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"Dressing Zico"

Dressing Zico:: Chapter Fourteen:: I'm all antsy so I follow you around... (18+)

I didn’t want to get out of the bed the next morning. I didn’t even want to come out from under the covers. I knew that Zico had been roaringly drunk but I didn’t know why it made him act that way. I also knew that he would probably sleep most of the day so I decided to be gone when he woke up.
I got up and looked in the mirror. I was a complete mess. My make-up was smeared and my dress was one big wrinkle. I didn’t know if I’d even be able to get a brush through my hair. Hurrying through my shower, I got dressed and when I opened the door, I found Kihyun standing there. Not this again! I thought.
“Hello Kihyun. Where is Kim Marco?” I asked politely.
Without even turning around he said, “He is sick and in bed. I’ll be guarding you today.”
Great! Well, there goes that plan. I guess the next best thing to running away is facing it head on. I’ll just go and wake him up and make him explain. This should be fun. NOT! I grabbed the key and went out into the hall. “I’m going up to see Zico, Kihyun, so don’t be a… well, just don’t try to stop me. Turning you into a woman is still on the table if you try to touch me!”
Kihyun put up his hands in surrender and I stepped into the elevator.
When the doors opened again, I stepped into my nightmare! Zico’s bedroom door was open and I could see him, naked and sprawled on the bed. The blankets and pillows were mostly on the floor as if he had had a really bad night. Or a really good one! Then I heard a noise and a voice in the kitchen. I turned to look and there she was, the life ruiner herself, Alicia freaking Wright! She was stirring something in a glass and when she saw me she put her finger to her lips and said, “Shhh.” Then she waved me into the kitchen.
I looked back at Zico. What the EFF is going on here? I went into the kitchen, my stomach turning and clenching. “Excuse me but what are you doing here?” I didn’t care that I was being rude.
“I knew that Jico would be feeling pretty bad today so I’m making him my miracle hangover cure. I used to make them for both of us all the time.”
I didn’t feel like putting up with her crap today. I wanted to rip her damn hair out. Instead, I said, “Well, isn’t that nice of you. How long have you been here? And how did you get up here?”
“Oh, I came back with him last night. There was a slight problem when he went to the vending area and that big brute of a bodyguard that you have forced him to come back. He’s an animal! Jico was crazy mad forever but I finally got him calmed down. I might be the only one in this world that knows how.”
I didn’t say another word. I couldn’t. Walking over to push the elevator button, I felt like I was no longer real. Everything was fuzzy and I felt like I was in a horrible dream. I looked back at Zico again and he hadn’t moved. The elevator doors opened, I stepped in, and that was the last I hoped to ever see of either of them. When the doors opened again, I tried to shove Kihyun out of the way but of course that didn’t work. He moved over and I went into my room. The only thing I wanted was to get as far away from this place as possible so I pulled out my luggage and began to pack.
How could he do this to me? Was Red right after all? Was I just his latest plaything? I wanted to scream but I didn’t dare. I finished packing, threw Zico’s phone on the bed with his key and left. In the hallway, I didn’t say anything to Kihyun. He moved to stop me and I slapped his face. “You’re fired! Don’t touch me!” He moved back and I got back into the elevator and went to the lobby.
“Could you please have my bags brought down and have a car brought around?” I asked the lady at the counter.
“I’m sorry miss. I’m not supposed to let you leave the building,” she said nonchalantly.
I was so done with all of this crap. Reaching across the counter, I grabbed her collar and pulled her face close to mine. Quietly but menacingly I said, “I am no longer working for Zico. Have my bags brought down and have a car outside right now! Understand?”
“Yes ma’am. I’m sorry.” She was shaking when she picked up the phone.
“And don’t you dare call Mr. Woo! I’ll effing kick your ass!” I said.
Her eyes were huge and she nodded. I stood there until my bags were put into the car to make sure that she didn’t. I didn’t know where I was going to go and I didn’t care. I didn’t care about the death threats. I didn’t care about the job. I only wanted to get as far away from this crazy life I had been living here as possible. I asked the driver to take me to the airport. When I was there, I’d get a new phone and decide what to do next.
