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⟨ Diaries of the Devil - The First Diary ⟩ Do Kyungsoo

⟨ 001 ⟩

"Gum out of your mouth please, Mr. Kim."

Jongin sighed and took the chewed up gum out of his mouth. The teacher smiled at him before turning her attention back to the chalkboard to continue drawing some sort of diagram. Jongin looked around the class room, "No bin," he whispered to himself. He looked down at his desk and shivered. Jongin absolutely hated the fact that sometimes he'd accidentally sit on or touch gum in the school grounds, but hey, where else was the guy going to put it? Behind his ear? Mm, not a chance.
Jongin hesitantly reached under the desk, sticking the gum in the top corner of it so it'd be less likely for himself, or some other student to touch it. As he drew his hand back, his hand lightly brushed against something, something that didn't feel like the tattered wood of the desk. Jongin blinked, brushing his hand on that same spot again. It was leather. Whatever it was, it was leather. Jongin grabbed the edge of the object and tugged on it. He blinked once more. It was stuck. He pushed his chair back as silently as he could and ducked his head under the desk. It was a leather covered book, stuck to the desk with what seemed to be dilapidated masking tape. He slid his thumb between the desk and the book, ripping it off quickly and efficiently. Jongin sat up right in his chair and leaned back, his legs spread lazily. He shuffled forward in his chair so he was closer to the desk. The book, as mentioned previously, had a brown, leather cover, and a plain brown strap which kept the book closed. How long it had been there? Don't ask. Because Kim Jongin certainly don't know the answer to that. The spine of the book was bonded together with the same dilapidated masking tape that kept the journal stuck to the table. It was dusty and without opening the book, anyone could tell the pages were yellowing, "I'll examine it at home," Jongin said, just in case the teacher caught him not paying attention and took the book away from him. Jongin stuffed it into his blazer and sat back in his chair once more, looking up at the board. Jongin tried his hardest to pay attention to the lesson, however he was just itching to open the book. The book seemed to be the only thing occupying Jongin's mind at the time. It was as if as soon as he pulled the book off the desk, he became addicted to it. But that couldn't be true.

He hadn't even opened it yet..

Jongin smiled at his mother as as ran through the door and up the stairs.
"O-Oh? Oh Jongin you aren't hungry? Yah Jongin-ah!" His mother blinked, but didn't question Jongin's actions.
Usually, Jongin would ask for something to eat after school, but for some reason his legs decided to just run to his room. Jongin grabbed the book out of his blazer and threw his bag onto the bed, slamming the book onto the desk and sitting on in his swivel chair, staring at it, "I shouldn't breach someone else's privacy.. But it's so tempting.." Oh.. So.. Tempting.. Jongin sighed and slowly pulled the strap that held the book shut, "I'm going to regret this later.." he muttered, slowly opening the cover of the book. Jongin stared at the very first page for the remainder of the night. He wasn't sure why, but he felt like he had to. Jongin frowned slightly. He'd seen this writing somewhere before. He's seen it, he swore it.
The first page was blank, except for the writing that was in the middle of the page. It was a name. The writing was in beautiful italic cursive. It made Jongin feel like crap for having such horrible hand writing.

Do Kyungsoo.

That was the name in the book. So familiar, yet so unfamiliar.



Oh, I really-reaaally like it! *-* It's really interesting, and I'm curious about the next chapters x3 :'D Update soon! :)

Naerin Naerin