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Dance, Love or Both

Chapter Six: Onew Meet Kayla


The concert was the longest we have ever had. It was seven hours long. I couldn't wait for the people who had backstage passes to come backstage. I really wanted to give Kayla a hug. It was another thirty minutes before they were let backstage.

It turned out that Kayla and her friends were the only ones with backstage passes. I smiled because that meant I could spend time with her. When I saw Kayla, I ran up to her and hugged her. I heard her chuckle at my excitement. She said, "I'm glad to meet you too, Onew."

I smiled and stepped away from her. "Let me introduce my crew. This is Jonghyun, Minho, Taemin and Key."

I pointed to each one as I said their name. The girls bowed to us. Kayla said, "Let me introduce my crew. This is China, Joy, Fay and Jamie.We are also a SHINee cover dance group."

Kayla put her backpack down and grabbed something out of it. I noticed that it was food containers. Kayla handed them to me and said, "The food. Just like I promised. I hope you enjoy it."

I smiled and said, "Thanks. We really loved the chicken you left for us at our practice room."

Kayla nodded. Taemin suddenly seemed to realize she had said they were one of our cover dance groups. He asked, "Who is suppose to be which member?"

Kayla chuckled. "I'm Key. China is Jonghyun. Joy is Taemin. Jamie is Onew. Fay is Minho."

Key asked, "Can we see you do our dance?"

Kayla and the girls smirked.



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