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Remembering Elizabeth (Featuring Suho and Sehun)

Remembering Elizabeth (Featuring Park Kyung):: Chapter Twenty-two (18+) I Only Have One Person!

Kyung’s hand pressed my teeth against my upper lip, drawing blood. I could hear the doorknob being turned back and forth, and then the pushing and pulling of the door as the person beyond seemed to expect the door to be unlocked. It should have been. Sehun never locked his door unless he was angry or depressed.
“Elizabeth? Are you in there?”
I knew that voice so well. I began to panic and struggle so Kyung rolled on top of me. He felt for the knife and brought it up to my throat. Putting his cheek on mine, he whispered into my ear, “If he comes in here, I’ll slit your throat and then put this knife into his heart.” I knew he wasn’t bluffing so I lay still and listened. To Bacon at the door and to my pounding heart. I could feel it beating against Kyung’s arm. His breath was wet in my ear.
It seemed like forever but eventually the noise at the door stopped. I didn’t know if Bacon had given up or had just gone to find Sehun. Please God, let him find Sehun.
Kyung didn’t move. He lay there breathing in my ear and my emotions were a jumble. I hated him. I cared for him. I wanted him dead. I wanted to hide him. Why do I feel this way toward him? What is it about Kyung that makes me care? He’s a monster.
Kyung stood up and pulled me to my feet. I felt unsteady and almost fell when my knees gave out but he caught me and held me until I could stand. I began to shiver but I wasn’t cold. In fact I was feverish. My wrist began to ache. I hadn’t felt it at all until now and I guessed it had been the adrenaline. Now I felt like a wrung out washcloth.
“Up you go Kitten. We have to get you dressed. It’s time to get you home.”
Home? But I am home.
I stood there and watched as Kyung opened Sehun’s drawers and disturbed the perfectly folded clothes. It seemed he was searching for something in particular even though I knew he was really in a panic. He had gone off of his plan and he knew it had been a mistake. He threw open the armoire and the door hit the wall so hard that the mirror fell and broke into three pieces. One of the pieces of glass fell against the wardrobe and I could see my reflection. I could see my outline shivering as I waited for my kidnapper to rummage through my lovers things. Sehun. I wonder if he is also shivering. I knew he did that when he got angry. Was he angry now? Was he frightened? Was he panicked?
I hadn’t heard any other noises in the hall since Bacon left but it was hard to hear with the high pitched squeal of fear ringing in my ears.
“Perfect,” said Kyung. He turned and tossed what looked like a pink blanket at me. Surely he won’t make me walk out of here in nothing but a blanket! I unwrapped the mass of soft cloth and found that it was a sweater. “Put it on,” he said as he breathlessly moved back to the dresser and opened another drawer. I did as I was told.
The sweater swam on me. It almost reached my knees and the sleeves hung from the sides like they were being worn by an armless mannequin.
He came back to me with something white. “Put these on too.”
They were white sweat pants. They bunched up around my ankles because Sehun was at least a foot taller than me but I was wider than him by a bit of a margin so they were snug around my middle and my thighs.
Kyung stood looking at me in the dim room. “Where is your mask?”
“Sehun took it off of me when we left the ballroom,” I said.
He reached around behind my neck and took off my necklace. I hadn’t paid attention to how heavy it had been until it was gone. I felt like another piece of armor that was protecting me from the monster was gone. He handed me a pair of Sehun’s socks and I sat on the bed and put them on.
“Now Kitten, you are going to be a very good girl and not make any kind of scene while we leave here. Isn’t that right?”
He jerked me to my feet and pulled me close against him and squeezed. Air pushed through my lips in a gasp. I nodded. I didn’t trust myself to talk. I knew if I tried I would just scream and scream and not be able to stop.
When we left Sehun’s room and started down the hall, my heart began to beat so hard that I thought it might break through my chest. I wondered if Kyung could hear it. I hoped Sehun could hear it.
The hallway was empty. No one was allowed into the private parts of the house during the party but I was hoping that they would have people looking for me. I saw no one. Kyung had the tip of the knife pressed against the skin of my back as he calmly walked me toward the servants elevator. All I had to do was scream. My boys would come running but I was afraid that what they would find would be me laying in the floor, dead, with a gaping knife wound in my heart.
My legs were numb. I was only walking by fear and sheer force of will. I still had hope. This was a huge house and there was no way that Kyung could get me out without running into security. And I knew for a fact that the security guards all had guns. Sehun had told me he insisted even though Suho thought it was overkill. Suho had been wrong. I began to realize that this wasn’t going to end well for someone unless Kyung got me out without incident. Someone was getting hurt today. Even more than I already had. I was going to have to help Kyung kidnap me.
