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What? ArrangedToYou

Chapter 18.

V’s pov
After we had freshen up at my parents hotel, they brought us to Kuroshio sea. It was a big aquarium with lots of fishes in it. It felt as if we were walking in the sea and the fishes swam around us. *click* I suddenly heard a click-sound coming from behind me. I turned towards the sound. “Hmph it works like that” Ming said to herself while looking at the picture that came out of the Polaroid camera my mom gave her. I walked over to her to see the picture too. “Don’t look it’s ugly” she hid the picture in her hands. “Why not? I want to see too” I begged her.

“Nope, let me take a better one at least. Go stand there” I walked near the glass and posed cutely. She took the picture. “Agh this one is better, now my turn. Here take it for me” she handed me the camera and went to stand next the glass. She stood shyly with a small smile, as if I was taking her school photo. “Kiss that big fish that’s coming” I said to her. She turned and did as if she blew a kiss to the whale, at that moment the whale head turned up. I quickly took the picture. “And?” she came back next to me.

I looked at the picture that came out. I started to laugh. “Let me see” she stood on her toes to see over my shoulder. “Nope, I’m keeping this one” I stoke my tongue out. She hit my arm. “Let me see at least” she pouted. I took a picture of her. “Yet another cute one” I smiled at her. She grabbed the camera and made a selfie off her and the fishes. I walked over at her and rested my head on her shoulder. “Smile” she took a picture of us. “Darlings, are you hungry?” my mom shouted at us. I nodded and ran towards her, Ming came walking to the car. “Hurry up , I’m hungry” I opened the door for her. She stepped in “I needed to pick these” she showed me the pictures I had made off her. “Give them back” I opened my hand. “Nope, you tossed them away” she turned to face the other way.

“I didn’t, they fell, please?” she shook her head. I pouted and crossed my arms. I slowly peeked at her, she was still staring outside. I slowly tickled her. “No don’t” she chuckled a little. I smirked a little before tickling her again, she burst into laughter and fell on my lap. I stopped and helped her up. “Here” she threw the pics on my lap. “Thank you” I hugged her. She smiled and took my hands from her waist.

Sa-rang pov
“SA-RANG!!” Aylin yelled at me. “Huh? Ow crap” I pulled back from the counter and grabbed a towel and cleaned the coffee that spilled on the table. “Just leave it, take a break” Aylin pulled me back and cleaned my mess. I took my apron off and went outside the building, I grabbed a box of cigarettes and started to smoke. Ming and Taehyung are together in Japan, why do I feel so uneasy? Her being in Japan at the same time as Taehyung doesn’t mean she’s with him, maybe she’s with someone else. I blew the smoke out. “Back to smoking I see” Zico came outside with two cups. “Shut up!” I shouted at him. “Just trying to help, geez” he handed me one of the cups. “Thanks for the coffee, oppa” I said sarcastically. He smirked at me.

“Sa-rang, what’s wrong with you? You’ve been like this since Monday afternoon” Aylin came outside furious. I grabbed another cigarette. “Give me that” Aylin grabbed my box of cigarettes away. “I can always buy another one” I rolled my eyes. “It’s you and that boy again. Did you break up with him again?” Zico asked me. “YES PROBLEM?!” I shouted. “No, I hope he‘ll finally replace you” he said angrily while standing up. I dropped my cigarette and was about to go after him when Aylin held me back. “Chill and just go home, you won’t do any good” she said to me before going back in. I went back inside to grab my bag and went away.

On my way I called Taehyung, but he wasn’t picking up. I looked outside while a tear escaped my eyes. Zico’s words were replaying in my mind. If he replaces me, would you finally love me?

Hyunsik’s pov
I was staring at all the letters that were on my table that Sungjae gave me. He wanted me to forgive Ming and after reading all her letters that were meant for me, he was right. I re-read them more than 20 times already. I was a bigger jerk that night. I acted foolishly, but that’s why I didn’t want to talk to her that night. I know I can’t handle my jealousy when she’s with another guy that shows interest in her. Instead of understanding I pushed her away. Now I miss her more than anything, I want to see her laugh, her small smile. Her sparkling eyes, hear her voice, but I’m afraid she won’t forgive me. Me with my big mouth. I grabbed my phone and started to text her, pouring my heart out, but didn’t send it to her. She deserves a better apology than this, I’ll just go and see her tonight. “Hyunsik your up” the PD called me. I nodded and grabbed the letters and hid them in my bag.

Ming’s pov
After a very long day we were finally heading back home. I was glad on one part that his parents didn’t make him propose to me, with a ring at the restaurant. That would have been so embarrassing and tacky, since most people keep proposing like that and expect you to have the same reaction, uhm no. I looked at the last picture that I took with Tae that was in my pocket, this dude was handsome and he’s outshining me. “Here you go” his mom handed me a doggy bag. I looked at her with a confused expression. “It’s the dessert that we barely got time to enjoy at the restaurant” she assured me. I bowed my head and took the bag. “Let’s share, I got strawberry and you?” Taehyung looked at me. “Let me open it” I slowly opened the bag while looking with the corner of my eyes at him, just teasing him. “Agh, come here” he grabbed the bag from my hand. “Huh? Weird” he pulled out a little box. “What’s that darling?” his mom asked, I looked at him curiously too. He opened the box and froze. I leaned a little next to him to see what it was and froze as well. “I’m curious let see, omo” his mom said surprised. I looked over at Taehyung who was still frozen.

