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Love got me gone blind

Chapter Seven

~Wendy's Pov~
“So Wendy, what did you buy?” Asks Jungkook as we walk ourselves home.

“Well I bought..” I trailed off as I look at my bare hands.

Oh no!

I left the things on the bench me and Jimin were on before I went to hug him and..things..never mind..

“I bought..I bought...”

Damn it. Think. What do I say?

Wait. That's right! The necklace.

“I bought a necklace.” I said, holding it from my neck.

Jimin left it there on my neck and he.. omo. Why does everything have to do with him??

“Nice.” He says. “Were you there alone?”


I hesitated. Should I tell him? Nahhh.


“Oh. You know. When I was at the bathroom I somehow overheard a conversation about a girl and a guy. The girl sounded so much like you.”

“Really?...” I say, scratching the side of my head.

“I only heard the guy yell at the girl in a very annoyed and angry tone. And then the girl said something bout him being mad at her and then he said sorry and that's it. You sure you weren't with anyone else?”

“Um.. Oh look, we are here.” I say, pointing our houses in front of us. Hopefully changing the subject.

“Oh yeah. Well, I guess this is it. See ya tomorrow at school!” He says.

"Bye!" We said to each other before we split off.

Good think he's the type of guy who is easy to distract.

I walked inside and to my bedroom and layed flat on it. Falling asleep.

Omo, what a day!


Beep. Beep. Beep.

I rose up from my bed to find that it was 7:50.

I'm going to be late for school!!

I quickly hopped out of my bed and changed into a pair of black jeans with a dark blue t-shirt.

I ran downstairs and grabbed a granola bar. I picked up my backpack and opened my door when I bumped into someone dropping my granola bar on the floor.

“Ow. Who is this-” My eyes widened as I looked up from the floor.

“W-Wendy?! You live with Jungkook?! How many secrets do you keep on hiding from me?!” Says Suga.

“Um.. First of all, why are you here at my front door. Second of all, no. We don't live together. We are just neighbors. And lastly, third of all, why do I have to tell you everything about me?”

He stood still looking puzzled. He went from angry to confused.

~Suga’s Pov~
That's right. I actually didn't know exactly why she makes me angry when I don't know something about her. I mean, she really doesn't have to tell me everything about her.

What is this a sign of?

What could this… possibly mean?


I am so sorry for not updating! Now that I have control over 2 stories, it's kind of hard for me to work on two at the same time. Unlike others who can multi task and find it easy, I only work one at a time. So I'm sorry if my updates are slow because I might get confused and I don't want to mix up the stories and do something wrong. I will try my best to at least update a chapter every week for both stories.

And as always, Vote, Comment, and Subscribe!!


your story is the best :-)

noonabiba123 noonabiba123


It's just , my friends got wattpad too and they are popular too and they maked fun of me so I copied your story but don't worry I deleted that story

noonabiba123 noonabiba123

I understand but I get so pissed off when people take my story and don't ask before hand. At least you are apologizing and you aren't acting like other people who act dumb like they didn't do anything. Anyways, I'm sorry too if I offended you in any way I was just.. ya know.. kinda mad but it's all good now :)

*sorry I didn't mean too*

noonabiba123 noonabiba123


noonabiba123 noonabiba123