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Sehun's Adopted Sister *Now editing*

Chapter 16

Jeong woke up only to find out that she as tied up on a chair. “Where am I?” She asked confused of where she was.

“You’re in the middle of nowhere. Somewhere no one will find where you are.” A sudden voice said alerting her. ‘Oh no’ Jeong thought. She started to shiver mentally ‘It’s him’. He walked in front of her and then crouched so he was the same height as her. “Miss me?” Jeong glared at him intensely which earned a slap in return. “You shouldn’t glare at your elders, missy.Maybe I should teach you a lesson.” Her eyes widened and started to shake mentally and physically he smirked at Jeong then tilted his head. “Aw is little Jeong scared? Aw no need to worry I will make it less painful or maybe *glares*…more painful.” Jeong tried to move since she was tied up he started to beat her up.

A week later

At EXO’s Apartment

A week later and Jeong was still missing. Tao, D.O. and Sehun that she was not in school nor never came to the apartment and started to worry. As everyone in EXO were in the living room well everyone except one…and that was Sehun. Sehun was in his room over thinking about Jeong when he suddenly heard a ringing sound in his pocket. He took it out to see…Jeong’s phone :O. He decided to answer it in case it was important. He pressed the green telephone and put Jeong’s phone near his ear and started to listen. “Jeong! Where are you?! You’re meant to be at work! I gave you a warning and I’m not giving you another! Come at work or else I will send you to Bae Hyeon to be a prostitute!” Shouted Jeong’s manager. Sehun was shocked at what he was hearing.

“P-Prostitute? W-What a-are y-you t-talking about?” Sehun asked shocked. He wasn’t the only one. When the manager heard a guy’s voice he instantly knew he as in trouble.

“W-Who are you?”The manager asks before Sehun could replay Tao rushed into his room. Sehun looked up to see Tao’s worried face wanting to know what this was about.

“S-Sehun i-it’s n-bad it’s really really bad you have to come to the living room.” Tao stated nervously a bit afraid. Sehun was confused and wanted to ask.

“W-What’s wrong? What happened?” Sehun asked worried. Tao suddenly had a serious face as he looked at Sehun.

“Jeong’s in danger.”


Short Chapter I know I am so sorry! Mianhae *bows 90 degrees.* I want to thank all the comments I had got I was so touched and was smiling a lot! Kamsamnida! Thank you for the 14 votes with the rating 9.3, 29 subscribers, 19 comments AND 8,025 VIEWS!!! Aaaaagh! I am so happy! Thank you guys so much! Now I want to talk about EXO well Tao, Kris and Luhan like Tao leaving EXO on the 25th of August!!! I was really upset but when I saw this Chinese interview with him in it (can't remember the name of it) I was glad he left he struggled a lot and now he is free and is a solo singer! Like OMG HIS ENGLISH THO IN CROWN MV I had to repeat it immediately to hear his fluent English I was really shocked and his albums were amazing like what. And then there's Kris WHO'S MOVIE, MR. SIX IS COMING OUT ON MY BIRTHDAY LIKE OMG IT LOOKS SO GOOD I WANT IT NOW but when he shaved his head I was really upset his hair was like on point then he shaves it I don't know the reason tho someone tell me please and there's Luhan who's film is coming out 'The witness' on October 30th and his solo album comes out like OMG SO AMAZING!!!! His songs are amazing! And his song 'Adventure Time' sounded like he was talking in a fan I just had to laugh! AND LIKE OMG HIS MV FOR THAT GOOD GOOD! o_0! Have you guys heard that Kris and Luhan might be in Big Brother China??? When I found out this morning I was like OMG! I hope they are! I am not sure how you vote though can someone also tell me?? Anyway I want to ask my Mstars a task so basically in school my form does this song of the week thing and our class can recommend any song which is on Spotify (I think) and that's when I am trying to pick one song! And I can't find the perfect one (well all of them are perfect but my class is critics :P to them) so I need your help can you help me find a song for them to actually like? If not I will just suggest a random song and they will have no choice but to listen to it but I just need help into picking a song! Please help me! Anyway have you guys heard Red Velvet's new song Dumb Dumb? I love it! And the other comebacks like CN Blue also have you guys heard Up10tions debut? I love them already!


@Summer Ho

This book is already on Wattpad so I don't think so... I dunno sorry.

Hello. With your permission I would like to post your this story on wattpad (if you have one. Then it okay) I will credit you as putting your tumblr link in my Bio and the book I have copied from you. Thanks.

@Crystal luhan

Thank you so much! I will <3 Fighting~!

I love this story . I hope u will write more stories, FIGHTING !

@Dami tyler
I don't really know! It's just on that chapter I just shipped them since I thought it was quite cute. But I still ship Tao and Jeong with each other I guess.

MahnoorlovesAsia MahnoorlovesAsia