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The way which the wind blows

Chapter 5

Your POV
“Stop doing that. You’re scaring her.” Says Sehun with a sigh. After school the Exo members pulled me over to ‘interrogate’ me I guess. Having eleven popular guys surround you and ask you questions is intimidating. The questions they would ask mainly involved Sehun. I am quite confused, why are these people so interested in me? “Um… Sehun and I met the yesterday.” I say They go into an uproar. “WOW ONLY YESTERDAY AND SHE’S ALREADY MAKING HIM SMILE!!!” They say over each other. I honestly don’t understand why they’re so happy about Sehun smiling. “Please come over to Sehun’s house to hang with us!” says one of the guys. “Wait. What? I only met you guys. How do I know you’re not actually pedophiles or something?” They all laugh, even Sehun cracks a little smile. “NO WONDER HE LIKES HER! SHE’S DIFFERENT I TELL YA!” they shout. “Stop shouting please.” I say unintentionally. “I’m sorry. It’s just. You’re really loud and you’re drawing attention.” I look at my feet. “Aw she’s a shy one. That’s cute!” One of them says. I’m so confused. Why are they so obsessed with me? Why are there so many of them? I’m so confused who is who. “Um, my mum is here to pick me up. I’ll be going now.” I say as a white Toyota pulls up into the parking spot. I walk to the care and am fully aware that the eleven members of Exo are following me. I open the door to the passenger seat. “Hi mum. Bye guys.” I say to Exo. But one of them holds the door open. “Hello there. Would it be OK if your sister came over to hang out with us afterschool tomorrow?” one of them says. I turn my head to my mum and give her a look. “Sister? Oh dear no. She is my daughter, I am her mother.” My mum laughs. “Oh I am truly sorry for my mistake, you just look so young that I mistook you for her sister.” He smiled sweetly. I mentally face palm myself. My mum giggles. “Sure, she can hang out with you lovely boys. Is it just you and her?” “Oh no, it will be a study session with many more people.” My mum smiles. “OK, bye boys.” They let me close the door and we drive off.

“Mum! Why did you say yes?” I ask, wide eyed. “Hmm?” “You don’t even know them. I don’t even know them!” “But they told me you were studying with them.” She says. “You’re so naïve.” I say face palming myself. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that (Y/N). I have very good judgment of people and I think these boys are very nice…and very cute.” “MUM!” With that, the conversation dropped.

Sehun’s POV
“You guys totally creeped her mum out.” I say as we walk to Chanyeol’s house. “Nah, it’s fine. I used the sister mother line.” Says Baekhyun with a cheeky smile on his face. ”Why are so guys so interested in her anyways?” “Because we want to get to know your girlfriend.” Says Suho with a smile. “She’s not my girlfriend.” I say with a sharp look. “Then why do you like her?” asks Chanyeol. “I don’t like her. I only met her yesterday.” “Love at first sight is a real thing.” Says Jongdae. I roll my eyes. “Eleven against one is not fair.” I say. The guys laugh and we enter Chanyeol’s house. “Hi mum.” Says Chanyeol. “Hello Chanyeol. Hello boys.” His beautiful mother says with a charming smile. “You boys staying for dinner?” We all nod. “Righty then, dinner for sixteen people then.” She says with a laugh. “Do you need any help with cooking?” asks Jongdae. “Kyungsoo and I can help.” “No it’s OK. Thank you for worrying but I can cook faster than anyone I know.” She says with a giggle. “It’s true.” Says Chanyeol. “Well mum if you need any help just shout out yeah?” she nods and we walk up stairs to Chanyeol’s room.

“Where are your brothers?” Luhan asks Chanyeol. “Taeyeol is at the gym I think and Kwongyeol is probably working.” Chanyeol says with a shrug. We all sit onto Chanyeol’s double bed. “Let’s continue our discussion about Sehuns girlfriend shall we?” says Luhan with a cheeky smile. I sigh and roll my eyes. “I rather we didn’t.” I say. “What’s her name?” asks Yixing, ignoring me. “(Y/N)” I say. “Ooooooh” they say. “It’s a cute name for a cute girl.” They wink and nudge me. “Drop it OK guys? We only met yesterday and I don’t know anything about her.” “Well tomorrow is your chance to get to know her!!” says Baekhyun. They cheer. “My goodness.”


Remember this is a fanfic!! I'm not sure if Chanyeol has two brothers named so and so ^^ but enjoy



So that my next story can have a happy ending :p

tea_ship tea_ship

Why do you end all your stories on horibly sad notes and break ups? You make me so sad.

AmyWtsn AmyWtsn


Thank you so much!!! You actually make me so happy (i think i say that too much hehe :')) I'm glad that you enjoyed the story and I'm glad to know you're not too pissed about the way i decided to end it (?) Thank you for your fabulous support :')

tea_ship tea_ship
it was really good, to the point where i started to hate sehun's character for being a jerk...i don't regret reading this story. It was Daebak!!! I'm sad that the story came to an end but if you ever have the time in the future, i would love for you to do a sequel to this. (^-^)V
(right now i'm like: ASDFGHJKL...oh, the feeling that i have right now)
asheikM asheikM


Jazzapple06 Jazzapple06