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Friends of the Unknown(With Images)

The Interview[Happy Together]

"Happy to be together on Happy together!"
MC#1: Ah yes today we have two special guests two brothers Zico and Wuno!
Zico: Nice to meet you
Wuno: its good to be here

MC#2: you guys dont look nothing alike
~LOL~ [Everyone laughing]
MC#1: Yes they do they both . . . Have their hair on their face
MC#2: I told you
MC#3: can we move on to them?
MC#1 yes okay before we go into anything, zico there's been scandals surrounding you right?
Zico: yeah, its been happening for awhile now and i wanna make sure no one gets any misunderstandings
MC#2: what's the scandal about?
[Everyone shook and quiet]
MC#3: Yah! Read articles sometimes
MC#1: Zico those pictures im sure they dont mean anything she looks so small who is she?
Zico: My little sister

MC#1:I figured it was
MC#2: wow really? You had a sister?
Zico: Ye, she's 5 years younger then me and 9 years younger then Tae
[All in shook just saying "oh's & ah's]
MC#1: Have you guys ever mentioned her anywhere else? Because it honestly came as a shock
Wuno: Yeah, on show me the money I mentioned her on one of my raps but it wasn't talked about as much
MC#2: woah really? Are you guys really close?
Zico and wuno: Yes, she's actually here with us at the moment
MC#1: ah so she lived somewhere else?
Wuno: japan yes with our mom
MC#3: Right so are u both from japan too?
Zico: No no me and tae were born in seoul then moved to japan with our dad and they had my sister then once dad left. tae was actually the first to say he wanted to go back to korea
MC#2: so you left your sister alone in japan?
[~LOL~ Small laughter]
Wuno: nono she stayed with our mom she was only about 10 when we left
MC#2: Soyou guys leave japan to become trainees in seoul right?
Zico&Wuno: Yes
MC#1: Let them finish their story
MC#2: okay my bad
MC#3: i have a question was it hard to know ur mom wad having another child and you guys being busy and all did it ever stop you from doing things?
MC#2: they didn't become fathers...
[~LOL~ Everyone laughing]
MC#3: that's not what i meant!
Zico: I know I know i think it was a bit more shocking to tae

Wuno: yeah, being the oldest i thought omma would be done with Jihoo but knowing your kind of the one who has to be mature ara is born and im just in shock because she's already 9 years younger I didn't know how to be a good older brother especially to a sister
MC#2: whos ara?
Zico & wuno: our sister's name
MC#2: Im sorry its cuz u never mentioned her name
Wuno: its okay
MC#1: So Wuno and zico at first im sure it was hard looking after your sister especially while tryin to move back to seoul but did you ever connect as siblings?
Zico: oh yeah i know it must of seemed like we would of been to busy to visit but i would always remind tae that we had to visit her so she knows that she at least has brothers
Wuno: but actually its funny because when we went to visit her through her stage of 10 through 14 she was very hyper and loving but as she started growing more she detached herself and we could see it as we went to visit her on her 15th or16th birthday she didn't wanna hug us
MC#1: i bet that must of shocked you quite a bit
Wuno: I mean i kind of understand as the oldest because if you had siblings who lived somewhere else and they just come visit when they can its not the same
MC#3: is that why shes here with you in korea now?
Zico&Wuno: Yes mom and ara are trying to move down here in korea
Wuno: shes actually here with us now
MC#1: really? Is that her [points at random girl]
Zico: no she's probably in the dressing room
MC#3:last question why do u always hide her face? Does she not like all this?
MC#1: i have the same question how does she feel having famous brothers
Zico&Wuno: she hates it

[~LOL~ Laughing]
MC#2: really? Other's would love it
Wuno: she just doesn't like the cameras she gets sensitive in front of theflashes
MC#1: ah, thats why people misunderstand those pictures
Zico: yea, since she doesn't like cameras i have to cover her up and with so much stuff on her she cant see so i have to guide her
MC#1: right or else she'll fall
Wuno: right
MC#2: it seems like you guys are very overprotective of her
MC#1: whos the most overprotective brother
Wuno: zico

Zico: I think i am but tae sometimes overreacts too and scolds her
Wuno: she has two very protective brothers
MC#1: yes, I'm sure she's lucky to have such hard working brothers
Zico: she's our good luck charm

MC#2: yes will guys I hope the misunderstandings end and lets move on to your music now.


[MC#1#2 and #3 are all different people who are giving the questions and such for the interview] [next chapter will be back to the normal storyline]


Love it ❤️❤️ can't wait for the next chapter

kinaa kinaa

Love it ❤️❤️ can't wait for the next chapter

kinaa kinaa

I love it your are really good at this can’t wait for the next one ❤️

kinaa kinaa

more please

kinaa kinaa

Yes! please update

BaeJae BaeJae