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My Unexpected Rroomates

Chapter 2 (Second part)


I was the first one to wake up and made lunch for us. Sou woke up and Cam was the alst one.

SOU : So we are going to head to our new school.

YOU ; Yes we are, but it's just to get familiar with the place that's why and I also want to check that we will have a good stay.

CAM : I'm sur you will be pretty popular with the guys Seulbi.

SOU : True you are gorgeous and intelligent and have a nice personality. You will get a boyfriend easily.

YOU : I don't care I don't want a boyfriend I just want tos tay with you guyd and enjoy my stay here while I'm with you.

CAM : So cute, well the boyfriend will wait now we need to head to school.

YOU : Oh I nearly forgot we will also take our school uniform from the store and one last thing you didn't forget that our school is pretty popular because there are a lot of things and also because of the people that are going there.

SOU/CAM : Yes ma'am we didn't

YOU : well then let's put some decent clothes and go.

We all decided to wear dress. I chose a blue dress ( link : http://images.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnsa33.casimages.com%2Fimg%2F2013%2F08%2F18%2F130818032021538487.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dziriya.net%2Fforums%2Fsujet-vide_dressing.php%3Fp%3D620159%26topic%3Dcherche-priere-chemise-en-denim-et-robe-en-dentelle&h=847&w=750&tbnid=uV_zL1lDhkeUdM%3A&docid=EOSyKtBRpgPVnM&ei=p_qxV47FHIuzabqAv8AJ&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=4329&page=1&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=0ahUKEwjOtLf398POAhWLWRoKHTrAD5gQMwgxKAAwAA&bih=673&biw=1366 )

Sou wore a white and blue floral dress ( http://images.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.ustrendy.com%2Fmedia%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Fcache%2F1%2Fimage%2F9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95%2Fb%2Fl%2Fblue_floral_rope_strap_dress_1.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ustrendy.com%2Fnavy-and-white-floral-rope-strap-dress&h=900&w=600&tbnid=MO1Q3cpbRK_vxM%3A&docid=IFlDH1TjisS8YM&ei=_fqxV4vLAoamaM-unMAM&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=3385&page=3&start=71&ndsp=41&ved=0ahUKEwjLvZ6g-MPOAhUGExoKHU8XB8gQMwi6AShNME0&bih=673&biw=1366 )

Cam wore a floral dress too ( http://images.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.so-trendy.fr%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F06%2Frobe-ethnique-asos.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.so-trendy.fr%2Fpost%2F29480%2Fselection-robes-tendances-lete-2014%2F&h=638&w=500&tbnid=trh0-LvlnXjl3M%3A&docid=uNDJmZ1F3CUxKM&ei=m_uxV5LDDobyaKLMiBg&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=288&page=4&start=102&ndsp=36&ved=0ahUKEwjS_NXr-MPOAhUGORoKHSImAgM4ZBAzCBooDDAM&bih=673&biw=1366 )

We walked to school. We met our main teacher, he gave us our schedules and fortunately we were in the same school. We thanked our theacher and went to the mall.

SOU : Seulbi I want to try bubble tea pleeeaaasse

YOU : Okay ! Bubble tea here we come !

We went to the mall and entered the bubble tea store. We took a bubble tea and we went to stay in a table.

SOU : The weather is really nice !

CAM : Yeah. Let's go we need to take our uniform.

YOU : You're right. I will go pay girls.

SOU : Thanks Seul !

YOU : Don't call me like that Chaerin !

SOU : That's so strange to be called by our korean name but I like it !

I left them and went to pay.

YOU : i took 3 bubble teas before and didn't pay.

SERVER : May I have your ticket please ?

YOU : Yes.

I gave him the ticket and checked for his name which was writte on his work clothes. He was named Taylor.

YOU : Can I ask you a question ?

TAYLOR : Yes ?

YOU : You're not korean ,right ? Are you from England ?

TAYLOR : Yes I'm. My name is Taylor.

YOU : I know it's written on your clothes.

TAYLOR : Ooups I always seem to forget this fact. I'm a bit clumsy.

YOU : Oh it's okay I find it cute.

Then I giggled. He blushed after what you said.

TAYLOR : It will be 11 700 Won please.

YOU Okay thank you. See you again !

I left and joined the girls.

SOU : Why did you take so long ?

CAM : She was talking with the cute server, that's why.

She laughed after that and Sou went along with her.

YOU : Girls it's not the time to laugh come on we need to go search for our uniform.

CAM : Are you embarrassed that I saw you.

YOU : No I'm not, it's just that the store will close.

SOU : No we still have time .

YOU : No we don't its already 11:45 AM. It will close for lunch so we need to speed.

We hurried to the store. Even if I didn't recognize it Ii was a bit embarrassed. It's true that he was really cute and to not forget handsome. We arrived in front of the storeand there was only 5 minutes left.

YOU : Hello sir we are here to take our uniforms.

SIR : Oh I was going to close.

YOU : We are really sorry we were coming but we lost ourselves. We are really sorry.

We bowed our heads.

SIR : It's nothing girls, so Wwhat's the name of your school ?

SOU : It's Nabi of Seoul.

SIR : Oh you are going to this prestigious school. You must be intelligent then. I heard that only people with excellent grades, that must start at 85 only, can attend this school.