He’s going the wrong way. How can we get out without anyone seeing us? I had to calm down and think. Being killed would be worse than being kidnapped so I had to do this.
“Kyung, stop,” I said as I stopped walking. The knife pricked my skin and I jumped.
“We can’t stop. Now move, Kitten. Don’t make me angry,” he said and pushed me forward.
I turned to him and said, “We are going the wrong way. You are going to get caught.”
He stared at me for a moment with squinted eyes through the shattered mirrored mask. Light glittered around the hall from the many pieces. It could have been magical if he wasn’t so terrifying. “Is this a trick?” he asked.
“No. Listen.” I closed my eyes and swallowed a huge ball of fear. It hurt my throat. “There are armed guards at every entrance. By now they are looking for you. We need to go back to my room. I have to get something.”
He stared into my eyes trying to decide if I was lying. “Okay but if you are pulling something here Kitten, you are going to pay big for it.”
“I’m not. I promise.”
“Okay, show me,” he said and put out a hand indicating that I lead the way.
I took him back to my room and stole a glance at him. He looked surprised as he looked back and forth from my room to the one he had just molested me in. We went in and I went straight for the jewel box on top of my vanity. I grabbed the key from inside and started back toward the door.
“Wait. What is that? Show me!” he demanded.
I opened my hand and showed him the pretty, golden, old-fashioned looking key.
All of a sudden there was a huge commotion in the hallway. Panic flashed across Kyung’s face as he looked at the unlocked bedroom door and then back at me. His face had gone white. We listened as the people in the hallway broke into Sehun’s room that was no longer locked. I recognized Bacon’s voice as well as Sehun’s and Suho’s. There were others whose voices I didn’t recognize. I knew what they would find next door. Sehun’s clothes hanging from drawers and hangers. The broken mirror. My torn and discarded ball gown. And worst of all, the rumpled bed that showed all of the evidence of the near total destruction of me that had happened not so long ago.
“No! This can’t be happening. This isn’t happening! Junie! Fix this Junie!” I knew that voice better than my own. Sehun was in a dead panic. I started to cry. Kyung grabbed me by the shoulders and shoved me against the wall beside the door. I looked at him and he shook his head slowly to tell me to keep quiet. His knife was once again at my throat. Tears streamed down my trembling cheeks in rivers. I closed my eyes and listened to Suho try to calm a terrified Sehun.
“This doesn’t mean anything Sehun. Breath. It’s going to be okay. I’m going to fix it. I promise. Come here. Calm down. You have to stay calm so that we can find her alright? I’ll fix it. I’ll fix everything.” Suho’s voice cracked and I could tell he didn’t mean a word he was saying.
Bacon apparently wasn’t staying calm. He wasn’t scared or panicked either. He was pissed. “Don’t worry Sehun! Some Mother Fucker is going to die for this!”
“You aren’t helping, Baekhyun!” yelled Suho.
I heard a doorknob turning and I looked over to see the door to my room slowly opening. Kyung and I were behind it thank God or I would have been a dead woman. Kyung put his hand over my mouth and nose and pressed himself against me, watching the door as closely as I was. I began to pray that whoever it was would leave. To my horror, the door began to open wider and Kyung let go of me to stand right behind the door with his arm raised and the knife ready to come down on the unsuspecting visitor. I almost cried out when the door stopped. The head of a security guard became visible. He looked around but to my relief he didn’t look behind the door. He stepped back instead and closed the door gently and quietly. I began to breath again and noticed that I hadn’t done so since the door started to open.
Kyung looked at me and I could see the sheer fright on his face, even behind the mask. He looked down at my hand. “What does that go to?” he whispered.
“Our exit,” I said with a bit of cheeky defiance.
When everything had calmed down and the boys had left, Kyung pushed me out the door and said, “Okay. Get us out of here, Elizabeth.”
I led the way and when I finally made it to the secret door, I took Kyung to a place that he should never have known existed. Suho’s secret room was going to save me. Suho would always be there to save me it would seem. Even when he didn’t know it.
This room had a back exit so that Suho could come and go without even the staff knowing he was gone. I knew he wouldn’t have thought to have it guarded. He wouldn’t have thought of it at all. It led to his personal garage.
“I can’t believe Junmyeon has a secret room!” Kyung said as we came out into the garage.
“Suho is a brilliant man,” I said. I don’t know why I felt like I needed to defend him when Kyung hadn’t really besmirched him.
