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Broken Hearts and Crystal Tears

Best Friends

~3 weeks passed by with more training and daily visits from EXO~
Two days before Sehun could leave the hospital, CEO Kim Young-min requested a meeting with SUGAR’s and Exo’s manager.

“I have heard that there has been some...attractions between the two Exo maknaes and two of the SUGAR members…” Young-min said without expression.

“Er--yes. That is true. Sehun and Jongin seem to have some feelings,” Exo’s manager said nervously.

The managers were expecting Kim Young-min to get angry and immediately make them break up, but instead he said, “I want them to get closer.”

SUGAR’s manager’s eyes widened, “Them? Them as in who?”

“Hmm...Kai and Minnie will get together. They are both the lead dancers so they would look good together. And Sehun and Summer will get together. Yes, that’s a good plan.”

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but what is your purpose for this? Shouldn’t they be able to like who they want?” asked SUGAR’s manager.

“Who is in charge here? I am their CEO, and I know that them dating will cause a lot of drama, media, and chaos for the fans. But they will learn to accept it, and it will help SUGAR promote.”

SUGAR’s manager wanted to argue that it will only make SUGAR one of the most hated girl groups, but he kept his mouth in a tight line. Exo’s manager’s face turned red, but he didn’t say anything. There would be no doubt that Exo-L would be furious.

“We won’t publicly say that the two couples are dating, that can wait for a few more months. So there is no need to worry yet,” Kim Young-min said.

SUGAR’s manager pursed his lips. Unwillingly, he said, “Fine. I’ll tell Min Rin and Sung Chan. But they sure won’t be happy about it.”

Exo’s manager sighed. “Ok, I will go talk to Jongin and Sehun in the hospital. I have a feeling those two will be quite happy.”

~a few hours later~
Exo’s manager and Kai met in Sehun’s hospital room.

“I need to tell you two something, and I’m not sure if you will be happy or uncomfortable,” said manager hyung. “Kim Young-min-ssi has noticed that you two have developed feelings for two of the SUGAR members, and surprisingly, he wants you guys to get closer with them.”

“Closer? What exactly does ‘closer’ mean?” asked Kai.

“As in dating. I know that is a big shock, but I cannot do anything about it.”
“Date who exactly?” asked Sehun. His heart beat faster. Could he really get with Summer?

“Well, Young-min-ssi wants Kai and Minnie together, and Sehun and Summer to be a couple,” manager hyung said.

Kai and Sehun showed no emotion, but inside they were excited and somewhat scared. What if the girls wouldn’t be happy about Youngmin-ssi’s plan? Kai and Sehun didn’t want more crying and broken hearts.

Kai nodded.

~SUGAR’s practice room~

“Minnie and Summer, can I talk to you for a moment?” asked SUGAR’s manager as he entered the practice room.

Minnie and Summer stepped out of the practice room into the halls.

“What do you need to talk to us about?” asked Minnie.

“I need to talk to you about Exo. Kim Youngmin-ssi has found out that you two have some...interests in the two maknaes of Exo.”

Oh no! Kim Youngmin-ssi must be angry, thought Summer.

To her surprise, her manager said “Youngmin-ssi wants you two to date Jongin and Sehun.”

Summer’s eyes brightened. Maybe this was finally her chance to prove herself to Kai.

Minnie, on the other hand, thought the same thing for Sehun.
Both were disappointed when their manager said, “Jongin and Min Rin are a couple, and Sehun and Sung Chan are the other couple.”

Both Summer’s and Minnie’s mouth hung open. Both were also slightly jealous of the other. Oh well, I had no chance with Sehun anyways, thought Minnie. Yah! I wanted Kai, and Sehunnie as my boyfriend? So weird… thought Summer.

Minnie and Summer both said, “Um..okay. So what do we do?”

“You’ll see,” SUGAR’s manager said with a wink.

He left, and Minnie and Summer awkwardly sat down.

Suddenly, Minnie spoke. “WhyareyounottalkingtomeIdon’tknowwhatIdidwro-”

“Whoa Minnie...calm down. I- well, I guess this is the right time to tell you, but please don’t be mad.”

Minnie shook her head. “I thought YOU were the one that was mad.”

Summer blushed. “I was...until I realized.”

Minnie looked at Summer. “Realized what?”

Summer sighed. “I really like Kai, and I know he really likes you. And Sehun likes me, but you like Sehun. I was really mad at you because you broke Kai’s heart when you fell for Sehun. But I realized that I did the same thing, because I broke Sehun’s heart when I fell for Kai. And now...we are supposed to date the boy whose heart we broke. So what should we do?”

Both girls sat in comfortable silence for a while, until Minnie spoke up.

“Maybe we should pretend to like them back, so they won’t be so- nevermind, that won’t work; they already know that who we like.”

Summer sighed. “We do have pretty bad habits of breaking hearts.”

Minnie laughed half-heartedly. “Yah...and I’m so sorry Summer. For everything.”

Summer smiled at Minnie. “Me too. I’m more sorry for being angry. But best friends again?”

Minnie grinned. “Definitely.”


We actually did something that's positive! (which is a first)
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M and I

Here's a drawing that a really talented and awesome friend of ours drew:


OMFG this is so good!!!! i absolutely love this fanfiction, it's DEFINITELY MY FAVORITE!!! please udpate~~~ it's been so longggg :(

@R.z.e.x.o @MarksonMandu @Crystal luhan
thank you so much! we have decided to end the fanfiction where we have left off, due to being busy :( if you could, please check out another oneshot i have written ;)

More update pla

More update pla

i love this pls udate!!!