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The Last Unicorn


"Hurry Yixing!" Queen Amanda whispered.
Yixing ran with power and grace. His black mane billowing like silk in the wind. Amanda hugged him tightly her tears falling unheeded.
When they reached the dragon arc at the fairies realm, Queen Amanda asked Yixing to stop.
Dutifully he lowered his Queen to the ground.
She started her incantation as soon as her feet touched the ground.
The black fog sent by the enchantress is not too far behind.
The Arc suddenly roared and begun breathing fire. Yixing ran to cover the Queen.
He was suddenly being embraced by the Queen, then just as quickly pushed into the ring of fire.
He was blinded by the brightness, he began to neigh and stood on his hind legs pawing the air with his forelegs.
He was the last of his kind, the golden unicorn of Pateris. The most powerful magic laden creature in this world. Whoever has the unicorn, controls the world. This world.
Yixing woke up in a strange place, it was loud, dirty and busy. Above him, the dragon was immobile as always. Back at its resting form. He blinked several times and stood up on his shaky hind legs.
Except he only has two legs. He realized he is now human.
He is also totally naked.
The police was suddenly arresting him. He was surprised he could read and understand their language.
The police had letters on the side of their vehicle. SFPD. San Francisco Police Department.



I love your story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you can check mine out too!
and maybe give it a vote?

I really like it so far :)
good job (^^♪

minsiina minsiina

Amazing !

Anai Anai @ ExoFanfiction.org