“Whatever,” said Kyung. He went to open the garage with the wall controls.
To my horror, as the door raised, I saw two pair of feet facing the opening garage door. He hadn’t guarded the secret entrance but he had guarded the garage. He was a brilliant man… and I was an idiot.
I felt Kyung come up behind me before I heard him. He wrapped his arm around my throat and stuck the knife tip against my side. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the door opened and the guards were revealed with guns already drawn and Kyung was yelling at them to drop them. A high pitched screaming sound filled my ears and I realized it was coming from me as the knife pushed it’s way into my side at an upward angle. The guards stayed where they were, advancing only when Kyung moved backwards. He pulled me toward the door in the corner that led back into the house. The pain in my side was almost unbearable. I think it had been an accident. He hadn’t meant to puncture me. Everything happened so fast that I don’t know if he even realized he had done it.
The pink sweater flopped out in front of me as Kyung pulled me backwards and I could see it was turning a deep dark red color. I was getting dizzy. It was hard to breath. We went through the door and he slammed and locked it. There were already guards in the small hallway behind us.
“Get out of my fucking way or I swear I’ll shred her into bits!” Kyung yelled at them. They did as they were told but the look on their faces was horror as they saw the blood spreading across the sweater and down what had once been white pants. I couldn’t make out their faces clearly because there were black spots clouding my vision. I felt like throwing up.
Kyung dragged me through the house, people started to scream and yell when they became aware of what was happening. Everything was fuzzy for me and their voices were becoming distant. Even the screams. A cold wave would wash over me followed by a warm one. Kyung was actually dragging me at this point. I could see a trail of blood behind us and knew that I was losing more blood than I should from a small cut.
I could hear the sweet song of the tiny birdlike maid that sang like an angel. Maybe she was an angel and I was hearing her because I was dying. But looking around, I saw that we had somehow ended up in the ballroom. People were everywhere. There were screams and whispers. People were scattering and people were moving as far from us as possible. Rows and rows of pink roses lined the walls. Beautiful lights glittered around the room from all of the crystal and it looked like what I imagined heaven would look like. There was also flashes. From cameras. It angered me. How dare those vultures! I thought.
I closed my eyes and just listened. It may have looked like heaven but it sounded like hell. Through the fog in my brain I could hear Sehun. His voice was always apparent to me above all others. He was screaming. I couldn’t make out the words but it was unbearable. I wondered if he was in pain. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw above me was the beautiful crystal chandelier. It was glorious. Easily the most beautiful thing, aside from Sehun, that I had ever seen. I lowered my head and tried to look around. I felt calm but everything around me seemed to be in chaos. It was all movement. Kyung and I were the only things not moving. I found Sehun. Chanyeol and Kai were at his side, holding him back and he was fighting to get to me with all of the strength he had. I tried to say, “Let him go” but I don’t know if words actually came out of my mouth. Kyung’s arm around my throat wasn’t hurting anymore. My side didn’t hurt. Nothing hurt. I just wanted Sehun.
Kyung was yelling something but I couldn’t hear his words. I didn’t want to see the badness anymore so I put my head back and stared at the chandelier. I thought of spinning here in this spot. I thought of laying here with my boys. I smiled as I remembered all of the happiness here. That’s when three harsh things happened at once. I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. It burned and felt cold at the same time. I heard a blood curdling scream from both Sehun and Suho. Then I heard a loud pop and felt another pain in the side of my head. It spun my head around and I saw a huge red flower bloom from the side of Kyung’s head. I felt the sensation of falling but thought I must be floating to the ceiling because the chandelier was coming closer and closer. Then I was surrounded by gold and crystals.
I looked around but everything was turning black. The last thing I saw was Kyung’s beautiful mirrored mask laying on the floor splattered in red. Then I saw nothing.



@americannoona NOOO.... You are! Lol ❤❤

Jai Dragon Jai Dragon

@Jai Dragon
LMAO! You're the best.

American Noona American Noona

@American Noona
Thank the Gods, I was so worried. Hah...
Closure, I need happy freakin endings and closure.
I'm a simple bitch!

Jai Dragon Jai Dragon

@Jai Dragon
Nope. There is one more chapter. Maybe 2 but I think I can wrap it up in one.

American Noona American Noona

@American Noona

Please tell me that wasn't the end. I don't think I can handle unresolved issues with this one. LoL

Jai Dragon Jai Dragon