As I watched the scenery pass by without actually seeing it, I began to think about the situation.Am I being too hasty? Irrational? He had been drunk and he might not even remember anything about last night. Maybe Alicia had been lying. But then how would she have gotten into his suite. Also, the state of that bedroom and of Zico himself had looked as if they had had a really good time the night before. He was definitely dressed when he had come into my room, and what had that been about? If he had Alicia in his room, why had he come to mine? There was no doubt what he had been there for. I’m so confused. Maybe I just need to step away from it all for a little while.
At the airport, I bought a phone and sat down to think about what to do next. I could go ahead and get on a plane and go home or I could find another hotel to stay in. I no longer had a job but I still had plenty of money. If I had no job though, what was the point in staying in Korea? There wasn’t one. But if I went home, then what? I guess I could start applying for stylist jobs and live on the money I have left until I found something. That seemed to be the smartest move so that was what I would do. I couldn’t make myself get up. I hadn’t cried yet but I knew it was coming and when it did, it was going to be a days long marathon of crying so I didn’t want to start that here.
Finally, I got up and went to buy a ticket. At the window, the lady began to put in my information and then stopped. “I’m sorry ma’am but you are on our ‘No Fly’ list. I can’t sell you a ticket.”
“What? Why?” I couldn’t believe this.
“It says here you are under police protection. That is all I know. I’m sorry.” She handed my things back to me and looked behind me, indicating that I should move along.
Crap! Crap, crap, crap, crap! I guess I’m staying in Korea for a while longer. I need to get this cleared up. But not today. Today I’m going to find a hotel and start my crying marathon. I looked up the name of a nice hotel and got a room. I also had them send a car for me and my bags.
As I sat there waiting for the car, I watched as Zico’s car pulled up and he got out. Does he have a tracking device stuck to me somewhere? I thought.
He looked rough. He looked as if he had thrown on whatever was lying around on the floor and he hadn’t bothered with his hair or anything else except some sunglasses to cover up the fact that he was hungover. Neither of us moved at first. He stood against his car, arms crossed, looking at me. I sat there. I didn’t want to deal with this right now. He was the last person I wanted to see and I sat there hoping he would just get back into his car and go away. He didn’t. I watched him as he walked over to where I sat and he sat down beside me.
“Where are you going?” he asked. His voice was rough.
“Why?” I asked.
“Don’t be difficult please,” he said.
“I quit. This is my notice so you can just get back into your car and go,” I said.
“I’m sorry about last night. I don’t remember much but I do know that I acted like an ass.”
“Yes. You did but that’s not why I’m leaving,” I said.
“Is it because of Alicia?” he asked.
“It’s because I found Alicia in your suite this morning while you were sprawled out naked in the bedroom and it was obvious that something had happened in there last night.” I could feel the tears welling up behind my eyes. I felt like throwing up.
“It wasn’t what it looked like. Nothing happened between me and Alicia last night except a fight,” he said.
“How do you know? You can’t remember.”
“I always know the next day when I’ve had sex. I didn’t. Will you let me try to make it up to you?” he asked.
“Why? I know about you and Alicia. I know that you didn’t want to break up with her and she obviously wants you back. So what’s the problem?”
“You are,” he said.
“What does that mean?” I asked.
“It’s true. I would take Alicia back in a heartbeat but I have one problem. You.”
“Well, you don’t have that problem anymore,” I said.
“Please, Elizabeth. Come back and let me make it up to you.”
I want to so much. Maybe I had been too quick to judge. I acted out of pain and I didn’t give myself time to think about it. He deserves another chance. “Alright. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left. I was so hurt because it looked like…”
“I know what it looked like and I’m sorry.” He turned to me and took my hands. “I was confused by Alicia for two seconds, then I was an idiot and got drunk, and then I was a bigger idiot. I’m so sorry. Thank you for giving me another shot.” He pulled me into a hug and I slowly wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. I was still hurt but being in his arms made it hurt a lot less.

