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Broken Hearts and Crystal Tears


The girls had a blast, and in all the excitement, they unanimously decided to visit the bar.

After countless shots of cocktails and baijiu, the SUGAR members were undoubtedly drunk. They could barely make their way through the crowd of people without tripping over their own legs.

Luckily the four Chinese teens were still sober, even though China had no minimum legal drinking age. “I’m pretty sure you guys can’t ride a taxi or the subway this drunk. Do you need a ride?” asked Tianyu.

“Yes, thank you so much,” said Hailey, her words slurring.

The girls piled into the car, and the last thing the SUGAR members saw before falling asleep were the colorful Beijing night lights through the window.

~6 hours later~

Summer slowly opened her eyes. She took in the surroundings with her eyes. She was in the living room of an apartment, on the couch with the rest of the SUGAR members. She tried getting up from the couch, but found that she couldn’t move her hands or feet. That was when she noticed they were tied by ropes. So were the other members’ hands and feet.

“Guys! Wake up!” she whispered loudly.

The others stirred and finally woke up. “Where are we?” Minnie said.

“Shh. I don’t know either.”

“Let’s get out of here,” Tae said. She tried getting up, but a voice stopped her from continuing.
“Don’t even try. We know who you five are. There’s no use trying to leave.”

The owner of the voice walked into our view.

“Muhan? What are you doing?”

“What does it look like?” another voice said. In came Tianyu, Zitao, and Hangyu.

“W-what did you mean when you said that you know who we are?” Yoomi asked with wide eyes.

“We know that you five aren’t just any pretty girls. You’re SUGAR, the new SM band that will debut soon,” said Hangyu.

“And we know that two of you--Minnie and Summer--are more than friends with Kai and Sehun,” Zitao continued.

“Let’s just say we’re not too happy about that,” said Tianyu.

“What are you going to do with us?” asked Minnie.

“You’ll see, but first, I’m sure you’ve missed your boyfriends. Would you like to see them?” said Hangyu.

The SUGAR members’ eyes widened in fear. How could the Exo members be HERE? They were in Korea!

The Chinese girls untied them, and led them to a small bedroom. Inside there were four chairs and tied to them were Kai, Sehun, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun. They were tied also gagged, and by the looks of it, were asleep.

Minnie and Summer let out a small gasp, and tried to run towards their boyfriends, but Tianyu and Hangyu grabbed their arms.

Hangyu laughed at their desperate looks on their faces, and dragged the Exo members into a closet, locking the door shut.

Muhan smirked. “Well, good luck with them!” And with that, the four Chinese girls ran out of the room, locking the door shut again.

~30 minutes later~

“Hey, what’s that weird smell?” Tae asked, her nose scrunched up and brows furrowed together.

“I don’t know, but I’m incredibly tired.” Minnie yawned.

All the other members except for Hailey nodded in agreement. Their eyelids suddenly felt too heavy to keep open for any second longer.

Hailey, who was the only one wide awake, grabbed their shoulders and shook each of them, but all they did was push her off and continue to fall into a deep sleep. Hailey started to panic. It was crucial that they all kept awake to think of a plan to escape, but it looked like she would be the only one now to save them all.

The room was awfully quiet as the others slept. Hailey spent a few minutes surveying the building they were in. Thankfully they had been released from bondage. She was an avid fan of the thriller genre, so she tried conjuring all the knowledge she had gained from books and movies.

The first step was to check every single door and window to see if they were locked. To her dismay, all remained shut. Don’t panic, she thought. Stay calm. Think.
When Hailey was busy in thought, she had a habit of playing with her hair. As her finger twisted around a lock of silver hair, something fell out onto the floor. It was a bobby pin! Suddenly an idea struck her. Now she would have to try a method that she had only seen in movies.

She pried the bobby pin partially open. She went to the door of the closet that Exo was in instead of the main entrance, just in case there were extra traps she was unaware of. She took a deep breath. She stuck the bobby pin into the lock. Silence. She twisted the bobby pin clockwise. She heard a quiet click. She grinned in satisfaction, twisted the handle and pulled.
The door opened, revealing the Exo members lying in a heap, beads of sweat dotting their foreheads. They were all asleep, and even though she nudged them with her foot, their eyes remained shut.

A sigh of despair escaped her lips. Now she would have to figure out a way to wake them all up. She needed to prevent the gasp from entering their lungs, or at least filter out the chemicals. Filtration… Aha! She was definitely on a roll today.

She returned to the small bedroom the four Chinese girls had originally kept Exo in. There, she opened the closet, in hope to find some clothing. Unfortunately, the closets were empty. However, her eyes landed on the bed sheets that covered the twin-size bed. They would work as a substitute.

Hailey tore eight long pieces of material off from the bed sheet. She went back to the closet and kneeled down next to Baekhyun. She took one piece of the material and tied it around his nose and mouth, like a mask that they would always wear at airports to prevent smog from harming their lungs. She did this to each of the members, meticulously as to not hurt them. Finally, she finished up with the SUGAR members.

She sat patiently, waiting for them to awaken. After about five minutes, she was about to give up, but then she heard noise coming from behind her.

“Whoa, where am I?” Baekhyun’s drowsy voice interrupted the silence.

Hailey’s face brightened up. Soon, the SUGAR members gradually started to stir.

Minnie rubbed her eyes and blinked several times before standing up rapidly. “Kai!” she exclaimed, before sprinting toward the closet.

Hailey just stood there, aghast at how no one even noticed all that she had done.

~ a few minutes later~

“Wow, we’re all alive! Thanks Hailey, you’re the best!” Summer engulfed Hailey in a big hug, and everyone else placed their arms around them in a big group hug.

“Okay, enough is enough.” Hailey pretended to brush off her shoulders. “Let’s get out of here.”

“How did you do it?” Tae asked curiously as they made their way to the apartment door.
“Just watch.” Hailey took out her bobby pin and followed the same process from earlier. The lock sounded with a click, and the door swung open. It was a typical staircase of an apartment building. No surprises.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s get out of here!” Kai said, tugging on Minnie’s hand. They casually walked out of the room, with no traces of worry on their faces.

Sehun shrugged, and dragged Summer out as well. The rest of them followed closely behind, a bit unsure of what they were supposed to do next.

“What happened back there anyway?” Chanyeol asked. “What even is this place?”

“That is a very long story.” Tae chuckled, remembering all that had happened in the past day.

“But basically-”

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” A sharp and sarcastic voice penetrated the air. The sound of high heels echoed throughout the stairwell.

Everyone held their breath as they waited for the person to make an appearance. All were frozen in place, too afraid to make a break for it.

A glamorous woman finally stepped into view. Her pale skin contrasted with her silky black hair that was swept back into a high ponytail, highlighted by bright red lips that matched a sleek red jumpsuit. But what drawed the most attention was her piercing glare, that was truly one of a kind.

Baekhyun’s eyes widened in surprise. “H-Han Chan Gi.”


It's been two years (wow!) since we last updated but we found some time out of our busy schedules and wanted to continue writing!!
Hope you all enjoy the update :)
M and I


OMFG this is so good!!!! i absolutely love this fanfiction, it's DEFINITELY MY FAVORITE!!! please udpate~~~ it's been so longggg :(

@R.z.e.x.o @MarksonMandu @Crystal luhan
thank you so much! we have decided to end the fanfiction where we have left off, due to being busy :( if you could, please check out another oneshot i have written ;)

More update pla

More update pla

i love this pls udate!!!