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Excuse Me, Miss


“What do you mean, Kyung quit?!” Claire exclaimed. Kyle sighed loudly. “All he would say is he’s having family problems and can’t do the show.”

“But didn’t he sign contracts?” Claire demanded. “His character is Prince Hyeon’s best friend. He’s in half of the scenes, for crying out loud!”

“Even if we tried to make him stay, the legal battle alone would take weeks that we don’t have. We’ll just have to recast.”

Claire sank down into a nearby chair and rubbed her eyes. “But who? We had a hard enough time finding Kyung! How can we possibly-”

“We’ll find a way, Claire,” Kyle interrupted. “We always do.”

Claire got up and stormed out, slamming the door behind her. Minho was waiting for her in the hallway. “What’s wrong? Philip wouldn’t tell me.”

“Kyung quit,” she said brusquely, walking past him.

“Quit?!” Minho exclaimed, dismayed. “How can he-”

“Lower your voice!” Claire snapped over her shoulder. “Or do you want the entire crew to hear it from you?”

“Sorry,” Minho whispered, following her closely. “How can he quit?”

“Beats me,” Claire sniffed, “but now we have to scramble to find a replacement, or we may as well cancel the show now.”

Minho chewed his lip. “How long do you have?” he asked.

“Not long enough,” Claire grumbled. She tried to gather her thoughts even though her head was throbbing. “There’s so much to redo, what with costume refitting, negotiating contracts, not to mention reshooting entire scenes from scratch.” She rumpled her hair in frustration and Minho smiled sympathetically. “Can I do anything to help?” he asked, holding the door for her.

“Not yet,” she said, walking out to the loading bay. “But you'll have to be patient with all of us, especially once Kyung’s replacement arrives. Most of his scenes were with you, so you'll have a lot of extra work to do, I'm afraid.”

“I don't mind,” he shrugged. “I wasn't totally happy with some of my scenes anyway. This will give me a chance to do them better.” He swiped an imperial hat off a prop stand and perched it on his head. “Maybe something like this would give me more of a royal air,” he said, giving her a ridiculously pompous look. Claire laughed in spite of herself. “Okay, you made me laugh,” she said, swiping the hat off his head. “Happy now?”

“A little,” Minho admitted, grinning. “You work too hard, you know.”

“I work as hard as anyone else,” Claire rebuffed, “except for Lonny, who hardly works.”

Minho chuckled. “I did hear something about a computer monitor. And I think he was complaining yesterday about how the lunch meat in our sandwiches isn’t organic.”

“That hipster idiot,” Claire mumbled. “I should just fire him.”

“You’re pretty hipster,” Minho commented, nodding at her high-waisted jeans and canvas shoes. “Why don’t you fire him?”

“I’m not an idiot,” Claire replied, walking out into the open parking lot. “And I don’t have time to replace anyone, even Lonny.” She pulled out her keys and pressed the unlock button on her car fob, the lights of her truck flashing in response.

“Don't change the subject,” Minho said as she got in. “You’re already busy with your DP stuff, and I know you put in extra hours in the other departments. You should take a step back, focus on your area.”

“Why, do you think I can’t do anything else?” Claire asked, starting the truck.

“No, I’m just saying that Kyle’s the director, so he should be the one putting in extra time on things, or hiring people to do it. He expects too much out of you.” Claire shook her head. “He’s my brother, Minho,” she said over the roar of the engine. “Family always requires more.” She closed the door and pulled out, leaving him standing in the parking lot.


Minho went to his trailer and locked the door behind him. He even checked to make sure the windows were closed before dialing his phone.


“Hey Kibum,” Minho said, leaning against the wall. “You sound out of breath.”

“I’m at the gym,” Kibum panted. “What’s up? Shouldn’t you be filming?”

“That’s why I’m calling,” Minho replied. “We’ve had a situation develop, and I have an idea on how to solve it.”


Claire sat at her desk, resting her forehead on her arms while Louis Armstrong played from her stereo. Normally she didn’t play music during the day, but after the nightmare of the last thirty-six hours she needed to relax. Candidate after candidate had been rejected, most claiming scheduling conflicts while a few honest souls declared they had little interest in the project. Claire refused to shut down the show after all their hard work, which is why she needed to calm down and regroup.

“Claire?” Minho asked, knocking on her open door. Claire groaned into her desk. “Not now, Minho,” she said, her voice muffled. “I just had an emotionally exhausting conversation with Matt and a shouting match with my brother, so please don't try to cheer me up.”

“So you haven't found anyone?” he asked, closing the door behind him. “Because…”

Claire peeked over her arms. “What?” she asked, sitting up. “Do you know someone?”

“I may have made a phone call,” Minho admitted.

“I would say you shouldn't have, but I'm too desperate to care,” she said. “Who is it?”