“That’s why you asked your dad to bring the dessert with us, how romantic” his mom was blushing. I looked at Tae with big eyes. He planned this?
“Now son don’t you think on her finger it would look more prettier than in the box?” his father said to him as if telling him to put the ring around my finger already. Tae turned and looked me in the eyes, man I feel bad that I wasn’t Sa-rang right now. This would have been a beautiful moment to propose. I grabbed his arm and squeezed it a little, this was a situation that we both had no escape. I realized it wasn’t him that planned this, but rebelling against his parents wasn’t an option either. It was a smart move and well planned, I was watching Tae while he was putting the ring around my finger. “It’s beautiful” I said loud enough for his parents to hear and leaned a bit closer hugging him. “Let’s talk later” I whispered in his ear and he nodded before I let go. He handed me the box for me to take the other ring and putting it around his finger. “Omo, my son is going to be married soon” his mom started to cry.

Yep soon, If this doesn’t work out I’ll be stuck in a marriage. She turned to grab a tissue. Mr. Kim grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Should I consider marrying Tae? He wouldn’t be a terrible husband and his parents accept me with open arms. The only problem would be that he might try to make children and he would still have feelings for Sa-rang. I wonder if my love for Hyunsik still would remain then. Or would it fade away and I would start to develop feelings for Taehyung. I know he won’t ever fall for me as long as Sa-rang is alive. Maybe I’ll ask Henry to kill her for me, I chuckled at my inside joke. I stared out the window until we arrived at our hotel. We thanked them for everything and watched them drive away.

“What now?” Taehyung asked me concerned. I wanted him to tell them the truth, but what if they accept Sa-rang? I barely have somewhere to stay. Going home with a psycho is worst and living with oppa means seeing my ex 24/7. Man I will become homeless. “Just give me a little more time” I answered. He looked at me with big eyes. “Why?” he asked confused. “It’s complicated” I said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me in a hug. “Ming to tell you the truth I’ve started to grow feelings for you too” he said to me. I pulled from the hug and looked at him shocked. “Tae..” I was about to tell him something when I was interrupted.

“HYUNG, there you are. The van is waiting on you we’re late, here is you’re bag. Hi noona” Kookie pulled him towards the van. “I’ll text you!” Tae shouted before leaving. I stayed at the same spot, this is crazy. What feelings for him, I just started to accept him and he thinks it’s feelings. I can’t fall in love with him, he’s engaged. Okay somehow to me too, but he chose Sa-rang technically. Did he think I was trying to get over my feelings for him? Why would he even… aghr I face-palmed myself. I forgot that I had confessed to him, but that was acting. He still believes that I must have feelings for him. Why am I even getting nervous? It’s not that I love him or something.

“Ming?” a familiar female voice called me. I turned and looked her in the eyes before hugging her “Unnie”. “I see someone missed me, why are you here alone in the cold?” she asked me. “Arranged marriage, thanks to M.I.A. appa” I told her. “Aish, it’s freezing, come” she grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. “You still trust me?” she asked me. I nodded, she dragged me in the bar area of the hotel. “But I can’t drink” I whispered to her. “Don’t worry, 1 night won’t kill you. It’ll help you and I’m just with some friends” she told me. We walked over at a VIP area where 6 girls were drinking. “This one is about to lose it” she introduced me to the others. “Drink this, it’ll help you” a blond hair girl handed me a glass. From politeness I took the drink and took a sip. They all started to laugh.

“In one shot” unnie whispered to me. “But it’s not a shot glass” I whispered to her. “Just do it, I’m here” she encouraged me. I sighed and drank the whole glass in one shot. They cheered before handing me another glass. “5 more to go” a ginger girl said. “Guys, this is the last one” unnie responded. “You don’t have too if you don’t want” she whispered to me. Whatever, I need something to cheer me up. I grabbed the glass and drank it in one shot as well as the other 4 too. After a few minutes my whole vision started to blur, I could barely sit straight or think. Everyone was laughing except grumpy unnie. “…..a minor, why …. Put …. XTC….?” she asked. “It… wssn… herss” someone answered. “……roroom….waist” I stood up but was pulled back and that’s the last thing I remembered before waking up early in the morning next to two guys in bed.

To be continue……



Hwaiting!! Updated soon!! I enjoyed reading!!

Shaaddict Shaaddict

Updated soon

Dami tyler Dami tyler

Great Writing !!! :)
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bondanella bondanella

This story is really amazing !! Please update it ♥♥

HyeRim HyeRim

When will u update it again? I cant wait it ^-^

luhannie luhannie