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Ren Bow

Chapter One: Fill Haven Mental Institute for Children

Name: Choi Min Ki
Age: 10

Diagnosis: Psychosis associated with PTSD and Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Psychosis: Hallucinations - hearing, seeing, or feeling things that do not exist Delusions - false beliefs, especially based on fear or suspicion of things that are not real Disorganization - in thought, speech, or behavior Disordered thinking - jumping between unrelated topics, making strange connections between thoughts Catatonia - unresponsiveness Difficulty concentrating

Dissociative Identity Disorder: has four main personalities. Min Ki is the scared boy. Ren is the murderous "psycho" as described by Min Ki. Lily is a young four-year-old who seems to be a symbolization of Min Ki's lost childhood according to Ren. The final personality is named Jane she is the most mysterious of all his personalities. We don't know much about her and she never speaks when she is present.

PTSD: Min Ki was the victim of physical and psychological abuse from age four to the age of seven. At age seven he was sexually assaulted daily by a person or group of people he calls Organization. He has been hospitalized at Fill Haven for three years and his conditions have only gotten worse.

Min Ki's stepbrother Minho sat listening to the psychologist reading off Min Ki's chart. Minho was legally Min Ki's guardian since he was considered an adult by law and was financially stable enough to care for both of them. All Minho could do was listen as the psychologist when on to say how Min Ki believed he was in danger because of the organization.



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