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If Dreams Could Tell


No One's POV

You hadn't eaten for days. In fact, you didn't do anything at all, except being holed up in Jin's room.

You heard a soft knock on the door, "Baekhee? It's me." Jimin opened the door.

"You're gonna starve." He put the porridge on the bedside. Jimin sighed when you didn't move.

He scooped a spoonful and held it to your mouth. You slapped it away making the porridge spill on him. "I don't like your cooking. Only Jin can feed me, and I will only eat his cooking." You grabbed the bowl and poured it all over Jimin.

"He's dead now, Baekhee." Jimin angrily said. "There's no point in getting him back."

"He's not dead! I don't believe it! You don't even care about him as much as I do!" You shouted wiping your tears, but they were reforming quickly again.

"You think I don't care about him? Do you think I'm overcoming this very easily? I'm suffering as much as you are!" He exploded. "Jin was a brother we never had! Now he's..." Jimin shook his head and walked out leaving the door open.

Suga destroyed everything in his room.

"Hyung, stop." Jungkook begged, "He's dead."

Suga pushed him away, "What makes you think that? He's still alive!" He glared.

"Hyung please. Yoongi Hyung." Jungkook blinked back his tears, hugging Suga from doing anything else more destructive.

'Jin Hyung, come back. What do I do?'

"Let go!" Suga roughly pushed him, as his back hit the wall.

"Aish!" This became a tug-of-war game until Suga punched him.

Jungkook couldn't hold back his shocked face and punched him right back.

Suga threw him to the ground and picked up a chair. He used all his strength and threw it. All of it was in slow motion. The mirror shattered into a million pieces.

Jungkook stood up and ran out of the house.

The customer dropped the money on the ground. Rap Mon wasn't in the mood.

"Tch. Rude much?" He threw his hands up, "That's it. I'm done." Rap Mon took the Lolipop from inside his mouth and dropped it.

'When will you come back?'

Jimin stayed in the bathtub with no water running. He sighed and ruffled his hair. Why did Jin have to go?

He gritted his teeth.

He wished he could just disappear. Jin's death was a tragedy to everyone.

'Come back to us.'

A thought was caught in Jimin's mind. 'Maybe I'll do just that.' Before he can do anything, the door opened.

J-hope buried his face in his hands letting the tears fall. "Jin Hyung, why did you leave us."

"Unless you want Baekhee to die, I wouldn't have done that."

J-hope gasped and looked around. "Jin? Is that you?" He frantically looked around.

He cried even more when he saw no one except for him in his bedroom.

"Please. Come back." He sobbed.

Suga immediately ran after him. As soon as he opened the door, Jungkook was already gone.

'Oh my god. Where is he? Suga mentally panicked. Running out, and checking every possible places where Jungkook would be.

'Jin, what have I done? Please...come back and tell me what to do.'

J-hope couldn't pick between Jin and you. Sure Jin was a great brother to him. He was trustworthy too.

But he also loved you. After you and Jin started being a thing, he was heartbroken but happy at the same time.

If you died, the love of his life would be gone. Everything will change. The love of the others too. You would probably think if that's even possible to have that any people liking you. If Jin died...everything will still fall apart.

V lie down on the grass. He looked up at the sky and smiled. Behind that smile, was someone desperate, "When will I be free?"

He put the back of his hand over his forehead blocking the sun. "It's a nice day today."

V's smile faltered as his shoulders started to shake, "Jin, come back to us."

You sat in the same position as before, not even moving. You twitched your foot, and forced yourself up.

You sat in the kitchen table where you used to wait for Jin's cooking.

"Jin! Guess what? I know we were out of groceries, so I did your job and went to buy some!" You held out an imaginary grocery bag.

"I also got your favorite cake! What did you say? I'm starting to act like a mom?"

"I love you, Jin." You giggled before a tear dropped down your face. You didn't bother to wipe it away.

No one could replace Jin, no matter how you faked it.

You smiled bitterly, "Jin, I love you. Please come back."

V closed his eyes. He wasn't asleep, he was listening to the silence, if you call the birds chirping and the sound of wind blowing silent.

A calming soft tune came out from V's phone. He checked the caller,


He doesn't know if he should still continue to call her mom. To him, he just wants her to be a stranger to him, and everything will be normal.

There was just one thing. He still cares about her.

Should he answer? V was hesitant at first, but he pressed the 'accept' button.


"Taehyung? Is that you?...Come back home. Please."


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Thanks! Btw book 2 is out! I hope you enjoy!

Minghoon9397 Minghoon9397

Im so excited! To read your next book :). HWAITING!!! We love uu!

My Kookie My Kookie

Awww thanks! Hope you enjoyed your vacation lol

Minghoon9397 Minghoon9397

Whoa words, what do you mean crappy. Your story entertained me while I was on hiatus in Hawaii. Your story accompanied me through my wonderful vacation. Keep up the good work <3

TuanTuan TuanTuan

You do not know how happy your comment made me feel! Thank you so much!

Minghoon9397 Minghoon9397