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Tell me Good-Bye

Our Love

Min's Pov----

It has been two months since the incident. Bomi and Mark hasn't told anyone yet. Jin and I came out with our relationship and told everyone about it. So far life has been going well for me. I've been getting treatment and

taking pills everyday. I still get bully here and there dor dating a kingka but I don't mind, Jin was always there for me and protected me. I am still waiting for a donor so I could get my surgery done. I don't know how I am going to tell Jin, my grandma, and everyone else.

"Annyeong jagiya!"
Jin back hug me
"oh, what took you so long?" I pouted

"choesonghamnida. Where do you ant to go for our date today, Jagiya?"
Jin did aegyo
"aigoo, kyeopta." I gave jin a kiss, "I want to go to Namsan Tower."


We both got to Namsoo Tower. We bought our lock and wrote our message on it. I wanted to lock his heart so no one could open it.

My lock: I'm so glad I've meet you. i'm glad I have you in my life...I'm even willing to give up my life for your own happiness...Saranghaeyo.

Jin's lock: Jagiya, I'll love you no matter what happens in the future. You'll always be in my heart. Min you are my one and only, so don't tell me good-bye...Saranghae.

After that we went to the Han river for a walk. I'll cherish every single day with you. I don't want to loose uou. It was getting late and dark outside.

"I have a surprise for you Min-ah-ssi."
Jin said happily
He took me to a hill where there was only one tree at te top. When we got there, you could see over the city.

"Yeppeuda! especially at night."
"Jagiya, close your eyes and only open it when I tell you, arraseo."

I waited for at least 20 minutes until I start to hear him sing Only One. I start to tear up and pictures of us hanging from the branches. After he was done, Jin got up and yell.

"Look here! Min-ah-ssi is my girlfriend. I love her and only her. I will always be by her side and protect her. Saranghae Min-ah!!!"
he yelled over the city.

I whisper

He walked over to me and held me in his embrace. He kiss my forehead, cheeks, eyes, nose, lips. I pulled Jin in close as I tiptoed, I kissed him back but passionately. I could feel his soft lips against mine, I let his tongue

enter my my mouth as we kissed. My arm wrapped around his neck, I run my fingers trough his hair. Jin arms was around my waist. We both cam in closer leaving no gap between us. It became a 5 minute make out session. Soon Jin broke the kiss still holding me tight.

he kiss my forehead

"Nado, Saranghaeyo (hugs jin)Gomowa for always being there for me. I want this to last for ever. Jin what ever happens in the future just know that I'll always love. Our love will grow stronger." tears starts to run down my face.

"Pabo, why re you cryinh. You look the most beautiful when you smile." he wipes away your tears "Niga Yeppeuda."


Choesonghamnida if this chapter is boring, i'll try my best to make it even better.
Comment, Rate, Subscribe......Saranghae! (^-^)V
Also look forward to the next chapter. I have some one from Exo to cameo!


The feels are real :,(

thank you I feel honored, I'm glad you like it

asheikM asheikM

♥♥ woah so great ♥ ♥ i'm going to translate it for the arab kpop lovers they'll love it for sure ♥ ♥
all the right will be reserved for you ♥ ♥

bila bila

My Feelz

Beloved1230 Beloved1230

Otoke!!! How can you do this to me author? Making cry my eyes out.. this is really touching

Dami tyler Dami tyler