I called and canceled the room at the other hotel and Zico took me to eat. He said he was too sick to eat but he wanted to talk. I thought that was a good idea.
“I think you should know about me and Alicia before someone else tells you a bunch of things that aren’t true,” he said after I got my food.
“Jaehyo told me some of it,” I said. I didn’t feel much like eating either.
“He doesn’t know the whole story. I dated Alicia for about a year. She was just starting out and I was too, sort of. We were inseparable. I got a lot busier with Block B and she didn’t like it and she became very clingy. She demanded that she go everywhere I went and I let her so that she would be happy. She didn’t like the other members and they didn’t like her. She started becoming demanding with the rest of the staff and when she started telling the other members what to do, we started having problems.”
“Why did she feel she had a right to do that?” I asked.
“Well, I think she felt like my wife and she has a powerful personality. She thought she had the same rights as me. I found out that she would follow me if I went anywhere without her and she had little spies that would watch me when she couldn’t. She would tell me what to do and try to make business decisions for me and I would go along with it. Finally, the other members had had enough and they told me that if I didn’t get rid of her, they would get rid of me. I actually had to think about it. I thought I was in love with her but really it was… I don’t know what it was. It was some sort of messed up thing.”
“And now that she’s back?” I asked. I still hadn’t touched my food.
“I didn’t ask her to come back. The company hired her. They didn’t want to turn her down since she’s so well known now. She actually does have incredible fashion sense. I was hoping I wouldn’t have much contact with her but I think she sought me out first thing. Since we broke up, she writes, emails, and if she gets my phone number she texts me. I don’t answer but it doesn’t stop her. She has come to our concerts and basically…”
“She stalks you,” I said.
“Why don’t you put a stop to it?” I asked.
“I guess because I feel bad. I left her for my group and it always felt like a betrayal,” he said.
“She was way out of line Zico. She’s obsessive.”
“I know. I’m sorry for all of this. I really didn’t want there to be any trouble. When I suggested that you work on this project, I didn’t know it was going to be her. I never wanted you to meet her. She’s good at tearing people apart.”
“I can take care of myself, Zico,” I said.
“I know. But not against her. I even have trouble with her.” He twirled salt into his hand.
“Do me a favor,” I said.
“Don’t drink anymore. Especially when she’s around. If Marco hadn’t been there last night, I don’t know what you would have done. I’ve never seen you like that before and I don’t understand why you came to my room. Do you even know why?” I asked.
“I don’t know. I was mad at Alicia for coming in and messing things up. I was mad at you for being mad at me. I was mad at myself for being such a wimp. I was just mad at the whole situation. I think Alicia was trying to get me into bed and I got pissed off because every time I looked at her, it wasn’t you, so I went to find you and then your door was locked.”
“Why did she come home with you at all?” I asked.
“I don’t remember. I don’t think I had a choice in that matter. Kyung and Jihoon carried me home and she just followed. The guys put me in bed and when I woke up, Alicia was in my face trying to kiss me. She kept trying to get me to take my clothes off so I went to look for you. Then I remember Kim Marco taking me back to my suite. I came down three more times and every time he took me back. Finally, I just went to bed.” He licked the salt in his hand and made a face.
“When I came up there, you were very naked and she was still there. Why should I believe that nothing happened? Why wouldn’t it happen and how do you know? Your memory is faulty,” I said.
“I told you, I know if I’ve had sex the night before and I hadn’t.”
“How do you know?” I asked.
“Do you really want to know?” he asked.
“Tell me.” I wasn’t sure I wanted to know but why not?
“Okay. First of all there was no smell. Second, I wasn’t the least bit sore.”
“So? Why would you be sore?” I asked.
“Sore there!” He looked down. “I always get a little sore afterward. And I wasn’t at all. Nothing happened.”
I took a bite of my food. That made me hungry so I ate a little more. As I ate, I thought about whether I believed him or not and I decided that I did. “Well, I guess we are even now,” I said between bites.
“How do you figure?” he asked.
“Well, you had to wonder about me and Jong and now I have to wonder about you and her.” I didn’t even want to say her name.
“I guess you’re right. Why don’t we just forget the whole thing. All of it. Him and her.”
“I would like that,” I said and finished my last two bites. It was delicious.
“Um, where is Kim Marco? Shouldn’t he be with you?” he asked.
“He’s sick and when I woke up, Kihyun was standing guard. I guess Marco got him to take his place for the day.”
Zico nodded. He smacked his hands together to get rid of the salt and said, “You know what I would like?”
I shook my head.
“First, I want two aspirin. Then I want to lay down and hold you until we have to leave,” he said.
“Leave? Where are we going?” I asked.
“I have to perform ‘The Titan’ tonight on The Show. Didn’t I tell you?” he asked.
“Oh, well, you need to work then. But first, we cuddle.” He smiled. “Let’s go.”

