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Do I Let You Go?

Was That Her?

*3 Years Later*
~Hae Ja~
Dear Kookie,
I guess you're pretty worried right now because you can't see me.What happens next isn't your fault, it was never your fault. I understand you were just trying to get her to leave me alone and she wanted a hug for some kind of prize. If you ever think that it's your fault, read this letter and remember that I love you and it was never your fault. When I woke up, my eomma told me that we were going abroad to fix whatever was wrong with me and I tried to tell her no, but I couldn't. While I was asleep, my voice was taken away from me. You won't be able to see me or hear my voice and I won't be able to see your or hear your voice either. Why does fate have to be so cruel? My doctor forbade anyone but eomma to come visit me and I'm not able to say goodbye before I go. I don't know when I'm going to be back, but don't wait for me even if I do. I'm going to leave you one last picture of me before I leave, and hope that when you get over me, you can burn it. My Kookie,미안 해요 I'm sorry, I can't stay with you and 감사합니다 Thank You for loving me. Thank you for remembering me, and thank you for all of these memories that I have.Tell the boys that I'll miss them, I love you.
Love Hae Ja
I re-read a copy of the letter I'd sent to Jungkookie before I left for the states. Sighing, I fold it and put it back in it's place in my messenger bag. Glancing at my watch, I see that's it's almost time to land and right after I look away, the pilot announces that we'll be landing and all the bullshit about flying with them again.Putting my stuff back in my bag, ten minutes later, we're landed and everyone is in a hurry to get off the plane. Letting everyone get off first, I go through the pictures that I'd downloaded onto my phone from my old phone. Absentmindedly smiling at Kookie's grinning face, someone suddenly waves a hand in front of my face and I look up startled.

"Everyone is off the plane, you may get off now." A flight attendant smiles and I give her a quick grin before grabbing my bag and going into the airport. Pausing to the side of the walkway, I slip my earbuds in and start blasting BTS's music. Picking up my pace, I ignore the people around me and hurry towards the coffee shop. I'm almost there when something knocks in my legs, making me fall to the floor. Getting up slowly, I look around and see a little girl on her knees crying her eyes out. Gently helping her up, I crouch down. "Are you the one who I bumped into?" She nods still crying. Smiling, I sing one of my favorite song's from BTS, Beautiful. I sing it quiet enough for her to hear it, but no one else. At the end, she'd stopped crying and was smiling. "See? You shouldn't cry so easily, hm?" She nods and says "Thank you unnie!" Before running off. Standing up, with small smile on my lips, I order a Iced Coffee and drink it while walking around the busy airport. After a while, I sit down and check my phone for the time, knowing that eomma will want me home at nine, being the latest. Taking my earbuds out, I enjoy the chatter of all different languages. There was Korean, Japanese, English and many others that I recognized. Trying not to eavesdrop, I sip my coffee, happy that I'm back home. "Eun Hae!" I hear someone shout and glance behind me to see Jimin. The Jimin that I used to talk to so much before I met Jungkookie. Turning around quickly, I hear him walk forward to stand in front of someone behind me. "You said you were going on a trip with Hana, but who's this guy?" I take a quick look behind me before turning back. During the time I'd spent in the states, I'd acquired a somewhat photographic memory, so I flash back to the scene. There was a girl with dyed pink hair sitting behind me with a guy sitting next to her, his arm around her shoulder. Jimin is standing in front of them with an angry look on his face. "Is this the boyfriend you were talking about? He's pretty clingy." The guy behind me asks aloud and I know that Jimin is probably balling his fists up. Looking around, I see a little boy and wave him over. He walks over slowly and I pull out my notebook and pen, writing
Jiminie ah, it's so obvious that this pink headed girl is cheating on you. Don't cling onto her like you did with Min Ah, she's not worth it. If you keep frequenting the places that you used to, you'll see me around.I didn't put my name on it, knowing that he'll recognize my handwriting right away. Giving the little boy a lollipop, I tell him to go give the note to Jimin and after he runs off, I get up, quickly walking out to the line of taxi's waiting and get in one, telling the driver my address.
I'd come to the airport to see Eun Hae and Hana off but instead, I see her with some guy. I'd instantly yelled her name without thinking and she looked up, not a hint of surprise in her face. "You said you were going on a trip with Hana, but who's this guy?" I demand, already knowing her answer, but instead, the guy says loudly "Is this the boyfriend you were talking about? He's pretty clingy." I clench my fists, wanting to punch him. A woman behind them gets up, leaving and a little boys runs up to me. "Hyung hyung!" I glance at Eun Hae before crouching down. "Yeah?" "This noona wanted me to give you this." He hands me and folded up piece of paper before running away. Opening it, I read it and freeze, re-reading it. I knew this handwriting, I don't think I would ever be able to forget it. This was Hae Ja's handwriting. "This is over, I'm throwing all of your stuff on the streets." I say and quickly run in the direction I'd seen the woman walk to. I see her get into a taxi and am a minute too late as it pulls out of the line of taxi's, speeding off. Blinking, I go back to my car and drive back to the dorms, slamming the door behind me. "So, did Eun Hae say anything?" Suga asks me from the couch. I don't answer him, still trying to remember what the woman had looked like. "What's in your hand?" Jin snatches the note from my hand and reads it. "Wait, doesn't this handwriting look familiar? And Eun Hae was cheating on you?" Rap mons looks over Jin's shoulder and quickly grabs the paper from his hands. "Isn't this Hae Ja's handwriting? Where'd you get this?" I'm watching Jungkook, who is lying on the carpet looking through his phone the whole time. When Namjoon says Hae Ja, he bolts upright, looking over at us. Getting to his feet, in a flash, Jungkook is reading the note. His hands are shaking as I watch his eyes re-read the note over and over again. I watch as a tear drips down his cheek, and he says "Where did you get this?" Before looking at me with eyes that told me that if I didn't say how, he'd beat me to get it out of me.


I hope this is an okay chapter. Sorry for not posting for like five days, homework is a bitch. Yay for regaining her voice though! Look forward to if her heart is okay! Please comment, subscribe and vote!


