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K (Kohana)

Outside The Door

-Dean~ Mommy is home~ Where are you baby-

You walk to the bedroom and see your cat sleeping in your bed, you take your clothes off and go to sleep.

You wake up to your phone buzzing and your cat biting your toes.

-Okay okay! I’m up!-

You pick up the phone and answer the call.

-Hey, K?-
-Yeah, who’s this?-
-No Min Woo-

What? You look at your phone’s screen

-Who gave you this number?-
-Your boss-
-I told you we don’t open on Mondays, plus I won’t finish your tattoo until the first part heals-
-That’s not why I’m calling you-
-I told you I would make it up for you-
-Meet me in front of the shop in an hour-

He hangs up the phone and you get up from your bed, first things first, you gave your cat food and head to the shower, after a nice cold shower you feel refreshed and ready to go, you put your clothes on, a pair of leather pants and a t-shirt, walk to the kitchen get a piece of bread, kiss your cat and open the apartment door.


You ask as he’s sitting outside the door.

-Yo- He gets up
-What are you doing here? - You almost choke on the bread.
-Needed a place to crash, but you didn’t open up, and I have no where to go, so I figured out you would come out sooner or later-
-Ew fuck , you reek of alcohol and cheap perfume again-
-Don’t get mad- He tries to hug you but you push him away.
-Don’t you dare-
-You let me yesterday, what’s wrong now-
-I was having a good day yesterday, now, not so much-
-Can I just go in and sleep, you’re heading out anyways-
-Sure...just lock after you leave, and don’t fucking leave your shit behind like last time-
-Wont , wont- He stumbles into the apartment and you leave.

*JJ’s POV*

I’ve been waiting outside of her apartment for hours, why am I back here? I should be over this shit.

The door opens up and I see her walk out, she seems me and almost choked on the piece of bread she had in her mouth.

Her lips look like the softest they ever been... I want to kiss them, one last time... please.

*JJ’s POV end*

You get into the car and drive to the shop. You see No Min Woo waiting at the door, you stop the car next to him.

-Am I late?-
-No, I just got here early-
-So, shouldn’t you get in?-
-Nah I got my car, park yours-

You park your car in the shop’s garage and come out, you see No Min Woo waiting for you in front of a car.

-M6 Gran huh?-
-Knew you would appreciate it-
-Indeed I will, I like my cars to be German, nothing else for me tops it-
-Get in-

He opens the door for you, you make a what the fuck face but get in anyways, he gets in and starts to drive.

-Where are we going exactly?-
-To get you food-

After a few hours No Min parks the car, you open your eyes from your nap and see the shore.

-What?- You ask still half asleep
-Where would you get the freshest fish?-
-I’m not up to fishing if that’s what you had in mind-
-No, a friend of mine has a seafood restaurant here, that’s what we came for-

You both get out of the car and head into the Restaurant.

-Ya! Min Woo-ah!-
-How have you been?-
-Good, good, and you?-
-I’m doing okay, and....who’s this?-
-Oh, K, this is Kim Yool, hyung, this is K-
-Nice to meet you- You bow down as he does the same.
-Hyung, did you prepare what I asked for?-
-I just turned the fire off, go sit down, I’ll bring it to you-

You sit down at a table, a few minutes later the table gets filled with side dishes and your stomach starts to growl, OMG NO, STOP, SHUT UP. You look down embarrassed. No Min Woo hands you a pair of chopsticks.

-Go on-

You look down hoping mother earth would just swallow you, but the hunger wins and you start to eat from the side dishes.
The final dish arrives, you see clams, shrimp, octopus, crab and your mouth just waters from the sight. They put the dish down in the center, you pick the chopsticks and use them to get yourself a piece of shrimp and direct it to your mouth.

-Hot!- You swallow the piece of shrimp after burning your tongue.
-You should have waited, did you think it would be cold enough to eat early?-

No Min Woo takes a small plate and starts to put some of the seafood on it and hands it to you.

-Here, let it cool down though-

You nod and sip a big mouthful of water trying to cool down your now burning tongue and throat.

You finish your food and take a deep breath.

-That was really good-
-I bet, we didn’t leave anything behind- No Min says.
-It was too good to be left-
-I’m glad you liked it- Kim Yool says while walking towards your table.
-Thanks hyung, that was amazing, as expected-
-You only come once in a blue moon, you should come often, you’re always welcome you know-
-I’m sorry, you know how busy I’ve been-
-I can tell- Kim Yool looks at you, you choke on the water you were trying to drink.
-It’s not like that!- You say while trying to jump back to life and not choke to death.
-Is it not? This is the first..- No Min Woo hits him making him wobble slightly.
-It’s not like that hyung, i’m just thanking her for some work-
-Non of my business anyways, have a good drive back- Kim Yool leaves.
-Are you okay?- No Min Woo asks.
-Yeah, kinda- You keep coughing.
-We should go back to Seoul now-

You both get out of the restaurant and walk towards the car, you look at the sun now high in the sky and slowly turn around and walk to the beach. No Min Woo notices and just follows me.
You take your shoes off and slowly walk closer to the water, its cold, refreshing, it hits your feet and you slowly wiggle your toes. A big smile on your face. After a few minutes you get out of the water and walk back, you put your shoes on and get to No Min Woo who’s sitting down on the sand.

-Now I’m ready to go-
-You sure?-

He gets up, grabs your hand and puts a crystal stone in it, its purple, dark purple, with slight hints of blue.

-Thanks..did you find it here?-

He nods without a word and walks to the car, you follow him and get in the car, the ride back home is slightly awkward. You get to the tattoo shop.

-Thanks for today..it was..fun-
-No problem- No Min Woo goes back into the car.
-Oh, um..I can finish your tattoo tomorrow-
-No can do, I need to go to Japan-
-Oh then..just give me a call when you’re here-

He nods and drives away. What the fuck was that you ask yourself while walking to the garage.

-Yo!- You jump and fall down.
-FUCK, Jimin!!-
-I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to scare you- He holds his hand out to help you get up, but you push it away and get up on your own.
-What are you doing here anyways!?-
-I forgot my phone in the shop but when I got here I saw your car so I was looking around for you-
-I wasn’t here-
-I noticed-
-Do you need me to drive you home?-
-Not really, but hey, do you want have some fun?-
-Some fun?-
-Me and a couple of friends are heading out to get some drinks-
-I don’t know- You pause and think, if you go back home you’ll probably have to deal with JJ. -Sure, fuck it, why not-
-Awesome!- Jimin hugs you tightly.
-Sorry!- He lets go.
-Get in the car then-
-No need, its right down the street-
-Its a new place, come on-

He grabs your hands and pulls you with him.


Hellow~ I'm back with Chapter 3~

I also see 3 subscribers, HELLO! ♥ You guys can comment or message me if you want (I don't even know how the site works #fail)

Please Rate and Vote if you like it and want to read more~ ♥ Or just even say hello in the comments, I would love to talk to you readers ♥


NightK here, I got my account back, so I'll keep updating again, yaay.

nightk2 nightk2

Update! Its great. <3~

kpopbitch kpopbitch


Ayeee loyal reader of mine ♥ Thank you so much for the comments! I am glad you are still here :3

NightK NightK

Br0 I rea;;y like this story its dope asf. Keep updating~ <33

kpopbitch kpopbitch


Ayeee!! Thank you so much, that means alot to me! ♥ I'm really really happy you are enjoying it >w< even if it was just you reading i would keep updating for your sake ♥

NightK NightK