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The Original True Blood

Chapter 6

{»Naeun POV«} Baekhyun was running and so many vampires gathered him, they bit him till his last drop of blood. Noooooo I screamed as i woke up I was still in the office and I noticed it was a dream, baekhyun must be in danger I said to myself and left quickly. {»Baekhyun POV«} I got to her office but someone told me that they're looking for her too. I got really scared and ran back to check her house. {»Naeun POV«} I got home and check my house but he was not there, I went into his own house and he wasn't there too. I fell to the ground and cried bitterly. I heard Baekhyun calling my name, I open his door and I saw him, he ran towards me and carried me up with a hug. I told him about the dream I had about him, and he told me what he saw about me too. We hug each other as we slowly kissed. Baekhyun cupped my face and told me I love you, I blush and replied I love you too. I told baekhyun that we should see the elderly lady and tell her my dream and your vision, he nod his head and hug me so tight. I called my boss and told him I'm not feeling too well so I went home. He ask me to take care of myself and hang up. Lizzy brought my bag to me in the evening and we both went with lizzy to her grandma's place together. We both told her about our vision and dream, she said we should be careful. Then she gave us a book which contains the powers we possess 1) Super Strength which is Supernatural powers, 2) Super Speed which is They are able to stop other supernatural species in their tracks and run miles in mere minutes, 3) Super Agility which is move, jump, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion, 4) Super Senses which is extremely keen senses of hearing, sight and smell. 5) Super Durability which means you can heal faster than normal vampires when exposed to vervain a substance which weakens the vampires, and wood does not seem to weaken them; even the White Oak Stake, a powerful enchanted object, will not affect you two been an original. 6) Super Healing which is injuries heal faster, 7) Emotional Control which mean you can control and manipulate the emotions of one's self. 8) Mind Compulsion which mean you can compel the minds of humans, vampires, and hybrids. You both can do all this but only baekhyun can see the "past present and the future". Thanks we said to her and we left. On our way going we meet yuri and leo coming toward us we stood still looking at them. Yuri came closer to baekhyun telling him that she love him and he should not make her hurt him for this low life girl. {»Baekhyun POV«} She not a low life but someone who showed me true love and cared for me she means the world to me and I promise you this, if you ever come close to her ever I swear I will kill you immediately. {»Yuri POV«} What how did you become this brave? That you can talk back to me this way? I'm so sorry baekhyun but you've pushed me too far now. I ran towards Naeun but suddenly baekhyun pushed me away and shouted don't make me kill you. He carried Naeun and in a flash they were gone.


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nice story!!!!!!!!! its soooooooooooo good!
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