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Let's meet a white tiger

A name

The next day, when I arrive at work...

"- Hiiiiiii man ! Wahouu you have such a bad face today ! Didn't sleep well ?
-Hi JR . Yep ...

Yes, that's true , I really didn't sleep well...In fact , I didn't sleep at all. My brain didn't want to stop thinking of HIM .

Oh and you're really late man!
-Hmm... I took a look at the clock . 11.30 AM . I am sorry , I didn't ..
- That's fine, don't worry . For once, I can reproach something to you haha "

I put my costum on , walk in these main commercial street and begin to distribute this printed papers to passerby in order to bring them to the shop.
Suddenly , I see him , wearing a superb black outfit which really fits him. His skynny pants suits him so perfectly that I can notice his thin body.

" Hi Mr. white tiger ! " tell me this young man while he was coming in the candy shop.

His voice....

I look at him from the outside , this guy who is looking at the big shelf full of sweet with such amazed eyes.

"-REN !!!! shout a girl among a group of teenagers while they are coming in the shop in direction of this amazing blond-haired boy.
- Hi guy !!"

From where I am , I listen to them and don't stop staring at him. He is an joyful person , lovely , has some girls manners which make him looks very cute . I look at him nail black polish. He didn't wear this yesterday.

His group of friends and himself go out of this place full of sweetness , and while he was passing his way he said to the " M. white tiger " to have a good day and he will be back soon.
I look at him going his way with all of these people.

Yes, see you soon Ren.

During the next days , he regulary cames back at the shop. He becomes the most faithful and this idea really don't displease me.
JR is the kind of guy who can make friends easily , so he becomes acquainted with Ren and as I participate to their conversations , we quickly learned about each others.

His name is Ren, 20 years old boy , studying arts.

And I fall in love with him.



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