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The way which the wind blows

Chapter 17

Your POV
For our first month anniversary, surprises me with a rose and a box of macrons. “I didn’t know what to get you for our one month.” He admits shyly. I blush. “No! It’s fine. It’s just, I didn’t think one months were that important and I didn’t get you anything…” I say. I feel so stupid for not getting him anything. He probably thinks I don’t know anything about relationships. He shakes his head and puts on a smile. “That’s OK. But if you really want to make it up to me, spend some time with me this afternoon.” I gladly accept his proposal. “OK, where are we going?” I ask. “Well probably just hang out at my house, but if you want to go somewhere, just tell me yeah.” He brings his hand next to my face and tucks my hair behind my ear. I instantly use my fingers to pull it out. “I look like an idiot when my ears show.” I say. “I think you look beautiful either way.” He smiles at me and I feel like my heart will melt. The end of lunch bell rings and I sigh. I cherish every minute I spend with Sehun, I don’t like being apart from him. He stands up and offers his hand, I take his hands ad he lifts me to my feet. He pulls me too hard so I land in his chest, he wraps his arms around me and kisses me lightly on the head. I blush as he lets go of me. I quickly grab the rose and box of macrons and take his hand. We walk back to the lockers with our finger entwined.

Luhan’s POV
“You guys can’t come over today.” Says Sehun without looking at up. Chanyeol, Baekyun, Wu Fan, Minseok and I look at him. “Why not?” asks Wu Fan. “(Y/N) is coming over and I kinda want to be alone with her.” Sehun draws light swirls in his notebook, like he’s not concentrating. Probably thinking about (Y/N). “Just for today guys, I guess. It’s our one month.” He says it with uncertainty in his voice. I can’t blame him for wanting to spend alone time with his girlfriend, but then again we’re his mates and we’ve known him forever. You’d think he’d want to hang out with us more. I quickly dismiss the thought. What am I thinking? Sehun hasn’t been this happy in a while, we can’t be selfish at a time like this. “Oh, I see what’s happening.” Says Chanyeol squinting his eyes. “Alone time~” he says. “Alone~~~” Baekhyun quickly catches the message and squints along with Chanyeol “Alone~~” they sing. “Shut up guys. Alone time doesn’t necessarily mean…that….” Sehun says then crosses his arms and slouches in his chair. “Well have fun. Tell us about it afterwards.” Says Minseok with a thumbs up before getting shushed by the teacher. We suddenly shit up strait and pretend we’re doing work. “Thanks for supporting me, guys.” Whispers Sehun.

Your POV
With Sehun standing next to me, I dial my mum’s number. She instantly picks up; “Hey (Y/N).” she says in a cheery tone. “Hi mum. Can I go over to Sehun’s house today? I know it’s short notice and-“ I am suddenly cut off by a “YES YOU CAN DARLING!” from my mum. She was ecstatic when I told her I had a boyfriend. She absolutely loves him although they’ve never properly met in person. That day will come eventually though. “Thank you mum.” I say gratefully and hang up. Sehun weaves his fingers between mine and we walk to his house. It takes us thirty minutes to get to Sehun’s house. I don’t want to complain, but my feet are sore. While he is unlocking the door, I take the chance to shake my feet around, hoping he’s preoccupied with opening the door to notice. But he does. “Do your feet hurt? I’m so sorry I made you walk. I didn’t even consider that you’re not used to walking long distances.” He runs his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry.” “No! No, its OK Sehun.” I say with a sweet smile. I don’t want him to worry. “I’m just really unfit.” “I’m a bad boyfriend.” He mutters. I grab his face, placing each of my hands of each of his cheeks. “No. You. Are. Not.” I say looking into his eyes. “Do your feet still hurt?” he asks while opening the front door. We step inside his house and set our bags down. Without warning I get scooped off my feet. I shriek from the shock. Sehun laughs and whirls me around. “I can’t let my girlfriend walk up the stairs with sore feet can I?” he smiles. We make it up to his bedroom and he sets me down on his bed. “You’re heavy.” He jokes. “Yes. I know.” I pout. “You don’t have to remind me about my weight.” “Oh no no no I’m joking.” He says and sits on the bed next to me. “I’m joking too.” I say. I lightly slap both of his cheeks to tease him. I lie down on the bed and Sehun soon follows beside me. We lie in silence.

Sehun’s POV
What I like about (Y/N), is that silences don’t bother her. We can comfortably lie in silence, letting our thoughts drift in our minds. She doesn’t attempt to fill in the emptiness with a senseless conversation, and I am completely fine with that. So here we lie, side by side, watching the sun set through me bedroom window. I reach over to caress her face and she looks at me with curious eyes. Her eyes always fascinate me, they’re always looking for something new to find, something new to learn. Her lips, I long for their touch. I yearn to feel her soft lips against mine, gasping each other’s names within each kiss. She opens her mouth and asks me a question. Something that really killed the mood.

Your POV
“Where are your parents Sehun?” I ask. He sits up and leans against the bed frame. I too sit up. “All the times that I have been over, they’re not home.” I look at him with pleading eyes. I’m so curious. I want to know about his parents, and I really hope that they haven’t abandoned him. “They’re not here.” He says flatly. “Where are they?” I ask. “You’re being too persistent.” He snaps. “I want to know about you and your family, is that too much to ask?” I snap back. He sighs. “This isn’t the right time. Please, don’t ask this now.” He lies back down, this time with his back facing towards me. I extend my hand, contemplating whether to touch his sharp shoulder. I pull back and lie back down, telling myself that I am stupid for asking.


This chapter was a bit weird I'm sorry ^^;;

I made a tumblr guys!! follow meeee! http://tea-ship.tumblr.com :D



So that my next story can have a happy ending :p

tea_ship tea_ship

Why do you end all your stories on horibly sad notes and break ups? You make me so sad.

AmyWtsn AmyWtsn


Thank you so much!!! You actually make me so happy (i think i say that too much hehe :')) I'm glad that you enjoyed the story and I'm glad to know you're not too pissed about the way i decided to end it (?) Thank you for your fabulous support :')

tea_ship tea_ship
it was really good, to the point where i started to hate sehun's character for being a jerk...i don't regret reading this story. It was Daebak!!! I'm sad that the story came to an end but if you ever have the time in the future, i would love for you to do a sequel to this. (^-^)V
(right now i'm like: ASDFGHJKL...oh, the feeling that i have right now)
asheikM asheikM


Jazzapple06 Jazzapple06