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Karaoke Dream

If you DO

~When You're in love and make memories they last forever...

Jaeeun: Jackson! Lets ride that one!
*I said as i pointed to a roller coaster, running towards it*
Jackson: Lets go baby girl

*as we walked around and held hands and carrying cotton candy on the other *

(Credit to owner of picture)
*Spending the last few days happy before it all ends*

Jaeeun: Jackson lets promise eachother to debut together!
Jackson: Okay deal and become super famous!
*We Had promised each other when we first started dating to become famous together*

Because After highschool me and jackson have always dreamed of becoming idols, We fell in love because of the music we wanted to share with others and Debut Together but it seemed like he tried much harder then I did

Jaeeun: Jackson come on! Come over!
Jackson: JaeEUN! I cant go over right now, I gotta go
*From then on I knew, It was all over* he didnt need me anymore*
Jaeeun: Jackson... Congrats on your debut
Jackson: Jaeeun... Im sorry
Jaeeun: Work hard, Jackson
*And with that I walked away not looking back. . . I should be proud but I just cant*

She couldnt stay by my side
she was never gonna be there for me to support me, I hope she's happy . . . Even though ill die inside without her . . .
Jackson:Jaeeun, let's break up
Jaeeun: are you really gonna do this?
Jackson: My passion for music is more important. . . right now
*and just like that she walked away*

Jaeeun; and just like that my years have passed right through me & I still didn't find my spotlight
---Its up to you if you wanna break up, it doesn't matter to me, ill just go to sleep


(Author's note): Each Chapters title is a different song from either got7 or bts

If You Do
---"Its up to you if you wanna break up,I dont care, just do whatever you want it doesn't matter to me, ill just go to sleep"
If You Do music video


So cute

catdog21 catdog21


catdog21 catdog21

Uh oh no no NO plz don't do this

catdog21 catdog21
(Authors note): Guys i try to update but half of my story goes missing so i will try again later, I hope you guys can wait a bit longer thankyou^^
Cilajaeyoung Cilajaeyoung

Jaeeun and Namjoon sitting in a tree, then Jackson and Min-ah came and everything fell apart. WHY?!??!??!?!?!?!!!!!!

JDBangtan JDBangtan