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Chapter 9

I ran to the car and got in luhan and lay jumped in as well we sped off to the bakery time was running low.

*bambaratatata tatatatata beeeh*

My phone was playing its ringtone I answer it quickly

"Hey! Where are you going where all in cars following behind you" I hear Minnie's voice cry out

"I was in that girl from the news Leias head I know where she is we gotta save her!" I say quiet quickly

"I'll call the police and have them meet us there?" She asks

"Yes. Call them and tell then to get to carpools bakery asap" I state in a rush because we have arrived at our destination

Carpools factory has been run down for years now it went outta business and nobody wanted to buy the building so of course it was the perfect place to keep children you kidnap

Instead of rushing in with all guns blazing I have an idea, because appa used to work here I turn around and gather everybody around

"Appa I want you to place at least 2 people at every exit in this building one person can be visible the other is a surprise attack if this guy tries to escape, Minnie stay here and make sure that when the police arrive to fill them in. This guy is dangerous he is absolutely dangerous he's a serial kidnapper we have to be careful the latest girl he's taken is injured badly lay and I will go in and get her and if we aren't back by the time the police arrive tell them to enter. Everyone okay with the plan?" I state matter of factly and before they could deny or make any sense of what is going on I grabbed lays hand and pulled him into the open window

We slowly went downstairs I was scared I couldn't hear a damn thing going on

'What if I was wrong?'

'What if it was just a dream?'

But than again, what if I'm right? I'm not sure which one I'm more scared of.

I stop right in front of a door I hear a deep voice I instantly recognise and sobbing of a girl


I see a piece of wood on the ground I motion to lay to pick it up I signal for him to quickly hide I gather all my courage and open the door

"Let her go" I snarl as i slam open the door

I look at the scene before me Leia is crying and I look around to see 20 or so children tied and gagged to the wall

'Oh my god their all still alive'

"Who the fuck are you?" He growls deeply

I slowly edge my way towards Leia while the man is facing me the whole time he finally has his back towards me I see a shadow move in through the door I purposely left open its not lay like I expected

Its a man dragging an unconscious lay.

"Lay" I scream
He can't hear me

"Now girl if you want your little boyfriend to live you'll listen to me alright" the man holding lay says

Tears are streaming down my face I can't let lay get hurt anymore I try to think of something to do but as I go to make a move somebody else does.

They have the piece of wood that lay had in his hand and with two swift moves the men are on the ground bleeding.

I look up and zitao he's panting and so is xiumin they saved us

I turn around and untie Leia she grabs me and cries

"Thank you unnie I thought in was dreaming when I heard your voice" she cries

Xiumun has picked lay up so I ask him to bring lay to me

I lay Leia down and grab lays hand I focus all my mind and energy to the wound on her stomach my hands start to glow. When I feel like its finished I remove them and see her stomach fully healed as well as all her bruises

I feel like passing out but I know I can't until I heal lay I turn around and out one hand on his head and one on his heart I heal him I feel him wake up I smile but before I can do anything I pass out.


I'm gibing you TWO UPDATES that's right! Wooooh


it is great i like it


Haaaai again sorry I'm on a semi-haitus until my work is completely up to date sadly school is sucking the life out ta me u.u should update sometime soon though :))

unniesgzb unniesgzb

Yehet!! Omo I'm so excited you have no idea! Sorry for not commenting on the previous chapter (school is killing me), but I still want more. (I'm like that teenaged boy that can't stop eating. ^^

FortyFive FortyFive

Hahah I hoped you would like it! There is more where that comes from trust me everybody is in for a suuuuurprrrrissse!!

unniesgzb unniesgzb

Oh my gosh!!
Shiz is going down!
Or technically went down...
Anyway these chapters are so long!!!
[i am a very demanding child..]

FortyFive FortyFive