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HOW IT ALL STARTED lonely love storybook 1


The boys were far from tired while they picked on jinyoung and his burn from TARA.
"Hey, hey jinyoung-ah do you like fiction or non-fiction ?" Baro nagged.
"No you saw his face when she told him the truth." CNU replied.
"Yeah hyung, he definitely loves fiction." Gongchan laughed.
"Yeah 'cause he can't get told off by a GIRL!" Sandule jeered.
The members just about laughed themselves to sleep, but what was waiting the next day would surprise them all.
The boys were still in bed and were snug as a bug in a rug (lol) until....
HONK HONK!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Oh boys, GET UP!" KARA shouted with a bit of joy, seeing those 'FOOL(s)' scatter and scramble like chicken with their heads cut off, nothing gave her more joy.
"What is wrong with you woman?!" Baro whined
"You 'GENTLEMEN' have a show tonight and a lot of preparing in that case, so get up, get dressed, and get ready. Breakfast is in 10 minutes, no time waste, chop chop." with that she left.
"OK, that lady has lost her marbles." Baro voiced
"Yeah man, she needs a tune up." jinyoung replied
"Hey, jinyoung what are you gonna do? Read her a bedtime story?" Sandule mocked
"Hey man, let it go." jinyoung snapped
The boys stared to get dressed each taking turns to use the bathroom, and once they were done they all headed out. They walked down the diem hallways with outlining of bamboo and red animal printed carpet. They got to the elevator ;which appeared to be in solid gold; stepping in and getting comfortable, as soon as the doors close and there's no way out ...
"OH MY GOD, DUDE WHO DID THAT!!!!!? jinyoung shouted cuffing his hand over his nose
"MY EYES! THEY BURN!!!" Baro added throwing his hands up in pain and fear for his life (he is so dramatic lol)
"he he he." Sandule giggles as he slowly slides to the to the back corner with his hands covering his face in fear that CNU would punch him (CNU was right behind sandule just to let you know).
Finally they reached the first level (coming from the 30th floor yeah tough right) eyes burning and struggling to breath they all fight to get fresh air as soon as the door they all ran from the elevator right were KARA was waiting, foot tapping and head shaking.
"Tsk, tsk, you call yourselves artist? you can't even get off an elevator like civilized people. Come on we only have 5 minutes to to eat.
she led them to a table, once they were done AILEE took them with her to show them that stage they would be performing



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