That night, after picking out the perfect set for Zico to wear and then laying in his arms while he slept, I watched as he was once again surrounded by people and being taken in a dozen different directions. It would drive me crazy but he seemed to thrive when he was working. I was watching as they did his hair and make-up when I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I turned around and about fell over. It was Alicia Wright.
“Elizabeth right?” she asked even though she knew the answer.
“Yes, and you are…Olivia?” I asked.
“Alicia,” she said as her fake smile faded.
“That’s right. I’m sorry. Silly me. I knew that.”
“Yes, well, I wanted to come over and apologize if I caused any trouble this morning. I didn’t mean to. I’m just so used to taking care of Jico that I didn’t think anything of it. I know that he has been keeping himself entertained with you for a little while and I wanted you to know that it’s okay. I don’t have a problem with it.”
“Uh-huh. That’s good to know I guess. Not that it really matters since you two aren’t seeing each other anymore. Right?” I couldn’t quite figure out where she was going with this.
“We weren’t but I think things might change soon. I really shouldn’t say anything but I feel so guilty. I feel like I owe it to you to tell you what’s going on, you know, woman to woman. I mean, I would want to know the truth and how often can you get that from a man right?”
“What exactly are you getting at Alicia?” I was getting highly irritated by her stupid high pitched voice.
“Well, I know that you two aren’t that serious so I’m sure this won’t bother you that much but last night, Zico told me how much he missed me and that as soon as he could find a way to let you down easy, he would like to give us another try.”
“He did huh?” I didn’t know what to think. Was she lying? Was he lying? Why would he bother to come and find me at the airport if he was just going to get rid of me. She’s lying!
“I couldn’t believe it! And don’t worry. Nothing happened last night. He didn’t want to do anything until he made a clean break from sleeping with you. If I know my Jico, he just wants one more good night with you. Since you’re going back to America soon anyway, you should probably just save your self-respect and leave him first. That’s what I would do.”
I couldn’t believe the gall of this woman. I just stood there looking at her not knowing what to say. Then I did know. “You know what, bitch? You are full of it. Stay away from me and stay away from Jiho or I’m going to kick your perfect ass up between your ears! If I catch you in his suite again, I’m going to rip out each of those blond hairs one by one. He belongs to me! Now, get the eff away from me!” I knew my face was red and my hands were making fists at my sides. Alicia’s face was priceless. Now she was the speechless one but she soon recovered.
She came close to me and put her face in mine. “If you want a fucking war, I’ll give you one little girl. When it comes to Jico, I can have him any time I want him. You don’t know who you’re messing with. You just fucked up!” She flipped her hair in my face when she turned and walked away.
I wanted to follow her and knock those stupid horse teeth out right now but I looked over at Zico and saw that he had been watching the whole thing. He looked nervous so I smiled at him. He smiled back but I knew it wasn’t real. I went to find my seat.
When Zico finally came out to perform, the first thing I noticed was that he wasn’t wearing what I had brought for him to wear. As a matter of fact, I didn’t recognize the clothes he was wearing. He looked good but I was confused. The performance was incredible. He was such a great showman that you couldn’t tell that he was still a little hungover.
After his performance, I went to his dressing room and he was already there, changing. He waved me in.
“That was incredible,” I told him.
“Thanks. I feel like crap! I just want to go home and go back to bed.” He took off the white pants that I hadn’t picked and I remembered to ask him about them.
“Why didn’t you wear the set that I brought for you? It’s okay, I was just wondering,” I said.
“What do you mean?” He looked at the pants confused.
“Where did you get those clothes?” I asked.
“They were in here when I came in. You didn’t pick these?” he asked.
Now I was confused. “No. I picked out black for you to wear. I’ve never seen those.”
He picked up the white leather jacket and looked at it. “It doesn’t matter,” he said and put it down again quickly. “Could you hand me those jeans please?”
I gave him the jeans and asked, “Zico? Do you know where those clothes came from?” I had a suspicion that I knew.
“I have no idea. Maybe there was a mix-up. It happens.” He sat down to put on his socks and shoes.
“It was Alicia wasn’t it?” I asked.
He didn’t look at me. “I don’t know. Maybe.”
“I know.”
“By the way, what were you two talking about before the show?” He stood up and put on his jacket.
I laughed. “She came over to apologize for making trouble last night.”
“Really? That’s hard to believe. I didn’t know she knew that word,” he said. “He put on a hat and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go home. I want you to stay in my room tonight if that’s okay with you.”
“I would like that,” I said.

