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Ukiss Me Goodbye

The Kissing Ghost Strikes Again!

As if being underground in the dark with rats wasn’t bad enough, now they were trapped underground in the dark with rats! Despite Soohyun’s multiple attempts, the hefty hatch just wouldn’t budge.
Kevin bit his lip to keep himself from crying. Now wasn’t the time to panic. Well, it kinda was the time to panic, but he had already done his fair share of that and thought that now he should at least reserve a little bit of his manly pride. After all, no one else was losing their cool. That is, with the exception of Hoon and AJ, who were both at the bottom of the ladder ferociously blaming each other for something that the boys had only ever read about in Ukiss fanfics...

“ YOU KISSED ME!” Hoon’s voice belted out like a high musical note, reverberating off the rusty walls.
“ NO! YOU KISS ME!” AJ’s voice fired back, roughly wiping away the moist residue on his cheek.
WHY would I kiss YOU !?”
YOU tell ME!”

Dongho didn’t see this weird debate between his hyungs ending any time soon. Actually, at the moment he, like the other members, couldn’t see anything at all! But after suddenly remembering something in his pocket, he decided he would soon change that.
“ Ta da!” Dongho announced, lifting a palm-full of light encased in blue plastic.
Though their mouths hung open, Hoon and AJ instantaneously fell silent.
Kevin squinted down at Dongho from above. “Is that… a video game?”
Dongho casually nodded. “ I forgot I usually keep one on me in case I get bored and don’t feel like knitting. We can use it as a flashlight. Cool, right?”
The light from the handheld console revealed a group of irritated faces that no longer kept silent as they grumbled their way back down the ladder. Soohyun ponderingly glanced at Dongho’s pockets as if they were Mary Poppins magical bag of endlessly emerging objects.
'What would he pull out of them next?', He wondered, 'A full grown lamp!?'
“ Yeah, real cool Dongho." AJ solemnly agreed, "Real cool that you waited until just now to remember something useful!”
AJ grabbed the game console from Dongho, turning the light on Hoon’s face like a detective ready to interrogate a suspect. But before he could continue with any further “kissing accusations”, something stole his attention.
“ Hoon,” AJ muttered curiously, “ Something is on your cheek."
Hoon's eyes widened as the rest of his body stiffened. " What is it? Is it a spider!?
“ It’s blood!” Kevin gasped, again finding himself clinging to Soohyun, who again, was forcing him away with difficulty.
“It’s not blood! It’s just...” Soohyun stepped closer to Hoon, sweeping his thumb over the red mark on his cheek. “ …Lip stick?”
“ Like the lipstick that was on Kiseop’s cheek?” asked Kevin, whose voice had lowered to a whisper and whose feet had still refused to fully stay planted on the ground.
AJ quickly turned the console light to see what exactly he had previously wiped off of his own cheek, finding an identical red color across his fingers.
“ The Kissing Ghost strikes again!" Eli enthusiastically announced with raised arms, " Only this time, she got two in one go!” He laughed, bumping shoulders with Hoon and AJ for a response. But for once, AJ wasn't laughing. Instead, with a firmly clinched jaw, he stepped towards the members and demanded...
“ Everyone empty your pockets!”



Nooo! That means some will die!! T^T
Love that your updates are getting longer again!! <3

macoco10 macoco10

I'm happy today was a longer update! ^_^

macoco10 macoco10

AH! Someone else got kissed!!! Who is it?! D:

macoco10 macoco10


Thank you for the feedback! Since it's my first fanfic I wasn't sure if I should make them shorter or not. But I will take your advice and try to find a good balance. :)

StandTru StandTru

Yess, different kind of fanfic :) the chapters could be longer, they seem to shorten everytime but I kind of like it short, just not too short!

yonnaah yonnaah