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Broken Hearts and Crystal Tears


Minnie’s eyes opened to plain white ceilings and the sound of a constant beeping. Where am I? she thought.

Minnie tried sitting up, but her head hurt like crazy. She winced in pain and lay back in the hospital bed. She looked up to see a shadow over her head, and squinted to see who it is.

“Hey, relax,” an angelic voice spoke out. “Se-Sehun? What are you doing here? Where is everyone else?”

“They had to get back to practice, but because I already know the dance and I don’t have many singing lines, manager hyung asked me to watch you” Sehun responded in a soothing voice.

“How do you feel? Do you need anything?”

“My head hurts so much. Ugh, could you get me some water?”

“Sure, I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t move.”

As if I could, Minnie thought. She watched as Sehun walked out the door and she smiled to herself. She shuddered at the fact that people could become so angry just at the thought of another girl walking with the Exo members. She sighed and tried not to imagine what would have happened if Exo hadn’t come to her aid in time. Before Sehun came back, Minnie fell asleep.

When Sehun got back to Minnie’s hospital room, she was sleeping, so he put the bottle of water on the table next to the bed, and he sat on one of the chairs in the room, watching over Minnie as she slept. Sehun’s eyelids grew heavy as time passed, and sleep overcame him.

3 hours later, Sehun woke up. It was already 7 o’clock pm! How long had he been asleep? He quickly stood up and walked to the side of Minnie’s bed. She was still sound asleep. Sehun placed a finger where the bruise was on her forehead, and then gently stroked her cheek.

Suddenly, Kai came in the room. He told Sehun that they needed to return to the SM building. Sehun first needed to use the restroom, leaving Kai alone with Minnie.

When Sehun returned, he could hear Kai speaking. He could only make out a few words“I… Minnie...If only….” When he got in the room, Minnie wasn’t awake. Why was he talking to himself? Sehun thought. Kai, on seeing Sehun come into the room, immediately jumped up, and said, “Let’s go, Sehun.” Sehun, confused, swallowed, and agreed.

It was 2 am, but Summer couldn’t sleep. She was really worried. She didn’t feel complete when Minnie was not with her. SUGAR had to delay the recording a whole entire week! Young-min was already angry, but inside they all knew he was worried as well.

Summer decided to take a walk outside to clear her mind. She stepped into the cool night air and walked to a grassy area. She sat down and wrapped her arms around her knees. She gazed at the stars and whispered, “Minnie, get better soon.” Soon, tears started forming in her eyes.

Summer continued sitting there, tears running down her cheeks, deep in thought when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked behind her to find Kai.

“W-what are you d-doing here?” she asked, voice cracking.

“I come here when I can’t sleep, and gaze at the stars,” Kai said. He sat down next to her. “You must be cold.” He took off his jacket and placed it on Summer’s shoulders.

Summer forced a small smile, “Thanks.” Kai casually put his arm around Summer’s shoulders, and Summer couldn’t resist to think about how great of a boyfriend Kai would be.

Returning the action, Summer placed her head on Kai’s shoulder. The two stayed in that position for quite some time before Kai spoke.

“How are you doing? Your best friend getting hurt must not feel good for you, especially with your busy training schedules.”

Summer lifted her head and said,“I know, it’s only been a few hours, but I already miss her. And I’m really worried. She’s the main dancer, so she needs to practice extra hard once she’s healed.”

“She’ll be okay, and Minnie’s a very talented dancer. I’m sure she’ll learn very quickly, and just remember that Exo will do our best to help you guys,” Kai replied.

“I hope so…” Summer’s voice trailed off. She was about to fall asleep, head back on Kai’s shoulder when she forced her eyes open. She lifted her head and stood up, then returned Kai his jacket.

“Thanks for comforting me. I better get back to my dorm. Bye,” Summer said, walking away and waving.

“See you tomorrow,” Kai waved back.

Summer sighed, as her crush on Kai had definitely gotten bigger.

Summer slowly walked back to her dorm. She felt as if there was someone following her, but when she turned around, there was no one there. Summer continued walking, but was still a little worried. When she was almost at her dorms, Summer felt the presence of another person again. She took a few more steps and quickly turned around. A few yards behind her was a dark figure, most likely a guy.

He saw Summer glance at him, and he quickly turned around and fled. The way he ran reminded her of...Sehun? She caught a glimpse of his shoes, and they were definitely his. What is he doing here? Is he really following me? Summer thought. Summer ran after Sehun and shouted, “Sehun-ssi? Sehun? Oh Sehun?!”

But he was already gone...

Could it be that...? No, that's impossible…


The excitement starts yay! Hm we're just going to mess up all you guys's feels soon :3
Have fun! Mwahahaha
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M and I


OMFG this is so good!!!! i absolutely love this fanfiction, it's DEFINITELY MY FAVORITE!!! please udpate~~~ it's been so longggg :(

@R.z.e.x.o @MarksonMandu @Crystal luhan
thank you so much! we have decided to end the fanfiction where we have left off, due to being busy :( if you could, please check out another oneshot i have written ;)

More update pla

More update pla

i love this pls udate!!!