It was 2am when Zico’s phone started going off. I turned toward him and put my arm around his waist as he answered. I kissed his back.
“What is it?” was the way he answered the phone. I thought that was a bit rude.
“Calm down. I can’t understand you.” A pause. “Oh my God. Where are you?” Pause. “How did you get over there?” Pause. “Stop crying. Fine! I’ll be there in about half an hour. Don’t go anywhere. Stay right where you are.” Pause. “Just stay there. Bye.”
I sat up and rubbed my eye. “Who was that?”
Zico sat on the side of the bed and reached for his pants. “I’m sorry baby but I have to go pick up a friend that needs a ride home. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Just go back to sleep.”
He got up and went into the bathroom. I looked at his phone and it only took half a second to decide to look at the last call. It was only a number so I tried to remember it as well as I could at 2 in the morning. I watched as he put on a shirt and his shoes and grabbed his keys. He came over to get his phone and leaned over to kiss me. “Who is it Zico?” I asked.
“Just a friend. Go back to sleep. I’ll be back.” He kissed me and left. I listened for the elevator to move and then I grabbed my own phone. I punched in the number and hoped that I had remembered it right.
“Jico? Hello? Jico?”
I hung up. I knew that stupid voice! I knew it! I knew it was that conniving bitch! I’m going to effing kill her! There was no way I was going back to sleep until he came back. As a matter of fact, I would give him the half an hour he promised her and then I was going to call him. Getting up, I went into the kitchen to make some tea. I realized I was slamming things around so I tried to calm myself down a bit. I took my tea into the living room and turned on the t.v. but I didn’t really watch it.
Exactly half an hour later, I called Zico. No answer. I called again. No answer. I was getting a little worried. I called again.
I gritted my teeth. That voice made me want to scream! “Where’s Zico?” I asked, not hiding my irritation.
“Who wants to know?”
“You know who this is. Put Zico on the phone now!” My irritation was turning to pure anger.
“I’m sorry. He’s busy.”
“Listen, put Zico on the phone now or we are going to have a huge problem.” I got up to look for my clothes.
“We already have a problem and you know it. Well, you do rather. He’s not in the car right now so you’ll have to call back later. Oh, but his phone will probably be off so you might as well not bother. Goodnight Elizabeth.” She laughed a wicked witch laugh and then the call dropped.
I screamed. I was so mad! I tried to call back but it went straight to voice mail. I threw my phone and it bounced off the wall. I needed to do something. The smart thing was to wait for Zico to come back but when did I ever do the smart thing? I put my clothes on, not knowing where I was going to go. I was full of nervous energy and I wanted to hit something. Hard! I wanted to hit Alicia Wright. A lot!
My phone rang and I practically ran to answer it. “Hello?” I said almost too anxiously.
“Hey baby. I’m sorry. I saw that you tried to call. I had to run into the store for a second. I’ll be home soon so please wait for me.”
“I was worried. I don’t like it when you go out so late. And then you didn’t answer so I was afraid you were in an accident. I need to see you to make sure you are okay!” I played it up as much as possible.
“I’m fine! I needed to help out a friend that was stranded but I’m on my way now. Lay back down and I’ll kiss you all over when I get back.”
“Promise?” I flirted.
“So much! Bye.”
“Bye.” I smiled. At least it seemed like he really did just drop Alicia off instead of staying with her for any amount of time. She didn’t win as much as she thought. I undressed and laid in the bed and waited for my kisses.



Oh no!!! What happened?

American Noona American Noona

My account got messed up... I'm a lot upset.
(this is Jai_dragon)

Krazzi-J Krazzi-J

@Jai Dragon
Thank you sweetheart! Don't know about that but i really appreciate it. :D I have some time on my hands and they are itching to get back to my Zico! :D Love you.

American Noona American Noona

@American Noona
Guess who's back, back again! Only the best author on this site! XOXO

Jai Dragon Jai Dragon

@Jai Dragon
I miss you too. My life got crazy but now I'm hoping I can start writing again, I miss it so much. And all of you! <3