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I was headed to the place where I was suppose to meet Seventeen, Exo, and the Bangtan Boys. Little did I know that you were being watched. As I walked I saw Junghan talking as usual. He is very talkative when we are at the meetings. You guys basically talked about what had been going on since at the last meeting Exo had not been there do to there schedule's.

Shi Jin's POV

After you guy's parted way's, I headed home because you had school in the morning. As I was walking I was attacked from behind. The attacker put a cloth over my face and I soon past out.

Amber and Jae Hae's POV

"WHERE IS SHE"! Amber and Jae Hae yelled at the boys. "What are you talking about"? Shun asked curiously. "We are talking about Shi Jin, she never came home after she met with you guys" Jae Hae explained. "That's crazy, I was texting Shi Jin after she got home, unless someone kidnaped her". Junghan exclaimed. At that very moment they all got a message.

"I have kidnaped Shi Jin and if you want her back you have to come and find her or else she die's. Your dead line is in 3 weeks and if you don't find her it's bye bye Shi Jin forever". The figure yelled laughing evilly.



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