thought she would track me down, I swear i’m getting tired of her bullshit too-
-Oppa! Are you going to be like this because of another girl-
-Oh god, no that’s it, fuck this, I hate teenage crazy bitches the most- You grab your jacket and get up, Jimin grabs your arm but this time you push him away. -I’m not going to sit here, listen to a trio of bickering snakes, I have better things to do-
-K , I just wanted you to meet my friends- Jimin says.
-There is no reason for me to do so-
-K!? You mean THE K!?- Suga gets up and looks at you.
-The K?- You ask.
-Yeah, I told you we work in the same place-
-I always wanted to meet you! I have this awesome tattoo I want to get I ..-
-No- You don’t let him finish - I don’t deal with people like you, specially with a baby following you around- You walk out of the bar , Jimin follows you behind.
-K, wait-
-Its fine, I’m just really not in the mood, and you know I hate this shit-
-I’m sorry If I knew they were coming I wouldn’t have..- You cut him off.
-I said its okay, go back and have fun with your friends, I’m going home, see you tomorrow-

Jimin goes back into the bar and you go back to the garage, get in the car and drive home.
You put the password in and open the door slowly, hoping, praying, that JJ would be gone.
No one seems to be home, you sigh in relief.

-Baby~ Mommy is home!-

Dean, your cat, jumps off the sofa and comes to you.

-Mommy is going to stay with you the rest of the night, aren’t you happy?-

He rubs against your legs and goes back to the sofa. You go into the bathroom, take a shower and walk back to the living room. The phone rings, its a text from Jimin.

I hope you’re not mad~
I’m not.
Yes, I’m not mad, stop playing with your phone and have fun with your friends.
Suga and RapMon left, its just me J-Hope and Jin now.
Good, at least you wont get a headache.
So, see you tomorrow?
As long as you don’t skip.
I wont.

You put the phone on the table, lay on the couch, put Dean on top of you, start to pet him and turn the TV on. After a few hours the phone rings waking you up from your nap, you quickly pick up.

K, how’s work?
Boss, we’re good, how are things over there.
Its fantastic, I made a few deals, you’ll be excited.
I can’t wait.
Did you finish No Min Woo’s tattoo?
We didn’t open today.
Oh right right
Plus, he’s leaving to Japan and I don’t know when he’ll come back.
I bet he has work, well, gotta go, talk to you later.
Okay, good luck Ra.
You haven’t called me that in years, is everything okay?
What, your name? You don’t want me to call you Ra, I won’t then.
That’s not it, anyways, are you sure everything is okay?
Yes, omg stop acting like my dad now, go back to work.
Will do, will do, goodnight.
Goodnight, well good day, or whatever over there.

You get up from the couch to the fridge, open it and grab a box of fried chicken. God knows since when that’s there, you smell it, seems good enough, you go back to the couch and start to eat.
You finish it and look at the clock. 2:30 am.
You clean up and head to the bedroom.

-Dean~ come here-

He jumps onto the bed and curls up next to you.

You wake up to loud knocking on the door, you quickly get up from the bed and run to it, you open it.


Still half asleep you rub your eyes and open them.

-I think it died, I don’t know, what’s wrong?-
-There were cops asking around when I went to open the shop this morning-
-Are you sure!?-
-Fuck, come in, let me put my clothes on-

Jimin sits on the couch with Dean and starts to pet him as you head back to the bedroom, wash up and put clothes on.

-I need to wash up my clothes, I have nothing left to wear-
-You can always borrow mine- Jimin smirks
-Don’t even-

You grab your phone, the car charger and head out of the apartment with Jimin, get into the car and drive to the shop.

-I’m going to ask around, you stay here-
-No Jimin, I was planning on getting out and go ask the cops myself, you okay?-

After a few minutes he comes back and knocks on the window.

-What is it?-
-False alarm, someone yesterday got drunk and passed out in the street the neighbors called the police, that was it-
-You scared the living shit out of me-

Jimin goes to open the shop as you go down to the garage to park the car.
You come up and sit on the counter. Tattooing is illegal in South Korea, you’re literally breaking the law, and you should always be careful, last thing you want is getting arrested.


Yeey chapter 4 is up! Enjoy~

Please rate, and comment, I honestly would love to know what you guys think ♥


NightK here, I got my account back, so I'll keep updating again, yaay.

nightk2 nightk2

Update! Its great. <3~

kpopbitch kpopbitch


Ayeee loyal reader of mine ♥ Thank you so much for the comments! I am glad you are still here :3

NightK NightK

Br0 I rea;;y like this story its dope asf. Keep updating~ <33

kpopbitch kpopbitch


Ayeee!! Thank you so much, that means alot to me! ♥ I'm really really happy you are enjoying it >w< even if it was just you reading i would keep updating for your sake ♥

NightK NightK