CAM : Uhm well maybe. Actually, tomorrow will be our first day so we don't know anything yet and the theachers told us that he will explain how it works tomorrow, that's why we are still waiting.

SIR : Oh I see, then work hard and support each other. You can do it, okay ? Fighting !

CAM/SOU/YOU : Ne kamsahamnida ahjussi fighting !

He gave us our school uniform. We went to eat in a restaurant and went back home. We didn't want to do anything so we just lay lazily on the counch.

CAM : Tomorrow will be school. I don't want to go.

SOU : Plus we need to wake up early, who will be the first one to wake up ?

CAM : I bet it will be Seulbi.

YOU : If it's not me then who will wake you up and prepapre your breakfast.

CAM : Oh don't be like that jagi I was just joking. You know that I trust you.

YOU : Yeah well, why don't we sleep in the same bed tonight ?

CAM : Do you want to do some nasty things jagi ?

YOU : Misul stop that Chaerin is scared, and no I don't want to do nasty things just sleep with you the loves of my life, okay ?

SOU : So cute of you, well why not I'm not against this idea. But first shower !

We took a shower and went to my room because it was the biggest and we lay on the bed. We talked about tomorrow , the school and the idols that maybe we will be able to meet. We were sleepy and one by one se fell in a deep sleep.

I was the first one to wake up. My phone showed 6AM I went to the bathroom washed my face. I started to wake up the girls and told them to put their uniform. I started to prepare breakfast. I just made hot chocolate for Misul, coffe for Chaerin and orange juice for me. I drank my juice and went to brush my teeth and put my uniform on while the girls drank their drinks.

The uniform & the shoes ( unifom : http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Japan-South-Korea-School-Uniform-Turn-down-Collar-Short-Sleeve-Tops-And-Skirt-British-Navy-Style/32420264233.html?spm=2114.01020208.3.281.vTPo9R&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_10,searchweb201602_3_10057_10056_10055_10049_10017_10059_10058_10060_10061_10062_10064,searchweb201603_4&btsid=2f96e935-408b-4d6d-b6db-0b16977cbc9d

shoes : http://images.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi01.i.aliimg.com%2Fwsphoto%2Fv0%2F32291922447_1%2F2015-Women-s-Vintage-Oxford-Brogue-Flat-Shoes-Round-Toe-Medium-Hells-Four-Seasons-Women-Sneakers.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffr.aliexpress.com%2Fstore%2Fproduct%2FWomens-Female-Fashion-Retro-Carved-Tassels-Leather-Flat-Shoes-Size-43-Student-Low-Heel-Lace-Up%2F1248075_32290861997.html&h=298&w=298&tbnid=A_xFJegmNDybwM%3A&docid=_G3rHTS8sSeT6M&ei=zPyxV5rLGMWSatGrssgO&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=3898&page=1&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=0ahUKEwia4Zf9-cPOAhVFiRoKHdGVDOkQMwgsKAgwCA&bih=673&biw=1366 )

We put our shoes and went to school. The way to school was only a 15 minutes of walk. When we arrived to school there was a lot of people in front of the gates. There was also a lot of black cars which were stopping in front of the gates. Misul and Chaerin wanted to wait and see the people but I dragged them to the main office.

TEACHER : So that's a map of the school because it's acyually pretty big and those papers are your schedules. Don't forget that you have to take special classes. Your classes will be like tose that you were taking in France we will just remone some languages like french, english, spanish, chinese and german because I heard from your previous teacher that ou were really good.

YOU : Well actually some of us didn't take the chinese, german or spanish classes.

TEACHER : Oh alright that's why I wanted to have yourr opinion on that because some of you didn't have this class do you want to take them or not ?

CAM : For me I won't take the spanish class but Ii will still continue to learn chinese.

SOU : I will just take the chinese class but I'm a beginner.

TEACHER : And you Seulbi ?

YOU : Well I won't take any of these class, is that okay whith you professor ?

TEACHER : Well it's okay but it's sad you could have been good in one of these.

CAM : Well actually she is great in all those languages so she don't need to take them.

SOU : Yeah the word great is really an understatment.

TEACHER : oh okay, well I think that's all. Oh no I forgot you know that there are some idols who are attending this school, right. (We nodded our head) Would it be possible if you don't bother them because they are really busy and they need to focus on there work. Well then welcome to our school.

We bowed our head and started to go when the teacher stopped us.

TEACHER : Oh one last hting we have special classes, actually there are 5 of them we call them the Pentagone, 4 are for the idols and the ast one is for the people who are the most excellent or have a futur in the entertainment. Because we don't want to focus on the things that your previous teacher sent us we wanted to check that ourself so we are giving you 2 weeks at the end of this 2 weeks you will have an exam which is quite hard but I'm sure that you can managed this. And if you are successful you will change your class. So girls let's work hard together, welcome to Nabi of Seoul and be successful !

After that the teacher went to his class because the bell already rang. The girls were suprised but I told them that we will talk about that when the lunch will come. We found our class and we presented ourselves wa took a sit and the teacher, Miss Song started class.

It was just the beginnin but I was exhausted, I took a nap and waited for lunch.


I'm sorry that I took a long time to update, actually it was because I couldn't put the image of the uniform and the dress. I'm really sorry. Sorry if there is any mistake.


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