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In White Houses


I opened my eyes and saw the morning sun inside my room. I quickly sat up confused of why I was still in bed, it was 11:30am. My body felt a bit weak, oh yeah, that's right my dumbass caught a fever from the rain last night. I sigh, falling back on my pillow. I turned my head to the side and saw a bowl of porridge on my nightstand. I guess Jin cooked me food knowing I'm sick. "Minjoo-ya" It was Seoyeon knocking on my door, "Come in," I called out, my throat slightly dry.

She opened it and gave me a faint smile, "Are you okay?" she walked over and sat on Jiae's bed probably not trying to catch my sickness, which is smart. "Yeah, just a bit weak," I say. She nodded, "Well I stopped by to see how you were doing, I'm about to head back to the studio, just keep resting, you don't have to come in until you feel better." "okay," I answered.
"Minjoo?" she looks at me, "You...were with Taehyung last night?" her face a bit concerned, "yes, he found me after I lost Jimin.." I stopped, remembering I was with Jimin at the festival, I didn't see him last night when we got back, "Unnie, where is Jimin? How is he, is he okay?" She half smiled, "Yeah he's fine, he's back at the studio with his class. He saw you with Tae so he headed back." "Oh...okay." Well, that's weird, why didn't he just waited for us? I guess I'll see him when he gets home, we probably need to talk.

Seoyeon got up from the bed and walked to the door, "We'll all be home soon so just get plenty of rest, and also eat up the porridge." "Ah, yes I will, tell oppa thank you!" Her eyebrows raised, "Oppa didn't make that, it was Taehyung." My eyes grew wide, Taehyung cooked for me?! "He told me you had a fever from last night he woke up early cooking it for you and checking your temperature," I see, I remember him putting me to bed but after that I don't remember anything else. She turned to walk out, I grabbed the bowl of porridge to begin to eat and saw a small sticky note on the side of the bowl, 'check inside your drawer' what is this about? I opened my drawer and saw a box...a cell phone box.

Did he...just...bought me a new cell phone?!



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