“My bandmate, Kibum. When I first got the script he sounded really interested, and he doesn't have any other commitments right now.”

“Kibum, that's, um…” Claire closed her eyes for a moment. “Key, right?” she asked. “I know I've seen him, but show me a picture anyway.”

Minho pulled out his phone and scrolled until he found a band picture. “That's him on the far right,” he said, showing her. Claire tilted her head critically. “He does look the part. Does he have acting experience?”

“He's done some stuff in the past. He's looked over the script and wants to try it out.”

“When can he get here?” she asked, standing up. Minho raised his eyebrows. “Don't you want to talk with Kyle first?”

“I do lots of extra work, remember?” she said. “Tell Kibum to get his butt up here and leave Kyle to me.”

She left her office and went straight to Kyle's. He was sitting at his desk, sorting hopelessly through resumes, and he glanced up as she came in. “Claire, I'm really not-”

“I found someone,” she said breathlessly. “Or rather... Minho did.”

“Minho?” Kyle repeated. “How did… never mind. Who is it?”

“Kim Kibum. He's in SHINee too, and apparently showed a lot of interest in the show when Minho was cast.”

Kyle frowned. “Another idol sounds expensive,” he said, going back to his sorting. Claire took a step forward. “He seems really eager, Kyle. I'm sure we can work out a suitable arrangement.”

“He's eager? Have you spoken to him?”

“No, but Minho-”

“Minho is not in charge of casting decisions!” Kyle snapped.

“And I am?” Claire countered. “We don't exactly have other options right now. Minho is just trying to help us out!”

“Help us, or help you?” Kyle mumbled. Claire leaned across his desk. “I'm sorry?” she hissed. Kyle shrugged. “I think he likes you and is trying to make you like him.”

“Minho is a kind man,” Claire said, “and my friend. And no one makes me do anything.”

“Now we both know that's not true,” Kyle returned, looking up at her. Claire ground her teeth. “Kibum should be here in a day or two. If I were you, I'd pray that he decides to stay.” She pushed away from the desk and stomped out of the room, seething.


The next day Claire was inspecting equipment when Philip jogged up to her. “He's here,” he panted, nodding at the loading bay. Claire shoved the camera lens she was holding into Lonny’s hands and followed Philip to the bay door.

“Do you think he'll take the role?” Philip asked.

“I sincerely hope so,” Claire mumbled as the bay door started to rise. She took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair, trying to tame it a little. “Let's just hope Minho is right.”

The door slowly revealed Minho and Kibum chattering excitedly beside a vintage red convertible. They both turned around as she approached. “Kibum, this is Claire Gresham, the director of photography. Claire, Kim Kibum.”

Claire nodded politely. “It's nice to meet you,” she said, extending her hand. After a beat Kibum took it, shaking it firmly. “And you,” he said quietly.

“Minho tells me you've been interested in the show for a while now,” she said. Kibum nodded. “Yes, I… well, when he…” he coughed and Claire noticed Minho's brow furrow slightly. “I see,” she said. “Well, I think your friendship with each other will only serve to make your characters more real.”

“Definitely,” Kibum managed. Is he sweating? Claire wondered, noticing a slight sheen on his forehead. “Minho, I wonder if you'd take Kibum to see Jessica? She's been working on his wardrobe and wants to do a fitting.” Minho nodded and led Kibum into the loading bay. Claire turned to Philip. “Did he seem alright to you?” she asked, watching the two of them walk away.

“Maybe he's shy,” Philip offered.

“Maybe,” Claire conceded. “I just hope he's more relaxed on camera.”


“What was that?” Minho demanded, keeping his voice low. “You sounded like an idiot back there.”

“Did I?” Kibum asked. “I don't remember.”

“Look, they may be desperate, but not enough to cast someone they think is timid,” Minho reminded him. “What's going on?”

“I just… when I saw her, I couldn't…” he trailed off, biting his lip. Minho stopped in the middle of the hallway. “You mean you did that because you like her?” he whispered.

“How can I like her when I don't know her?” Kibum replied. “Even so, she's… beautiful.”

Minho smacked him on the back of the head and he yelped. “Why did you do that?” he asked irritably, rubbing his head.

“To remind you to not be stupid,” Minho replied. “Don't make things awkward for everyone.”

“I'm not!” Kibum insisted. “You should've warned me.”

“I don't see her that way,” Minho said, knocking on Jessica's door. “And you shouldn't either.”



Minho's and Claire's friendship is going smoothly, I just don't want Kibum to 'mess it up', I hope it works out for all 3 of them as friends. :)

Thank you!! It's gonna be fun to write. I've got some other stories planned, so keep your eyes peeled lol

I love this so much already! I'm looking forward to where the story goes, and what happens to Minho and Clare :) Keep writing - I love your work <3

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