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The Concert Ticket

The Concert Ticket - Chapter 2

"please gather your belongings and carefully exit the plane. I hope you enjoyed your flight with Korean Airlines. Have a nice day!"

I got out of my seat and walked down the aisle towards the door to the airport, occasionally bumping into the seats on either side of the isle. Alex walked closely behind me, waiting for me to lead him.
I wondered towards the area I thought the cargo pickup was, looking for noticeable signs along the way. Alex and I waited for about an hour waiting for our suitcases in the hell that is baggage claim. Afterwards, once we had gotten our bags, I noticed a man in a nice tuxedo with short brown hair obviously looking someone and holding a sign with my name on it.
I turned to my companion and asked with slight concern.

"how are you getting home Alex?"

"taxi." he said, trying not to stare at the driver.

"do you want me to ask if we can take you home? It looks like I have a limo to my hotel. And I would feel a bit safer if I wasn't alone with some random guy in a limo..."

"uh... Sure. That would be great."

I smiled and pulled him towards the man holding the sign.

"Are you _____?"

"yes sir, I am. This is my friend Alex. If possible, can you maybe take him home?"

"yes I can. I am here to take you wherever you want to go."

his expression of boredom never changed.

"thank you" I smiled at him

I looked at the limo driver and asked him what his name was

"Steven Richards. Would you like me to carry your bags?"

"no thank you. I can handle it myself." I smiled brightly to prove that I was fine

"I'll be fine to. What kind of man would I be if I let another carry my bags?" he smirked as he said it.

"I guess you're right sir."

"umm... Please call me Alex. Sir makes me feel old."

Steven nodded and looked as if he was holding in a laugh.

"Ms. _____, are you ready to leave? You're hotel is in the heart of Seoul, and it is a half an hour away. Not including the time of taking your friend home."

"im ready to go. How about you, Alex? Are you ready to go?"

"yeah. Let's go"

Alex smiled slightly and picked up his suitcase, following behind me as I followed Steven Richards, my limo driver.
While Mr. Richards was driving, Alex was giving him directions to his brothers house. With that said, an awkward silence filled the space. The driver, while doing his job, obviously had no sincere interest in our lives and was content to lose himself to what was most likely a frame lure route. I heard a light tapping and looked over to find Alex bouncing his left leg and tapping a pencil on a small notepad.

"what're you doing Alex?"


Alex turned around with a slightly confused face.

"oh! I'm playing tic-tac-toe... Wanna play with me?"


We both smiled and giggled like little kids as we battled each other in multiple games of tic-tac-toe on the way to Alex's brothers house.

The limo slowed to a stop in front of an average sized house on the outskirts of Seoul.

"this is um... This is my stop I guess."

Alex slowly got out of the limo, went to the trunk, and grabbed his bags after Mr. Richards opened the trunk. I rolled down my window to see where Alex was. Realizing that he was still next to the trunk, I got out of the limo and walked up to him. He turned to me and gave me a questioning look.

"thank you for helping me on the plane. I probably would've freaked out if you didn't switch seats with me."

"it's nothing. Just doing something nice for a cute girl."

I blushed at his words.

"a-ah... Thank you, Alex. I guess I'll talk to you when I get to the hotel."

Alex nodded his head and handed me his small notebook that we were playing tic-tac-toe in.

"my phone number, and my brothers address is in here if you wanna call or come over."

I smiled and accepted the notebook. Alex leaned down when I wasn't paying attention, and kissed me on my forehead. My face grew insanely hot as I backed away and he stood up straight.

"u-um... I um... I gotta get going now Alex...."

I jumped back into the limo and Mr. Richards asked me if I was finished saying goodbye. I simply nodded and looked back at Alex. He was walking into the house before Mr. Richards started the vehicle and started driving towards the hotel.

I sat staring out of the window waiting for us to get to the hotel. I looked at all the people walking down the streets with bags in their hands. I guess we're around the mall... After about 10 more minutes, we arrived in front of a magnificent hotel. The Shilla Seoul. A. K. A., the hotel that I will be calling home for the next month. Mr. Richards grabbed my bags from the trunk and started leading me into the building as I stood in awe. When we got to the front desk, the man started speaking to me in Korean, which is a language I don't have a full grasp on. Im still learning... I said the first thing that I thought he might understand that came to mind.

"o-ohayo gozaimasu!"

The man stared at me, then started laughing! He asked me in japanese if I knew Korean. I said no, of course. Instead, he started speaking to me in Japanese. Much more convenient.

"do you have a reservation?"

I reached into my purse and handed him the papers the secretary from the radio station gave me.

"oh yes! Ms. _____, your room is 302. Would you like me to take you to your room?"

"no thank you. I'm sure I can find it myself. But thank you for offering."

I smiled sweetly to try to not hurt the mans pride. He simply smiled back and let me go on my way. I followed Mr. Richards into the elevator to the third floor, out the elevator, and towards my hotel room. He stopped in front of 302. I eagerly opened the door and gazed into the room. The room was huge! The walls were a cream color, the bed was a queen size with many pillows and white blankets. There were 4 white leather chairs around a small round table by the large window on the opposite side if the room. I walked towards the window and looked out. I saw shops, other hotels, and so many people enjoying themselves with friends. I heard a small thump behind and turned to see what it was. I totally forgot about Mr. Richards! He had set down my suitcase and was standing by the door.

"M-Mr. Richards! You can leave if you want. Thank you for taking me here."

Mr. Richards smiled which was something I thought looked strange on him. I locked the door behind Mr. Richards and lay on the big bed.
I turned on music on my iPhone, put in my headphones, and fell asleep after a few minutes.


Ohayo gozaimasu - Japanese for 'good morning'


This is such an Amazing story!
i can't wait to read more!

Nah! It's ok! ^_^

macoco10 macoco10

Haha~ yeah. I probably should have said that in the notes for ch. 3

Ahahaha! Poor you. I get it now! Also, I experienced something similar at a soccer game. My team had to wear white that day and all I had left was a black bra and in the middle of the first game, it started raining like crazy, but they didnt cancel since it was only a 2 minute shower! But it was enoigh to get me soaked to the bone... :P

macoco10 macoco10

Thanks ^_^